A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1441 Recognized

When they came to the street, Xiao Jin'er bought two ice creams on the roadside and handed one to Lu Fei.

"You still eat this?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.

"What's wrong with this?"

"This is my favorite!"

Xiao Jin'er said, patting her backpack.

"Mr. Lu, I came prepared!" ??

"How much you can gain today depends on you, a famous collector."


"Don't expect too much."

"The most important thing about picking up leaks is not your eyesight, but your luck."

"If you have bad luck, no matter how good your eyesight is, if you can't find something good, it's all in vain." Lu Fei said.

"But, just now you said it felt very good!"


"That's true!"

"Do not worry!"

"I'll try not to disappoint you."


"Then let's go in?"

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Jin'er asked.

"We are just ordinary tourists now, you can't call me that."

"When we arrived at the stall, just one word from you, Mr. Lu, and all the previous preparations were ruined." Lu Fei said.

Xiao Jin'er nodded and said.

"you're right!"

"Otherwise, I'll call you brother, and you can call me Jin'er, okay?"


Hearing the word "brother", Lu Fei was so excited that he almost cried out.

"You, what did you say you called me?" Lu Fei asked again.

"I call you brother."

"is it not OK?"

"Yes, of course."

"Just call me brother!"


"Can you scream and let me hear it first?" Lu Fei asked nervously.


Xiao Jin'er said, blinking her weird big eyes.

"Why do I feel like you are deliberately taking advantage of me?"

"You think too much."

"I'm older than you. If you call me brother, you won't suffer at all. How can this be called taking advantage?"\u003c


"You scream first, and I can feel if there are any flaws."

"Those traders are all seasoned traders. If they behave unnaturally, it will be difficult to deceive them," Lu Fei said.

"is that so?"

"of course!"

"You call me quickly and I'll listen first."

"All right!"

"elder brother!"

"How is it? Is it still natural?" Xiao Jin'er asked.

"It seems a bit artificial, please relax a little more."

"elder brother!"

"Well, it's much better this time."

"But it doesn't seem very natural yet."

"You treat me as your brother from the bottom of your heart. Try again." Lu Fei said.

Xiao Jin'er nodded and pondered for a few seconds before calling her brother again.

Lu Fei's heart melted when he heard this most natural voice.

My nose felt sore and tears almost flowed out.

"Brother, how about this time?"


"very good!"


"Brother will take you shopping!"

The two entered from East Street.

After walking more than ten meters, Xiao Jin'er was deeply attracted by the dazzling array of products on both sides.

"elder brother!"

"Look at this little porcelain bunny, it's so cute!"


"This bracelet is so beautiful!"

"Oh my God!"

"There is actually a crown here?"

"Is this true?"

"Of course not true."

"The real crowns are kept in the collections of various royal families, and there is absolutely no way they will be leaked outside."

The two walked inside while chatting and laughing.

After walking for more than 20 meters, I saw three middle-aged men negotiating with the stall owner for a small bowl at the stall on the left.

This is a small pastel bowl, about seven centimeters high.

Listening to the boss’s accent, he sounds like a genius

All people.

"Boss, we are full of sincerity, please give in some more."

"Can I give you three hundred yuan?"

"No, no!" ??

"This is a serious old thing. It is the most valuable treasure in my stall."

"Seeing that you sincerely want to buy it, I will give you one more step."

"Take the two thousand yuan, it can't get any cheaper." The stall owner said.

"Two thousand is too expensive!"

“There is no price like this on this street!”

"Is four hundred okay?"

"Stop talking, the minimum is two thousand, this is my bottom line."

"five hundred!"

"No, no!" ??


The three middle-aged men sighed and shook their heads helplessly.

"The most we can offer is five hundred. If you don't agree, then we have no choice but to give up."

With that said, the three of them turned and left.

Now it was the stall owner's turn to be anxious.

"Wait a moment!"

"This is indeed an old item, but the price you gave me is really outrageous."

"How about this!"

"I'll give you one more step. How about you take the fifteen hundred yuan?" the stall owner said.


"That's five hundred!"

"One thousand and two!"

The three shook their heads.

The stall owner stamped his feet vigorously and said with pain on his face.

"That's it!"

"Just treat it as if you guys opened it for me."

"I'm selling blood for a thousand dollars, no more."

The stall owner put on a great show, but the three of them were indifferent and shook their heads.

"That's five hundred."


"If you guys say that, then our business will be out of business."

"You'd better go somewhere else and have a look!"

After the stall owner finished speaking, he returned to the stall.

The three of them whispered a few words, shook their heads and turned to leave.

After the three people walked away, Lu Fei took Xiao

Jin'er moved forward.


"I want this small bowl for one thousand yuan. Please wrap it up for me."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the stall owner showed no reaction.

Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, but found that the stall owner was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Boss, aren't you selling this small bowl?" Lu Fei asked.

"Sell, of course!"

"But a thousand yuan won't do it," the stall owner said.


"I heard clearly when you were talking just now. Did you say one thousand yuan by yourself?"

"I was joking with them just now."

"How can such a good item be sold for a thousand yuan!"

"Then how much are you going to sell it for?" Xiao Jin'er asked.

The stall owner chuckled.

"Fifty, no, a million!"


The huge contrast between the price before and after made Xiao Jiner almost doubt her life.

"Boss, are you crazy?"

"I asked for a thousand yuan just now, but now I can sell it for one million yuan. Are you not bullying me?" Xiao Jin'er said angrily.

Not to mention Xiao Jin'er being angry, even Lu Fei stared.

"Boss, what do you mean?"

The stall owner was not nervous at all and said with a smile.

"There is a saying in our industry, which is fire prevention, theft prevention and land flight prevention."

"Everyone knows that anything Boss Lu likes is a treasure."

"It should start at least 500,000 yuan."

"Boss Lu, you are a big player. It is inappropriate for you to use your status to steal our jobs!"



After reacting, Xiao Jin'er couldn't stop laughing, but Lu Fei's face turned red with embarrassment.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up and pulled Xiao Jin'er to leave.

"Boss Lu, walk slowly."

"Please tell me, what is this small bowl about?" the stall owner said.


"I'll give you a hammer!"

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