A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1447 Having everything

After the transaction was completed, Lu Fei took Jin'er and reluctantly left.

Looking at Lu Fei's retreating back, Dong Dayuan showed the most excited smile.


"Is it worth buying this pen holder for two million?" the clerk asked. ??

"Is it worth it?"

"Boy, your cultivation is far from enough!"

"This pen holder made by Master Wu Zhifan is a super treasure."

"I made a lot of money this time."

"Let's go back quickly."

"Call Boss Chang soon and make at least five million by changing hands."


Among the crowd in the distance, Lu Fei snorted disdainfully when he saw Dong Dayuan's expression.

"elder brother!"

"How much is that pen holder worth?"

"Why is that Boss Dong so happy?" Xiao Jin'er asked.

"That is the work of Master Wu Zhifan."

"According to the current market price, it is worth at least 7.5 million."


"Then didn't we make a loss?"

"It took such a long time and I lost so much by acting carelessly. Why is that?" Jin'er asked in confusion.


"Do not worry!"

"That old guy doesn't deserve to take advantage of me."

"On the surface, we lost more than five million."

"Actually, we made a lot of money." Lu Fei said.


"Why can't I understand?"

Lu Fei raised the plastic bag in his hand and shook it. Jin'er covered her mouth and widened her eyes, with disbelief written all over her face.

"You can see it through the bag?"

"The bag is transparent." Lu Fei said.

"That's perverted enough."


"If you don't have this ability, why should you pick up the slack?"

"Awesome, my brother!"

"Are all good things in the bag?" Jin'er asked.

Lu Fei opened the bag, took out the oily wooden board, looked at it and said.

"Only this one is precious!"

"Everything else is garbage."


"It's so dirty, so disgusting!"

"What exactly is this?"

"Ganoderma plate!"

"How much is it worth?"

"We're not sure yet. We won't know until it's cleared up."

“However, making Ganoderma trays out of rosewood is not something ordinary people can afford.”

"At least you won't lose money."

"All right!"

"Let's find a place to have lunch and continue in the afternoon." Xiao Jin'er said.

Lu Fei smiled and lightly scratched her nose, which shocked Xiao Jin'er.

Only then did Lu Fei realize that his actions were a bit excessive.


"I did not do it on purpose!"

"Maybe I got too involved in the drama and really regarded you as my sister."

"Mr. Xiao, please forgive me."

Xiao Jin'er just didn't expect Lu Fei to scratch her nose. Now seeing Lu Fei's guilty face, she felt even more embarrassed.

"Mr. Lu, please don't say that."

"I don't blame you."

"Being with you for half a day has been the happiest experience in my life."

"If only I could have a brother like you to pamper me, Jin'er would be able to wake up from his dreams with a smile!"

"You, are you telling the truth?" Lu Fei asked excitedly.

"of course it's true."

"From the first time I saw you in Hong Kong Doubao, I regarded you as my idol."

"This time when I came out with you, you were so considerate to me, which I have never experienced before."

"Thank you for accompanying me." Xiao Jin'er said seriously.

"Jin'er, if you don't mind, you can call me brother from now on."

"As long as you are unhappy or have something confusing, I can come over and accompany you at any time." Lu Fei said.


Lu Fei nodded seriously and said.

"From the first time I met you in Da Ma, you gave me an inexplicable sense of intimacy."

"I can't describe the feeling. It's like family affection."

"As long as you don't dislike me, I am willing to be your brother forever."

Lu Fei's eyes were so sincere that Xiao Jin'er jumped up excitedly.

"Very good!"

"elder brother!"

"Then I've blackmailed you!"

"If you don't care about me, I will get angry!"

"Ha ha!"

"I really want to see what you look like when you show your temper."


"Do you want to try it?"

Xiao Jin'er pouted and waved her pink fist in protest, and Lu Fei laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Although he could not confirm that this was his biological sister, at this moment, Lu Fei still felt that he had everything.

"Brother, let me treat you to dinner!"

"Let's continue in the afternoon!" Xiao Jin'er said.

"I'll treat you to dinner, and you can order whatever you want."

"But let's forget about it!"


"You can't be too greedy as a person, you have to know when enough is enough."

"We have gained a lot this morning, you should be satisfied."

"Keep your good luck and let's come again next time we have a chance."

Xiao Jin'er nodded and said.

"you're right!"

"Then what are we doing this afternoon?"

"We'll get ready after dinner later."

"I'll come here again in the afternoon and sell all these items."

“Buy low, sell high.”

“The moment you make money, you feel more excited.”

"Only in this way will you be successful when you pick up the leak for the first time in your life."


"But I want to keep one as a souvenir."

"no problem!"

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