A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1501 Rongguang Group

The business opened with great success and was booming.

Throughout the morning, people came and went at Dalei Flea Market, and business was very good.

At noon, Fatty brought several villagers who helped and Xiaodong and others to Huaguanlou to celebrate.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I was told that it was overcrowded and there were no free tables.

Fatty became angry when he heard it.

"What kind of plane are you doing?"

"I called and booked two tables before. Now you tell me that there are no seats. What do you mean?"

"sorry Sorry!"

"Our hotel has been booked today."

"I guess the waiter who answered the phone didn't understand the situation."

"Do you think this is good? Come over tomorrow and I'll give you a 20% discount."


"Fat man, forget it!"

"Let's go somewhere else!"

Lu Fei knew this and pulled the fat man away.

Next I found two good restaurants, both of which were overcrowded.

Losing face in front of everyone, the fat man blushed with shame and resentment.

There was no need to go to other big hotels, so Lu Fei simply invited everyone to Sun Kee.

Fortunately, business here was average, so Boss Sun arranged two tables together, and everyone finally sat down.

During lunch time, the fat man's face looked gloomy and scary.

Fortunately, when we returned to the courtyard after dinner, business was still booming.

After getting busy, the depression at noon quickly passed away.

As night fell, everyone was getting ready to call it a day and have a meal, when a figure with a shrunken head appeared outside.

This person is none other than Zhao Laosan.

Seeing this guy, Fatty's anger surged up again.

After being pulled by Lu Fei, he calmed down.

After glaring at Zhao Laosan, the fat man shouted.

"What's the cat doing there?"

"Come in and drink."

"Big Leizi, I"

"Stop acting like a bitch and come in quickly."

"Let's have a drink!"



br\u003e Zhao Laosan, who wanted to save face and suffer the consequences, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Xiaodong and others were following him before, and he still had some sense of presence.

Now that everyone is betrayed and separated from their relatives, Zhao Laosan finally recognizes the reality.

In order to survive, one has to bow to face.

During dinner, Fatty and Lu Fei didn't mention anything about the previous unpleasantness, and Zhao Laosan burst into tears with gratitude.

The next morning, Lu Fei made another vertical sign and hung it on the telephone pole outside the door.

With this sign, you can see it from a distance on both sides of the road.

The fat man admired it for a while and liked it very much.

Business was equally booming on this day, with the turnover on this day alone exceeding 20,000 yuan.

During the liquidation at night, according to the current market conditions, the net profit was more than three thousand, and Li Xiuli smiled from ear to ear.

After two days of continuous excitement, coupled with the dismantled junk, the courtyard was already full.

Fatty called the acquisition channel and asked them to come over and buy the goods.

But something big went wrong with this call.

The call went through, but no one answered.

Try another one, same thing.

I called five times in a row, but no one answered.

After calling for the sixth time, the other party shut down immediately.

"Leizi, what happened?" Li Xiuli asked nervously.

"It's okay!"

"I'm on the phone, mother, don't worry."

"You should rest early. Brother Fei and I have gone back to the house!"

"As long as nothing happens, it's been a tiring day, so you should rest early."


Back in his room, Fatty slammed his phone on the kang.

"What a bastard!"

"What's going on with these guys? Why are they all turned off?"

"I said it well before, what happened?"

"Fat man

, I guess this is also Zhang Zhaoliang’s fault. " Lu Fei said.


"Those little scoundrels are running the hotel and saying hello to the advertising agency and disgusting us. I believe that."

"But those acquirers are all big companies!"

“And most of them are not in this city.”

"No matter how awesome they are, they don't have that much energy!"

"That's not necessarily the case."

"Zhang Zhaoliang said that their boss's strength is among the best in the province."

"Such a person must have pretty good connections."

"It's just a matter of phone calls to prevent acquirers from cooperating with us."

"Don't worry, I'll check what's going on with the Rongguang Group first."

To be honest, Lu Fei didn't take them too seriously before.

I have experienced countless storms and waves.

Lu Fei really didn't pay attention to the richest man in a fourth-tier city.

However, after these few incidents, Lu Fei became alert.

What is wary of is not their strength, but Zhang Zhaoliang's scheming.

The hold-up was just a test.

Seeing that he was no weakling, he started to play tricks.

Make yourself homeless, the hotel will not take you in.

There is no signboard for the opening of the store, and there is no restaurant to celebrate the opening. Now we are going to take a step to drain the fire.

All this is to force myself to take the initiative to hand over Gou Bao.

What they did was completely reasonable and legal, leaving no clues.

Other local gangsters like to be simple and crude, but they can use such a heart-wrenching method to kill people. These people are really not simple.

Opening his phone, Lu Fei searched for information about Rongguang Group and was surprised.

Han Rongguang, chairman of Rongguang Group, is only 42 years old.

Information shows that Han Rongguang is from Shandong.

Five years ago, Han Rongguang came to Northeast China and invested 500 million to acquire Qishan Gold Mine.

In September of the same year, six

billion to acquire six real estate development companies in this city.

A monopoly was formed in less than half a year.

A few months later, Han Rongguang acquired several large catering and entertainment companies and expanded rapidly that year.

In just over a year, he became the richest man in the city.

In five years, Han Rongguang's business expanded to more than 30 industries, with assets exceeding 30 billion.

His personal wealth ranks among the top three in the province, and he is called a business legend by media from all walks of life in Jilin.

But in Lu Fei's eyes, this is not a legend, this is simply unbelievable.

According to this expansion rate, how much reserve capital does Han Rongguang need to expand?

It's not just about money.

He was a migrant who came to the Northeast to work hard. How could it be so smooth?

Where did he get such great connections?

Di Chaodong is a giant in Southeast Asia. Even with Di Chaodong's strength, I am afraid he cannot do it easily.

How could the unknown Han Rongguang do it?

This is definitely not normal.

"Fat man, this Rongguang Group is quite extraordinary. If you fight with others, it's like a small tree and an egg hitting a rock."

"Their goal is the dog treasure in my hands."

"But I have great use for this thing, and I will never sell it to them."

"In this case, I'll leave tomorrow."

"Goubao and I are not here, so there is no need for them to make things difficult for you."

"Don't worry, this dog treasure is half yours."

"I will never default on your debt."

"When I gain strength, I will give you the other half of the money immediately." Lu Fei said.

"Brother Fei!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Am I someone who is afraid of trouble?"

"The worst case scenario is that we won't be in the acquisition department anymore, and we'll continue to collect rags."

"Don't worry about me, you can't leave either."

"If you dare to leave, I will not recognize you as my brother."

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