A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1446 Chatting

After the old man bought the pen holder, he took the initiative to increase the price from the previous 30,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan.

However, Lu Fei was still not satisfied.

"Old man, looking at your outfit, you also own a shop, right?" Lu Fei asked.

The old man chuckled.

"Little friendly eyesight."

"Old old Dong Dayuan, I opened the old Dongji store in front of me."


"No wonder!" .??.??

"All the crows in the world are indeed as black as they come!"

"I don't know how much this thing is worth, but a few years ago, someone was willing to trade an apartment in Causeway Bay with my dad."

"But you only gave me one hundred thousand. Do you think I don't know how to count?"

"Since you are not sincere, I think there is no need for us to continue talking."

"Jin'er, let's go and visit other homes."

"Hey, little friend, don't worry!"

"I just explained it to you."

"The market for pen holders has continued to be sluggish in recent years."

"Today is different from the past!"

"Also, your pen holder is damaged and not in perfect condition. These are all points deducted."

"The items from the Republic of China, even if they are works by masters, cost 100,000 yuan," Dong Dayuan said.

"Stop it!"

"No matter how bad the market is, it won't shrink so much."

"Your old man is too unreliable. I will sell it elsewhere."

"If there's not a good price, I won't sell it."

Lu Fei said and was about to leave, but Dong Dayuan stopped him again.

"Old man, are you finished?"

"I said, the price you gave is too outrageous, I won't sell it to you."

"Calm down little friend, it's not good to be so irritable at such a young age."

"Since it's a business, we have to discuss it, right?"

"If you think the price I gave is low, can you set a price yourself and we can discuss it?" Dong Dayuan said.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and said.

"I won't make a price."

"But I can give you another chance."

"If you are still not sincere this time, let's break up as soon as possible."\u003c


"My time is precious, and I don't have time to make you cough."


"Old man, please think about it before you talk."

"You only have this chance!"

Lu Fei emphasized again. Dong Dayuan looked embarrassed and swallowed the price he was about to quote.

Seeing his expression, Xiao Jin'er almost laughed.

After thinking for five seconds, Dong Dayuan gritted his teeth and said.

"All right!"

"Meeting each other is fate."

"I'm willing to risk everything. Can I give you five hundred thousand?"



"Jin'er, let's go!"

Lu Fei said, pulling Xiao Jin'er and leaving directly.

Dong Dayuan was stunned for a moment, and Lu Fei had already walked out five meters away.

"elder brother!"

"Are we leaving like this?" Xiao Jin'er asked softly.

"Keep your voice down, I'm fishing."

“Will the fish bite the hook?”

"Little friend!"

As soon as Xiao Jin'er finished speaking, Dong Dayuan's shout came from behind.

"It's really awesome!"

"Do not talk."

"That's too soft, keep walking!"


"Little friend, wait a moment, let's discuss it carefully!" Dong Dayuan shouted.

"What now?" Xiao Jin'er asked.

"Not yet, we have to wait until he kills the hook before lifting the pole."

"you are so bad!"


"Little friend, wait a minute, I'll pay you 800,000!"

Lu Fei remained indifferent.

"one million!"

Lu Fei didn't even look back.

Seeing that there were still more than twenty meters left, Lu Fei was about to reach the crowd.

Now Dong Dayuan was in a panic and ordered the waiter to

Run two steps to stop Lu Fei.

By the time he moved in front of Lu Fei, his face was red and he was panting.

"Boss Dong, although I am short of money, I hate being played like an idiot by others."

"Since you are not sincere, why are you stopping me?" Lu Fei said.

"Little friend!"

"I, Dong Dayuan, have been in business for more than fifty years, and this is the first time I have seen you with such a bad temper."

"The price is not right, we can continue to negotiate!"

"It's inappropriate to say goodbye as soon as you don't agree!"


"The things belong to me, and I am free to sell them or not."

"Isn't it?" Lu Fei said.

"Little friend, let's not talk about anything else."

"I really like your pen holder."

"In this case, I will give you 1.5 million."

"I, Dong Dayuan, assure you that no one in the entire Hollywood can offer such a high price except me."

"If you can accept it, I will transfer the money to you immediately." Dong Dayuan said.

"One and a half million is still a small amount."

"Let me tell you clearly, I owe two million in loan shark interest, and tomorrow is the deadline for repayment."

"If you want to buy it, it's two million."

"If I can't raise the money, then I might as well not sell it!" Lu Fei said.


"Who told me to like it?"

"Two million is two million, I want it."

Dong Dayuan said and took out two printed contracts from the clerk's bag.

"My friend, a transaction of two million is not a small amount."

"After you sign this contract, I will transfer the money to you immediately."

"Wait a moment."

"You want to change your mind?" Dong Jianyuan asked.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"Although I am poor, I still have the most basic integrity."

"If it's two million, it will never change."

"However, I have one more request."


any request? "

"To be honest, I took out the pen holder behind my father's back."

"It's hard for me to explain to him after I go back."

"I see your buddy has a few knick-knacks in his bag."

"Give me those as accomplices, and when you get back, I'll make up an excuse to excuse my old man."

"Do you think it's okay?" Lu Fei said.

The bag in the hands of the clerk was just collected when he returned to his hometown in the countryside. It only cost 500 yuan in total.

Dong Dayuan just took a look and saw a copper bell inside, which was at most forty or fifty years old.

There were also two brass smoking poles, a brass wax stand, and a small wooden board covered with oil.

Although the wooden board is made of red sandalwood, it is not worth much money because it is too small.

So Dong Dayuan agreed without hesitation.

Dong Dayuan asked as he handed the bag in the boy's hand to Lu Fei.

"Can we sign the contract now?"

"Not yet!"

"What happened again?"

"We're not familiar with each other, so I can't trust you."

"You must transfer money to me first before I can sign a contract with you."

"This is your territory. If you don't give me money after signing the contract, I won't have anywhere to cry."


Dong Dayuan rolled his eyes, thinking that this little bastard simply belonged to Cao Cao!

I'm running such a big business, so why not?

Although he was angry, in order to get the pen holder as soon as possible, Dong Dayuan agreed to Lu Fei's request and put two million Hong Kong Island dollars on Xiao Jin'er's card.

After the funds were in place, Lu Fei reluctantly handed the pen holder to Dong Dayuan.

"Boss Dong, you are so lucky."

"This is a real big treasure, worth at least an apartment building in Causeway Bay."

"If I hadn't been forced to do anything, I would never have sold it."


"never mind!"

"I've sold it all, no more talk."

"Jin'er, let's go!"

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