A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1475 Dog Treasure

In the stupid dog's stomach, Lu Fei found a black and hard thing the size of a fist.

Ordinary people have no idea what this is.

But if a traditional Chinese medicine doctor sees this thing, he will jump with excitement.

This is a rare treasure.

Together with Ma Bao Bezoar, it has become one of the Three Treasures of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Goubao has the functions of reducing headwinds, relieving stagnation, and detoxifying.

It has miraculous effects on chest and rib distension, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, nausea, boils and other difficult and complicated diseases.

This thing has been an extremely rare treasure of heaven and earth no matter through the ages.

"Ben Jing Feng Yuan" records: "Gubao specializes in treating the disease of choking, diaphragm and regurgitation. Taking bitterness can reduce the pain, and warming can open knots."

I have tried to promote its use, and it can be used for all cases of carbuncle, ulcer, and cold phlegm accumulation.

However, if stagnation damages the spleen and qi and blood are withered, there is a risk of putting out the fire if you accidentally throw it. "

Li Shizhen discussed in "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Gou Bao is born in the belly of a leprous dog. It looks like a white stone with a green color. Its principles are layered and it is also a rare thing."

"Introduction to Medicine": Dogs are called treasures if their bile is yellow. Dogs bark at the moon at night and are often found in mad people.

However, you have to pick it yourself to get the real thing. Dig a hole into the dried tofu used for medicine, add yellow in the middle and mix it together, boil it in water for half a day, grind it finely and use it.

The formation of Goubao was extremely accidental.

Normally, it takes about 100,000 dogs to find a dog treasure.

If there is this thing in the dog's stomach, it will greatly affect the stomach capacity.

The bigger the dog is, the smaller the dog’s food intake will be.

Moreover, most of the nutrients are absorbed by Goubao, so dogs containing Goubao must be thin and pitiful and sickly.

Lu Fei saw the young woman's stupid dog in this state, so he spent two hundred yuan to play with it.

If you can't find a dog treasure, the worst you can do is spend 200 yuan on a meal of dog meat.

If there really is a dog treasure, it will be a huge profit.

Due to its great effect and rare quantity, it is an extremely luxurious treasure of heaven and earth regardless of ancient or modern times.

Dog treasures can be divided into three types according to their quality.

The scientific name of the bluish-white dog treasure is Baizhu.

Both individual and medicinal effects are at the lowest level among dog treasures.

Next is Red Pill.

This kind of dog has a more standardized body shape and is round.

The skin is yellowish brown, the body is small, the texture is hard, and the skin is densely covered with thorns.

The efficacy of the medicine is several times stronger than that of Bai Zhusheng, but the price is not the same.

The most awesome one is called Wujin.

The individual is large and the texture is tight. After cutting, the inside has a yellowish-brown irregular texture.

This is the best of the dog treasures and has the most powerful medicinal effects.

The cheapest white beads on the market start at 2,000 yuan per gram.

But that's just the price. It's too difficult to buy the actual product.

If you meet someone who is in urgent need, selling a piece of white beads for tens of millions would not be too easy.

At first, Di Chaodong asked his friends to search for dog treasures around the world.

There are even more than 200 dog farms opened to raise dogs and kill dog treasures.

After searching hard for two and a half years, I found two pieces.

One piece is white beads, and the other piece is red pill.

According to Di Chaodong himself, just buying these two pieces of dog treasure cost nearly 12 million.

Including the entire cost of finding the dog treasure, the total expenditure exceeds 100 million U.S. dollars.

What is Di Chaodong's strength?

Even after spending so long, he only found two pieces.

Chen Jiajia's mother was lucky enough to use Di Chaodong's leftovers.

If it weren’t for the ready-made dog treasure, it’s hard to say what condition Jiajia’s mother would be in right now!

Not to mention others, the Xue Taihe family's medicinal material warehouse contains an astonishing number of various natural materials and earthly treasures.

Even so, there is no dog treasure in stock.

This goes to show how scarce this thing is.

Some people will say that dog treasures are often listed for sale in auction houses, medicinal materials markets, and even certain online stores. There is nothing like what you are talking about.

So scarce.

I'm telling you, that's all fucking bullshit.

They are all fakes made of vegetable glue, cement, and air-dried meat.

Even if a dog treasure appears, there will be countless dignitaries and dignitaries queuing up to die, and it will never be the turn of ordinary people to enjoy it.

Don't even think about taking a look.

And the area in front of Lu Fei is the real Wujin Dog Treasure.

It takes at least eight or nine years to grow to such a big size, which is really precious.

Seeing this thing, Lu Fei was even happier than seeing Yuan Qinghua.

Because this thing can save lives at critical moments!

"I go!"

"Why is this dog's waist so big?"

A thunderous voice sounded, and Lu Fei raised his head and rolled his eyes.

When he raised his head, he realized that Fatty's mother had also walked out.

"Auntie, how do you feel?" Lu Fei asked.


"This is my new friend Lu Fei."

"He was the one who gave you the injection just now."

"Don't tell me, he really has some tricks up his sleeve!" said the fat man.

"Lu Fei, thank you, it hurt me to death just now."

"It doesn't hurt at all now."

"Thank you so much."

"Fatty and I are friends, you don't have to be polite to me."

"Your illness is mainly due to physical weakness and cold."

"The acupuncture I gave you just now only temporarily relieved the pain."

"If you want to remove the lesions, you need to drink several doses of medicine."

"Don't worry, I have a secret recipe at home to treat this disease."

"I'll go to the city to get some medicine tomorrow. You can recover after taking it for half a month."

"However, in the next three months, you must avoid eating anything."

"Cold food, tofu, mutton, millet, and pepper are absolutely not allowed."

"After three months, you no longer have to worry about getting sick," Lu Fei said.

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