A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1473 The fierce fat man

The door of the small foreign building opened, and a young woman in pajamas leaned against the door frame and said lazily.

"A rag collector, how much does a pound of scrap metal cost?"

"Good iron has eight hairs, iron skin has two hairs." Lu Fei said.

"Only eight cents?" .??.

"It was only nine cents last week!"

"The steel market has been unstable recently, and the price of scrap iron is changing every day."

"If you think it's cheap, wait until the price goes up before selling it."

"When will the price increase?" the young woman asked.

"I don't know that."

"I have a lot of scrap metal here, can you give me more?"

"Can't give it."

"We only earn a few cents per pound, and it's all hard-earned money." Lu Fei said.

The young woman chuckled.

"Seeing that you are quite a down-to-earth person, I sold it to you."

"Wait here while I go get the key."

"The scrap metal is all in the backyard!"


The young woman went back to get the key and took Lu Fei around to the backyard.

The big black iron door opened, but before Scrap Iron could be seen, Lu Fei saw a big gray dog.

This dog is a common stupid dog in northern rural areas.

The dumb dog is big and has a loud voice.

Compared to expensive exotic species, mutts are more loyal to their owners.

In the north, stupid dogs are the first choice for ordinary people to look after their homes and homes.

But this stupid dog in the young woman's house is too miserable.

It is not small, nearly eighty centimeters tall and over one meter long. It is a standard adult mutt.

However, this dog is pitifully thin.

Under the lusterless fur, the ribs, pelvis, and spine are clearly visible.

His eyes were dull and thick eye mucus accumulated in the corners of his eyes. Instead of barking when he saw a stranger, he curled up with his almost hairless tail between his legs.

When the young woman saw how cowardly the dog looked, she immediately became angry.

He picked up a broom and beat him while yelling.

"You're such a toy, you don't even bark when you see a stranger, I'm raising you for nothing!"

"Someday I'm in a bad mood and I have to put you in the soup pot."

The broom hit the stupid dog's frame, making a "ranging" sound.

The stupid dog curled up together, trembling and hissing.


"Stop fighting!"

"This dog is too old. If you beat it again, it will be killed." Lu Fei said.

"Beat me and eat meat!"

"Damn it!"

"If I hadn't been reluctant to part with it for so long, I would have given it up long ago."


"If you don't want to see this dog, you might as well sell it to me."

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the young woman was stunned!

"You want to buy this dog?"

"If you are willing to sell it, I will buy it."

"This dog can't bark, what do you want it to do?" the young woman asked.


"You are reluctant to part with it. I'm not familiar with it, so I don't care." Lu Fei said with a smile.

"you want?"

"How much can you give me?"

"how much do you need?"

"three hundred!"

"Three hundred is a bit high. This dog can't even weigh thirty pounds. The most I can give you is one hundred and fifty." Lu Fei said.

"At least two hundred!"

"No matter how cheap it is, I might as well do it myself!"

"make a deal!"

Lu Fei happily took out two hundred yuan and handed it to the young woman.

After taking the money, the young woman stuffed it directly into her chest, her expression unable to conceal her happiness.

If her old woman hadn't been reluctant to let him go, she would have gotten rid of this useless dog long ago.

My mother-in-law was not at home today. Not only did she get rid of the broken dog, I also got two hundred yuan. The young woman was naturally happy.

"Well, that pile of scrap metal in the corner is all sold."

"I'm afraid you can't finish it at once?" the young woman asked.

There is a large pile of scrap metal in the east corner.

All are steel heads

, these iron pipe heads are good iron.

The pile is nearly two meters high and weighs at least one thousand pounds.

"It doesn't matter, we are two people."

"I'll call him right now."

Lu Fei said that he called Fatty. When he heard about the big deal, Fatty was very excited.

Came over in less than five minutes.

The two of them worked together and cleared out the scrap metal pile in less than half an hour.

After weighing, the total was one thousand and twelve kilograms. With the consent of the young woman, the fraction was erased and the weight was calculated as one thousand kilograms. .??.

He handed the young woman 800 yuan and the two brothers quickly loaded up the car.

For more than a thousand kilograms of scrap metal, the two of them could make a net profit of more than two hundred. The fat man smiled from ear to ear, and the loading speed almost took off.

After the car was loaded, Lu Fei found a big bag from the car and called Fatty to enter the yard again.

"What else are you doing?" the fat man asked.

"This dog belongs to us, bag it and take it away."


“Selling scrap metal and giving away dogs?”

"You and that little bitch are not having an affair, are you?"

"Get out!"

"I paid for it." Lu Fei said, rolling his eyes.


"How much?"

"two hundred!"


"What's wrong with you!"

"This wretched dog doesn't even have ten pounds of meat, so you spend two hundred yuan to buy it?"

"Okay, I've given you the money, so don't worry."

"Hurry and help!"

"You hold the rope, I'll knock it out and bag it." Lu Fei said.


"It takes so much effort to clean up this broken dog, look at me."

"Don't be ridiculous, the rabbit will bite when it's anxious."

"It would be too much to get hurt by it."


"Don't worry!"

"Don't talk about this rubbish. It's just a Tibetan Mastiff. I'll keep it as it is."

The fat man said and rushed towards the stupid dog.


Even if the owner beats it, the stupid dog will not dare to resist.

But sensing the threat of the stranger, the scrawny mutt suddenly bared its fangs, stared with blank eyes, roared and backed away.

After retreating to the corner, the fat man approached again.

The stupid dog barked wildly and rushed towards the fat man with all his strength.


Seeing this scene, Lu Fei suddenly became nervous.

The young woman who was counting the money was so frightened that she screamed.

But the fat man didn't care. He watched the stupid dog rush in front of him, and his fat body turned sideways flexibly.

At the same time, he stretched out his big hand like a cattail fan, grabbed the fur behind the stupid dog's neck, and pushed the stupid dog directly to the ground.

"What a bastard!"

"You still dare to fight with the fat man, I've turned against you."

The fat man said, grabbing the dog's head with both hands, putting his knee on the dog's neck and twisting it hard.



The dog's neck was broken, and the young woman was so frightened that the money fell to the ground and she screamed.

Lu Fei's eyes lit up when he saw the fat man's flowing movements.

It was equally effortless for Lu Fei to deal with this dog by himself.

She asked Fatty to cooperate with her before because she didn't want to show her strength in front of him.

Lu Fei didn't expect that Fatty would give him a surprise.

Now Lu Fei finally understood why Zhao Laosan and those cowards were afraid of the fat man.

It turns out that this guy is really fierce!

The fat man let go of his hand, kicked the dead dog, and snorted disdainfully.

He grabbed the dog's neck with one hand and picked it up directly.

"Brother Fei, bag!"

"I really don't understand why I spent two hundred dollars on such a crappy thing."

"It's better to buy pork to eat!" the fat man complained.


"You've already bought it, so don't worry about it."

"I just want to eat dog meat today, can't I?"


"Go to my house tonight and let you try my craftsmanship."

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