A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1417 So inhuman

Lu Fei usually glared at Wang Xinlei and immediately surrendered unconditionally.

But today is a special situation.

Wang Xinlei was worried to death just now when he saw Wang Xinyi come back in a bloody mess.

When asking her sister, Wang Xinyi said nothing at all, went back to pick up her bag and drove away.

Later, several migrant workers told Wang Xinlei that Wang Xinyi and Lu Fei went for a walk together.

When asked about the direction of their walk, the two young men were confused at the same time.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and there is a man and a woman alone. What are you doing there?

But even if you do something, it won't end up like this, right?

When they came back and saw that Lu Fei's hand was injured, the two young men were even more puzzled.

When I asked Lu Fei, he was vague and secretive and glared at me.

With a little drink, Wang Xinlei became more courageous.

"Brother Fei, don't scare me."

"I have to ask questions even if you glare at me."

"I know my old sister likes you, but you are already a married man."

"If you step into two different boats, I will look down on you, brother."

"If you like my sister, then have sex with her."

"But if you dare to play with my sister's feelings, I, I will never listen to you."

"Our Wang family will never forgive you." Wang Xinlei said with his head held high.

"Brother, I support Xiao Yao this time!"

"Being a man requires responsibility."

"If you can't give sister Xinyi happiness, don't do anything inhumane."

"If only that"


"What's going on in your two heads?"

"Can you be more serious?"

"I told you, Xiaolei's sister and I have nothing to do."

"If you continue to talk nonsense, don't blame me for being impatient." Lu Fei shouted.

"Is everything okay?"

"Then my sister"


Lu Fei cursed hard and turned around and entered the project department.

Looking at Lu Fei's back, the little puppy shook his head slightly.

"Something's wrong!"

"There's absolutely something wrong!"


br\u003e “There is definitely something going on between them.”

"Xiao Yao, you can't be cowardly at this time."

"For the sake of your sister's happiness, I advise you to go in and ask for details."

"You come with me." Wang Xinlei said.


"Well, I drank too much just now. My head hurts so bad now. I have to go back to sleep."

"What's more, I'm an outsider."

"I'm going with you, isn't it true that my name is unfair?"


"You're just a coward!"

After Wang Xinlei said that, he turned around and left.

"Hey, are you going or not?"

"Go get a hammer!"

"Go back to sleep."

The two young men were just about to go in when Lu Fei changed his clothes and hurried out.

"Brother, where are you going?"

"I want you to take care of it?"

"Hey, you are very manic tonight!"

"Why are you so angry!" the little milk dog complained.

"I have nothing to say, but I am busy!" Lu Fei said.

"Where are you going?"

Hearing these words again, Lu Fei almost burst into anger.

Damn it!

It seems that these two bastards must have drank a lot tonight!

"I want to go back to the hotel, what on earth do you want to do?"

The little milk dog chuckled.

"What not to do!"

"I'll go back with you."

"I don't have time, you go back by yourself."

"Why don't you have time?"

"Why are you hiding from us?"

"Is there any hidden secret?"

"That's right."

"My old sister has just left, and you are so anxious. Is this because of your appointment?"


at this moment

, Lu Fei really wanted to give each of these two drunkards a mouthful.

In desperation, we could only let them get on the bus.

Lu Fei planned to send them back to the hotel and then to the airport, but as soon as the car got on the road, the two guys started making noise again.

"Brother Fei, we are all good brothers, tell me the truth, you follow" .??.

"you shut up!"

"You two bastards, listen to me. I'll say it again, Wang Xinyi and I have nothing to do."

"If you continue to talk nonsense, I will really fall out."

"Also, starting from today, you two will have a drinking limit."

"If you dare to drink too much, go home immediately." Lu Fei yelled.

"If you don't say it, don't say it. Why are you so loud!"

"It's scary."

"That's right, it's okay if we don't ask, and we are given a limit. Brother Fei, you are going too far, let me tell you."

"Shut up!"

"Your uncle's!"

"Whoever is blabbering, get out of here right away."

Lu Fei was so annoyed by these two idiots that his face turned red with anger.


Hearing the little puppy's voice again, Lu Fei braked suddenly and stopped on the side of the road.

He turned back and pointed at the little puppy and yelled.


"Go down and take a taxi yourself."

"And you, all get out of here."

"Brother Fei, don't be impatient. We want to say that there are a lot of police ahead!"

"You said, they are not checking for drunk driving, right?" Wang Xinlei said.


Lu Fei turned his head and looked forward. At the intersection about fifty meters away, there were indeed a large number of police checking the car.

At this moment, four police officers were already approaching him.

Lu Fei cursed in his heart and quickly looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a single carriageway, completely enclosed by a guardrail, making it impossible to turn around.

Damn it!

This time it’s pleasurable.

If it is reported that I was drunk driving

When it comes to the Internet, it’s a lot of fun.

It's definitely more eye-catching than the Dou Bao thing.

At this time, Lu Fei wished he could give the two bad guys a slap in the face.

If they, Luo Liba, weren't so angry and dizzy, he would definitely have reacted earlier.

It's all the fault of these two drunkards.


Lu Fei suddenly discovered that there were no street lights where he was.

The surveillance camera is at the intersection fifty meters away.

In this case, the situation inside the car must not be clearly visible.

Lu Fei suddenly realized what he was doing, quickly put down his seat, and turned around to go to the back row.

Then he pounced directly on the little milk dog.

"Hey, dear brother, what do you want to do?" the little milk dog asked nervously.

"Well, brother is nice to you."

“This time, I’ll help my brother with the thunder!”


"Brother, you want me"

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up."

Lu Fei said, grabbed the little milk dog's belt, picked him up and stuffed him into the driver's seat.

The little puppy looked hesitant and felt so aggrieved that he almost cried.

"Brother, how can this be done?"

"Aren't you destroying me?"

"Don't worry, I have a way to fish you out."

"It's not a matter of whether you can make money or not."

"It would be really embarrassing if word got out."

"If my dad finds out, he will beat me to death!"

"Don't worry, I'll explain to your dad later." Lu Fei said.

"Brother, we all share the same blessings. You are specifically trying to trick your brothers!"

"You are so inhuman!"

"What nonsense!"

"If you hadn't been so noisy, I would have reacted long ago."

"Ultimately, it's all your fault."

"The police are coming soon. Don't be nervous. Don't sell me out."

"Otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk!"


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