A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1442 Beautiful Moment

Lu Fei looked embarrassed when he was recognized by the stall owner, but Xiao Jin'er couldn't stop laughing.

It was impossible to pick up the leak again. Lu Fei was about to leave, but was stopped by the stall owner again.

"What else do you want to do?" Lu Fei asked.

"Boss Lu, please don't leave in a hurry."

"I am the only one from Tiandu on this street."

"Tell me Xiaowan's secret, and I will keep it a secret for you. Then you go on to kill everyone."

"If you didn't tell me, my colander's mouth would get excited. In less than ten minutes, the whole of Hollywood would know that your giant Buddha has arrived!"


Being threatened by the stall owner, Lu Fei gritted his teeth with hatred, but Xiao Jin'er burst into laughter.

He took Lu Fei's arm and shook it and said,

"elder brother!"

"Just tell him!"

"If this big mouth talks about it, we won't have any fun."

Lu Fei nodded and said as if glaring at the stall owner.

"What I hate most in my life is being threatened by others."

"You are the first person who can threaten me and leave me speechless."

The stall owner took the initiative to smoke with a smile on his face.

"Boss Lu, don't get me wrong, how can I be a threat?"

"I respect you from the bottom of my heart."

"You have always been my idol!"

"My admiration for you is like the water of the Yangtze River."


"Stop it!"

"Stop talking."

"I can tell you about the small bowl."

"But let me make it clear to you. I brought my sister here to play today. If you try to ruin my good deeds, I will never be done with you."

"No, absolutely not!"

"You are my idol. I wish your brothers and sisters have fun and make lots of money." The stall owner said excitedly.

"Okay, I'll only say it once, remember it."

"This is Jiaqing pastel official kiln."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he turned around and left, and the stall owner's voice came from behind again.

"You haven't said how much it's worth yet!"

"Eighty thousand guaranteed, maximum 100,000!"

\u003e "Thank you, Boss Lu, and I wish you happiness and longevity!"

Hearing this set of blessings, Lu Fei almost flinched, and Jin'er almost broke out in laughter.

Looking at the retreating figures of Lu Fei and Lu Fei, the stall owner danced excitedly and immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Honey, I got the big baby."

"A treasure worth one hundred thousand!"

"Really, I lied to you like a puppy."

"This has been appraised by the most authoritative experts in China. If anyone says it's a fake, I'm worried about him."

"Honey, let's watch a movie together tonight?"

"I'll sell the treasure later and buy you the set of cosmetics you've been thinking about day and night tomorrow!"


"My wife?"

"Why mention her?"

"You are my darling!"

"When I make money, of course I spend it on you."

"Wait for me tonight and I'll pick you up."

Lu Fei and Jin'er did not continue shopping, but returned the same way.

To avoid the embarrassment from happening again, Lu Fei changed into a T-shirt.

Xiao Jin'er was still uneasy and handed Lu Fei a disposable mask.

Let Lu Fei put it on and Xiao Jin'er will check it personally.

I felt relieved when I was sure that I wouldn't be betrayed easily.

To prevent the stall owner from causing trouble, the two of them drove back to Hollywood West Street and entered from the other end.

As soon as they entered the antique street, Jin'er became active again.

I was very excited walking back and forth between the various stalls.

Lu Fei took out his mobile phone and recorded the beautiful moments while protecting Jin'er.

After shopping for more than two hours, we arrived at the central roundabout of Antique Street.

There was a coffee shop not far away. Lu Fei asked Jin'er to take a rest and invited her to come in and drink coffee.

When the coffee was served, Jin'er couldn't help but sigh after taking a sip.

"What's wrong?" Lu Fei asked.

"We've been shopping for more than two hours and haven't encountered a single problem."

"It's all because of that annoying stall owner. He ruined our good luck."

"It's really annoying." Xiao Jin'er pouted and said.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Who said no?"


"Have you met something good?" Xiao Jin'er asked excitedly.

"That's right!"

"But why didn't you take action?"

"Since entering the antique street, I saw you touching a dark stone, and then I never saw you touch it again." ??


Jin'er suddenly realized.

"I understand, that black stone is a good treasure, right?"

Lu Fei nodded.

“That stone is indeed good, but there’s more to it than just that one good thing!”

"Then why don't you take action to catch the leak?"

"How can you experience the fun if I take action?"

"I'll give you the opportunity. You can go and bargain with the stall owner in person later."

"This is the greatest joy of picking up leaks." Lu Fei said.


Jin'er pointed to her nose, then shook her head vigorously.

"No, no!"

"I don't even recognize it, how do I know which one is good?"

"It doesn't matter, I just took the video."

"I'll point out the good stuff to you later, and you'll be responsible for matching wits with them."

"The specific amount of money you can negotiate depends on your ability." Lu Fei said.

"Did you record everything?"

Lu Fei nodded.


"Brother, you are awesome!"

This call from the heart made Lu Fei feel elated, and it was so beautiful.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Lu Fei might not be able to restrain his excitement and jump up.

In Lu Fei's heart, Xiao Jin'er was his sister at this moment.

After shopping for more than two hours, Xiao Jin'er was already a little tired.

After listening to Lu Fei's words, he was instantly resurrected with full blood.

He pushed the coffee away and sat next to Lu Fei and said eagerly.

"elder brother!"

"Tell me what good things there are!"


"Brother, let me show you!"

Lu Fei clicked on the video and played it from beginning to end.

"This stone must be taken down."

"You go and negotiate the price with the boss later."

“Don’t be nervous or anxious, try to keep the price as low as possible.”

"The cheaper it is, the more we make."

"elder brother!"

"Is there anything special about this stone?"

"Of course."

"I'll tell you the details later," Lu Fei said.


"By the way, how much is the highest price you can pay?" Xiao Jin'er asked.

"Try to keep the price as low as possible, preferably no more than three hundred yuan."

"Five hundred yuan is acceptable."

"Ok, I see!"

"Any more?"


"There is also this bronze mirror. I can get it within five hundred yuan."


"And this pen holder."

"and this."

Lu Fei patiently introduced Xiao Jin'er, and Xiao Jin'er became more and more excited as he listened.

After viewing all the objects in the video, Xiao Jin'er can't wait.

"Brother, I'm going then!"

"Don't worry, just have a cup of coffee and rest for a while."

"I can't wait any longer, I want to go now." Xiao Jin'er pouted and said.

"All right!"

"Don't worry and bargain boldly, I will always keep an eye on you."

"Remember, stones should be separated from other items, otherwise they can easily be damaged."

"I bought it and gave it to you for safekeeping."


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