A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1484 You are the one who does big things

After Lu Fei left, Liu Shiping and Ma Guotao had another dog-eat-dog fight, and finally, Ma Guotao left in anger.

Immediately afterwards, the waiter and cashier were not ashamed of the boss's behavior and resigned at the same time.

After a while, Liu Shiping was the only one left in Jishengtang.

"Let's go!"

"Let's all go!"

"There are no toads with three legs these days, but there are many living people with two legs."

"Are you worried about not being able to hire people if I give you money?"


Liu Shiping was venting his anger when the door opened and four young men in black clothes and sunglasses came in.

He had suffered heavy losses just now, and he would have to repay the mortgage in the future. Now that business came to his door, Liu Shiping did not dare to neglect and went to welcome him personally.

"How many of you!"

"Are you seeing a doctor or taking medicine?"

"Are you the boss here?" said the leading young man.


"what do you need?"

"We neither see the doctor nor provide medicine."

"And you are?"

"We are Boss Han's people, and we are asking you to help us find something," the young man said.

"Boss Han?"

"Which Boss Han?"

"Rongguang Group, Boss Han Rongguang Han."


Liu Shiping took a breath of air when he heard this.

Rongguang Group is so awesome in this city.

The boss, Han Rongguang, is the richest man in the city!

Not only in this city, but also in Jilin Province as a whole, it is among the best.

More importantly, Han Rongguang is also a big boss in the city's underworld. He is definitely a super figure who cannot be offended!


"It turns out to be Boss Han's person!"

"You guys, please sit inside." Liu Rongguang said politely.

"There's no need to sit down, we're still very busy."

"That's right, our boss is in urgent need of a piece of dog treasure."

"Please pay attention. If you can help our boss buy a dog treasure, Boss Han is willing to pay you five million for your hard work."


Hearing the word "goubao", Liu Shiping

Almost vomited blood.

But then when he heard the hard work fee of five million, the old guy's eyes suddenly let out two gleams.

"Boss Han is looking for Gou Bao?"

"That's right!"

"He has a stomach bug?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. Just remember to help find him."

"This is our contact information. If you have the result, contact us immediately."

"Then let's do this for now!"

The young man said that he was about to leave, but Liu Shiping quickly stopped them.

"Guys, wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

"Guys, it's such a coincidence that you're here. I really know where the dog treasures are."


Several young people suddenly became excited.

"Tell me, where is Goubao?"

"Don't worry, we will definitely keep our word."

"As long as you can help us find it, the hard work will be paid immediately."

"The hard work is nothing. I am very honored to be able to help Boss Han solve his problems." Liu Shiping said coquettishly.


"The boss is really smart."

"Tell me, where is Goubao?"

"That's right, I just saw him half an hour ago."

"A young man used a piece of top-grade black gold dog treasure to prepare medicine for someone in my store."

"The boy just cut off a thin slice, almost negligible."

"The efficacy of Wujin Gou Bao is several times that of ordinary Gou Bao. No matter how serious the disease is that needs Gou Bao's treatment, the one in his hand can be enough to cure it," Liu Shiping said.

The young man's eyes gleamed when he heard this.

"Great, who is that boy?"

"I don't know his name."


"Then where can I find him?"

"I have surveillance video here, and I will find photos of him and Gou Bao."

"as you

With their abilities, as long as they see this person's appearance, they will be able to find him. Liu Shiping said.

"Great, please pull up the video quickly."

"Don't worry, even if we find this person and you provide important clues, the hard-earned money will still be paid."

"Our boss Han is not short of money."

"Thank you guys, thank you, Boss Han."

Liu Shiping was overjoyed and immediately retrieved the video.

I found the shot of Lu Fei and Ma Bao in the same frame and took a screenshot immediately.

"Found it, it's this person."

"What he is cutting is the Wujin Dog Treasure, a natural treasure."

"This man has just left. If you look for him quickly, you should be able to find him soon." Liu Shiping said.

"very good!"

"Thank you, boss."

"Send the photo to my phone and we'll look for it right away."

"As long as you buy a dog treasure, the hard-earned money will be sent to you right away."

After the photo was sent, the young people immediately sent it to a group, and then gathered people to search for Lu Fei.


"Seven, seven hundred thousand?"

"Brother Fei!"

"You're not fooling me, are you?"

Looking at the two bank cards on the table, Wang Dalei's eyes almost popped out.

"Why did I lie to you?"

"I told you that your jar is a good thing and you still don't believe it."

"When I arrived at the antique market today, the gang of shopkeepers immediately started looting."

"In the end, a boss named Liu bought the jar for 700,000 yuan."

"I applied for two cards, each worth 350,000."

"If you still don't believe it, wouldn't it be clearer if you go to the credit union's ATM and swipe it yourself?" Lu Fei said.

"I'm a mother-in-law!"

"Just such a broken jar is worth 700,000!"

"It's really scary to death!"

"Brother Fei!"

"Have a look, is there anything valuable in our house?" the fat man said excitedly.


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