A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1483 Heartbroken

After asking about the family background of the two old men, Lu Fei continued.

"Today's incident was discovered in time and it did not cause a major disaster."

"I can give you a chance."

"You two will return our principal of two million in full." .??.

"If you pay ten million in compensation, I'll give you a half discount."

"You two will each bear five million."

"Ma Guotao's five million will be cashed in immediately."

"Old man Liu will give you three million first, and mortgage the remaining two million, and give Qichuan 50,000 yuan every month until it is repaid."

"During this period, if you are unlucky enough, the remaining debts will have nothing to do with your family."

"So, is it reasonable for me to do this?" Lu Fei said.

The two old men thought they would have to go to jail this time.

Even if you are jailed, civil and criminal, the contract still needs to be performed.

Unexpectedly, Lu Fei offered such generous terms. The two old men were extremely grateful and thanked them repeatedly.

"This matter can be handled this way."

"However, if you dare to make illicit money and harm others again in the future, I will definitely hand you over to the police."

"Don't worry, we are also obsessed with money for a while, and we will never dare to do it again in the future."

The first reason why Lu Fei spared them so cheaply was because of their age.

Even if he is sent to prison, he will not survive for a few years.

In line with the purpose of benefiting people by virtue, just give them a small punishment.


Off track!

Mainly because Lu Fei didn't want to make things worse.

If it really makes a big fuss, you may not be able to hide your identity.

In addition, Lu Fei believed that after this punishment, they would not dare to do it again.

"Qichuan, give them your card number and let them transfer the money to you."

"Take this money, go back and redeem the house, and do some small business with the rest!" Lu Fei said.

Qi Chuan shook his head slightly and said.

"My dear friend, thank you for your help."

"You keep the money, I don't want it."

"Without Goubao, Xiaojuan will not be able to survive."

"Xiaojuan is gone, what's the point of asking for money!"


"I get so fucking angry when I see you acting like a coward."

"You are simply more melancholy than Lin Daiyu. You really don't look like a man."

"Do you have your wife's medical records with you?" Lu Fei said with a frown.

"Why do you want a case?"

"Stop talking nonsense, do you have it with you?"

"Take it with you!"

"Bring it!"


Qi Chuan's expression was a bit aggrieved and a bit timid, like a primary school student who had done something wrong and met his class teacher, and looked awkward.

Lu Fei really wanted to give him two mouths!

After taking a look at the case, his wife Yu Xiaojuan had two malignant tumors in her stomach.

The symptoms were the same as those of Di Chaodong.

If you perform surgery to remove part of the stomach, as long as it doesn't spread quickly, you'll be fine within three to five years.

What's damning is that Yu Xiaojuan not only has gastric cancer, but also has congenital heart disease, and is also four months pregnant.

With these problems, he is not eligible for surgery at all.

Lu Fei said after glaring at Qi Chuan.

"You keep saying you can't live without your wife."

"But your wife obviously has congenital heart disease, why the hell did you let her get pregnant?"

"Are you a dummy?"

"You don't even know this basic common sense?"

"I have no idea."

"I really didn't know that before!"

"Xiaojuan's family is not in good condition, and she has never had a physical examination."

"I found out about it a while ago when I took Xiaojuan for a pregnancy test!" Qi Chuan cried.

"Then there's no prenatal check-up when you get married?"


have! "


"Damn it, I owe you."

"You wait here for me." ??

Lu Fei came to the counter and wrote a prescription himself and asked the waiter to help him fill it.

Then Liu Shiping was asked to prepare a charcoal casserole and water, and boil the medicine on the spot.

The prepared medicinal materials are divided into two parts, one part is boiled directly, and the other part is ground into powder.

Lu Fei did it himself, while the others looked on with confused expressions.

Half of the three bowls of water had evaporated. Lu Fei took out the Wujin Goubao from the bag and cut a thin slice with a Damascus knife.

"Wujin Gou Bao?"

"How come you have this?"

"Who are you?"

"Shut up!"

The two old men shouted in shock.

It would have been better if they didn't shout. When they shouted, Lu Fei felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Damn it!

Such a rare treasure of heaven and earth, the first knife was given to a stranger. It would be strange to say that I don't feel bad!

However, Lu Fei was just distressed.

Even if he encounters this situation again, Lu Fei will still help without hesitation.

Xuanhu helps the world, cures diseases and saves people. This is the foundation of medicine and the responsibility of every doctor.

Hearing the two old men tell Gou Bao's name, Qichuan felt bad.

He slowly knelt behind Lu Fei, kowtowed three times, and said with tears streaming down his face.

"Thank you benefactor."

"Thank you so much."

"Shut up, too!"

"I'm not giving this to you for free."

"I will deduct one million from the compensation they give you later."

"You don't have any objection, do you?"

"No, no, I'll give it all to you!"

"Get out!"

Slices of Wujin Goubao are boiled together with other medicines.

\u003e Twenty minutes later, the concoction from three bowls of water was reduced to just over half a bowl, and Lu Fei immediately took down the casserole.

Filter the medicinal residue and mix the other part of the medicinal powder with the medicinal juice.

Add some honey, and finally add some orchid dew and mix well.

At this time, the concoction in the casserole has become a thick paste.

After cooling naturally, thirty small pills were made, packaged and handed to Qichuan.

"Go back later to pick up your wife from the hospital and take her home to recuperate."

"Don't mention her condition to her. Tell her it's a tire-repairing pill and let her take one pill every day."

"It will be cured in a month."

"Really?" Qi Chuan asked in shock.

"Give it back to me if you don't believe it."

"No, no, I believe it, I believe it."


Qi Chuan said and was about to kneel down again. This time Lu Fei couldn't bear it anymore and pushed him aside.

"Old man, quickly transfer the money to him and tell him to get out."

"I don't want to see this wimp for one minute."

Liu Shiping and Ma Guotao transferred money to Qichuan according to the method Lu Fei said before, and Lu Fei deducted 1 million in cost of production.

Qi Chuan thanked him profusely, but Lu Fei waved his hand and told him to get out.

After Qi Chuan and his mother-in-law walked away, Liu Shiping came to Lu Fei and bowed respectfully.

"I really admire the boss's prescriptions and techniques. Can I ask your name?"

"Don't ask."


"You two, listen to me. I will keep an eye on you after I leave."

"If you dare to act recklessly again, I want you to regret it for the rest of your life." Lu Fei said.

"Don't worry, we won't dare to do it again."


"I hope you speak from your heart."

"That's it!"

Lu Fei picked up the medicine prescribed for the fat man's mother, looked at the two old men meaningfully, and turned to leave.

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