A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1474 Believe me

Two trucks of scrap iron were transported to the purchasing department. Taking into account the junk collected previously, the two made a net profit of two hundred and sixty yuan.

When he came outside, Lu Fei took out a hundred and three and handed it to the fat man.

"Here, this is yours!"

"Why did you give me so much?" the fat man asked.

"I made two hundred and six, so each of us made one hundred and thirty!"

"What about the broken dog?"

"It cost two hundred to buy a dog!"

"Take off the dog money and give each person thirty."

"I bought the dog with my own money, it has nothing to do with you."

"That's a miss!"

"Since we are partners, I can't let you spend your own money."

"Are you sure you want to share the dog money with me?" Lu Fei asked.

"We are partners. No matter we lose or gain, we should share half of it."

"The money must be divided like this!"

"However, you are indeed a bit cowardly in spending this money!"

"Two hundred dollars to buy such a crappy thing."

"If you have this money, you can go to the dog meat restaurant and make whatever you want." The fat man muttered.

"What's wrong, do you regret it?"


“That’s how money is divided!”

"I'm talking about dogs, it has nothing to do with companionship."

Seeing the serious look on the fat man's face, Lu Fei grinned and handed him a hundred yuan.

"We agreed on thirty, why do you give me so much?"

"You still have sixty left to complete your mission, so I'll lend you the thirty."

"If you make money by working together another day, you can pay me back."

"The remaining forty will be spent on buying wine later." Lu Fei said.

"That hit!"

"I have a bad memory. If I forget, you might want to ask me for it!"


"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, where is your home?"

"Beisanjia Village!"

"Let's go to your house and eat dog meat."

The two of them came to the town talking and laughing, bought three kilograms of sorghum, and some peanuts, and went straight to Beisanjia.

It is said that there are three companies, but it is not true that there are only three companies.


Beisanjia can be considered a large village, with a large land area and nearly a hundred households.

The two entered the village and met villagers along the way. The fat man greeted them politely.

"Hello, aunt!"

"Big Leizi is back!"

"How much did you make today?"


"Just like every day!"

"These are the cucumbers I just picked. I'll give you some cucumbers."

"Thank you, aunt!"

"Hello, uncle!"

"Leizi, wait a minute. I'll get you two cauliflowers. Let's go back and fry them tonight."

"Thank you, uncle."

After walking more than a hundred meters, the fat man harvested a lot of vegetables.

Lu Fei was moved by how harmonious the neighbors were.

This kind of atmosphere can never be seen in the city, and it is really precious.

Fatty's house is a three-room brick house, which is considered lower than average in this village.

The fenced-in yard is half an acre in size.

Some seasonal vegetables are planted in the yard, and five old hens are fed in the chicken coop.

In the middle of the yard is an old-fashioned pressurized water well, and in the east corner are two grain stores.

The scattered things are neatly placed and the yard is kept clean. From the first glance, the fat man's mother is a neat person.

"This is my family, don't dislike it!"

"When I make money, I will also build a two-story western-style building." The fat man said.

"It's pretty good. At least it's much better than renting a house."

Come to the yard and put down the bag containing the dog.

The fat man asked Lu Fei to wait while he went back to the house to get the knife.

But as soon as the fat man entered the house, his heart-rending howl could be heard.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, mother!"

"Mom, where does it hurt?"

"Just be patient, I'll take you to the hospital right now."

heard shouting

Shouting, Lu Fei also rushed in.

On the big kang in the east room, a middle-aged woman in her forties was huddled in the corner with her belly in her hands.

His hair was messy and he was sweating profusely, his face was pale and he kept moaning.

"Brother Fei, help me put my mother on my back, and I'll take her to the hospital." The fat man shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry, let me take a look."

"Brother Fei, stop making trouble, my mother is in too much pain." The fat man was so anxious that he almost cried.

"Don't worry, I have studied Chinese medicine."

"Serious Chinese medicine."

"Believe me, if I can't see, let's go to the hospital again."


"Believe me!"

Lu Fei said as he took off his shoes and got on the kang. Fatty looked at Lu Fei blankly. For some reason, he blindly chose to believe Lu Fei.

Lu Fei touched the woman's forehead, which was slightly warm and covered with cold sweat.

He opened his eyelids and took a look, then took her pulse. Within five minutes, he already had the answer in his mind.

"How about it?"

"Acute pancreatitis!"

"what is it now?"

"I can cure it!"



An acute pancreatitis attack is an unforgettable pain.

Even a strong man would be rolling on the floor in pain.

This woman was really strong enough to hold back from screaming.

Lu Fei asked the fat man to hold his mother in his arms, and he took out a white porcelain bottle and a pack of medical alcohol cotton from his bag.

Open the Qilin needle, disinfect it, and inject seven needles in seven major acupoints including Tianshu, Kaiyuan, and Wailingshuimen.

"Brother Fei, is this okay?"

"Believe me!"

The Gui Men Shen Acupuncture technique was skillful, and after five minutes, the woman's brows gradually relaxed.


"It really works!"

"How are you, mother?"

"Are you feeling better?


Although the woman was still clenching her teeth, her breathing became much calmer, the sweat on her forehead no longer oozed out, and she was obviously getting better.

Lu Fei opened the porcelain bottle, poured out a Qi-boosting pill and handed it to the fat man.

"Give your mother this pill to take, and she'll be fine in a while."

"Brother Fei, you are so awesome."

"I thought you were bragging, but it turns out you really know medical skills!"

Lu Fei glared at him and said.

"Human life is at stake, do I dare to joke?"


"Is my mother okay now?" the fat man asked.

"I'm temporarily helping her suppress it to prevent her condition from getting worse."

"I'll go to the city tomorrow to get some medicine. I'll be cured in half a month at most."

"But don't worry, I won't do it again tonight."

"To deal with this disease, our family has a secret recipe that is guaranteed to cure it." Lu Fei said.

"What a coincidence?"

"Cut the nonsense!"

"Pour a glass of warm water and ask your mother to take the pills and watch her. She will be fine after a while."


Lu Fei put away the Qilin Needle and came to the courtyard.

Light a cigarette and pour out the stupid dog.

Put the bag underneath, take out the Damascus knife, and directly disembowel the stupid dog.

The belly was cut open, and the water from the internal organs immediately flowed out.

Lu Fei didn't care about the others and cut off the dog's stomach directly. He reached out and touched it, and his eyes lit up.

I poured a basin of water to wash away the blood on the dog's stomach, and then carefully cut open the dog's stomach.

There was no digestive material in the open stomach, but there was something special.

This thing is slightly larger than a fist, oval-shaped, with gray-black skin and a slight luster.

This thing is much harder than meat, has an extremely delicate texture, and exudes a faint fishy smell.

If other people saw it, they would definitely suspect that it was a pebble swallowed by a stupid dog.

But Lu Fei knew that this was an extremely rare treasure.

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