A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1502 Everything goes wrong

The fat man was resolute, and Lu Fei laughed knowingly.

The leftovers were brought over, and the two brothers chatted while drinking.

"Brother Fei, you don't have to worry about them."

"I don't believe it anymore. Can they cover the sky with just one hand?"

"These consignees are not working. I will try to find another one tomorrow."

"There are always people willing to cooperate with us."

"I've thought about it."

"I'll go tomorrow."

"You help me take care of the house." .??.

"Business continues, and if the yard can't accommodate it, it will be dumped into the village."

"As soon as I find a new way out, I'll take him away," the fat man said.

"You don't need to."

"You are at home, I will go out tomorrow."

"I'm more careful than you, and it's easier to find channels."


"Then it's up to you."

In the early morning of this day, the shop was open as usual.

Lu Fei planned to go to surrounding cities to do sales after breakfast.

This matter happened because of me, and I must help Fatty settle it.

After breakfast, Lu Fei was about to leave when several urban management vans came outside.

Several uniformed players came down and shouted with a sullen face.

"Where's the boss?"

“Who is the owner of the flea market?”

"I'm coming!"

"I'm the boss here. Do you have anything to do?" the fat man said.

The young man leading the team pointed to the sign on the telephone pole and said.

"Who told you to put the sign here?"

"Not only are you operating beyond the scope of your business, you are also destroying public facilities."

"I'll give you half an hour to take the sign down immediately."

"In addition, you must pay a fine of five hundred yuan immediately."


The fat man's eyebrows suddenly stood up when he heard this.

The city manager was startled, took a step back and shouted sharply.

"What do you want to do?"

"Do you still dare to resist the law violently?"

"Stop holding the shit basin for me."

\u003e "Let me ask you, there are eighty or eighty signs like ours on this street."

"Why are others okay, why can't I?"

"That's our business, you have no right to interfere."

"What I'm talking about now is your illegal behavior."

"Please cooperate with the demolition immediately, otherwise we will sue you for obstructing law enforcement." the urban management said.


Pulling the fat man aside, Lu Fei said with a cold face.

"no problem!"

"We will demolish it now, but we will not pay the fine."

"Whatever you want is up to you."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he took the fat man back and asked Lao Li and two workers to take down the sign.

The urban management supervised the whole process and saw that he actually took it off and drove away without worrying about the fine.


"Did we offend someone?"

"Why do things always go wrong these past two days?" Li Xiuli asked.

"Don't worry, Mom, nothing will happen."

"This is a special management, not targeted at our family."

"is that so?"

"That's right!"

The fat man tried to comfort his mother, but he gritted his teeth.

But before I could swallow this breath, there was a chaos outside.

Lu and Fei went out to take a look and saw a municipal construction team coming outside.

A rubber-tired excavator was parked at the door, and a dozen workers were measuring and drawing lines, blocking the door.

"What do you do?" the fat man asked.

A middle-aged man wearing a red helmet came over and said.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the boss here."

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you blocking the door of my house?"

The middle-aged man chuckled, took out a document from his bag and shook it

Akira said.

"You came just in time, I was about to go in and inform you."

"We are a municipal government, and we need to bury sewage pipes and optical cables on this street, which happens to pass by your door."

"We apologize for the inconvenience."


"I can't understand it."

"How can I do business if you block the door of my house?" the fat man asked.

"Boss, this is a project signed by the government to benefit the people. All businesses and individuals must cooperate fully."

"If you have any objections, you can go to the top to report them, but please don't delay our project progress."

"What are you going to do?" Lu Fei asked.

“Dig trenches, bury pipes, and rebuild the roads.”

"How long is the construction period?"

"It won't be too long, about three months!"


"Three months?" Fatty yelled.


"Normally it's three months, but if bad weather affects the progress of the project, it's hard to say."

"However, it will not exceed three and a half months at most."

"Can I see your instructions?" Lu Fei asked.

"Of course there is no problem with this. This is your right."

Lu Fei got the instructions and looked at them. It turned out to be true.

Is this just a coincidence?

Lu Fei returned the instructions to the other party, nodded and said.

"no problem!"

"We can cooperate!"

"Is it okay if we put up two channel steels to facilitate pedestrians' access?"

"No problem at all!"

"As long as it doesn't hinder our construction, we can provide you with convenience as much as possible."



Lu Fei took the fat man back to the courtyard, and digging began immediately outside.

After a while, a ditch one meter wide and two meters deep separated the courtyard from the road.

The person who came to sell scrap products looked confused. After asking about the situation, he had no choice but to shake his head and leave.

Seeing that the business was delivered to her door but could not be completed, Li Xiuli was so anxious that she burst into tears.

"Oh my God!"

"What exactly happened here?"

"People do it well, why is it so difficult for us to do it!"

"What can we do?"

"Don't worry, Mom, it will get better."

"You are also exhausted during this period. It's time to take a few days' rest."

The construction team outside worked for more than an hour and suddenly stopped.

Lu and Fei went out to watch. The excavator stopped working and the workers sat on the edge of the ditch and smoked.

The red helmet leading the group has disappeared.

Looking at this ditch again, only the door of the flea market was dug, and the neighbors were not affected in any way.

"what's the situation?"

"Why did you stop?" the fat man asked.

"The equipment is broken."

"The boss is going to think of a solution, fix it and keep working," the worker said.

It was said that it was repaired and continued to work, but until the next morning, no one came to repair it at all.

Except for two workers chatting and spanking, everyone else disappeared.

"What's going on with you guys?"

"Are you going to do it again?"

"If you don't want to do it, fill the hole for me quickly. Don't delay my business." The fat man asked.

One of the workers chuckled.

"I don't know this either."

"The boss has the final say on what exactly is going on."

"Our leader will come soon, you can ask him!"

"Ask a question!"

"I finally understand. You are deliberately going against me."

"Tell me clearly, who ordered you to do this?" the fat man yelled.

"Don't stare at me. I'm just a worker. I don't know anything."

"If you don't understand, get out!"

"Lao Li, take the shovel and we'll fill it in ourselves."

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