A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1567 Will not violate principles

"I don't care which of you is responsible."

"The purpose of my coming is to terminate the contract."

"The 70 million liquidated damages are here, let's sign the breach of contract immediately." Hou Zhenguo said.

"There is nothing wrong with you unilaterally initiating a breach of contract."

"However, just paying liquidated damages is not enough."

"For this treasure battle, we invested too much in the early stage, and these must be accounted for on your shoulders."

"Mr. Chen, are you trying to blackmail someone?" Hou Zhenguo said.

"This is the rule!"

"It's clearly marked on the contract."

"Which party unilaterally breaches the contract must compensate for all associated losses in addition to liquidated damages." ??


"Say a number and I'll pay!"

"I'm not short of money." Hou Zhenguo said arrogantly.

"Of course you have to compensate."

"As for our losses, I need time to reckon with them."

"I will inform you when there are results." Chen Xiang said.

"This is not okay!"

"If you delay the fight until the end, it will be completely meaningless to talk about terminating the contract at that time."

"You have to give me a definite time."

"One month!"

"No, I can't wait that long."

"It's just one month. If you can't wait, you can sue us."

"I have plenty of time to spend with you Zhou Xuan." Chen Xiang said forcefully.

Hou Zhenguo thought for a while and said.


"Just one month!"

"After one month, the contract must be terminated."

"However, in order to prevent you from deliberately increasing costs, my people have the right to supervise in the gym this month."

"During this period, you must stop all activities."

"no problem!"

"I totally agree!"

"Then we'll see you in a month."

"let's go!"

When she came outside, Jin Yan exaggerated it again in front of reporters.

He directly described Lu Fei and the organizing committee as laozi.

And this name immediately spread on the Internet.

Half an hour later, eight buses drove over.

Under Jin Yan's arrangement, more than 300 security guards were dispersed to various areas of the stadium.

Except for offices and conference rooms, all other places are under the surveillance of these security guards.

Seeing these people, everyone in the organizing committee was filled with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

Near noon, the puppies were let out.

I met everyone briefly and was immediately deported.

This day also became the gloomiest day in the puppy's life.

At the beginning of the night, Hou Zhenguo left the hospital and returned to one of his mansions.

After getting off the car, I went to a room on the third floor alone.

Opening the door and going in, two teenagers were drinking and chatting inside.

Seeing these two young men, Hou Zhenguo was as arrogant as a eunuch and was as flattering as a eunuch.

"Master Jiang, Master Lin, how are you two resting?"

The Jiang Shao and Lin Shao that Hou Zhenguo was talking about were Jiang Mingzhe and Lin Jiadong, the young boss of Puhai Entertainment City.

Jiang Mingzhe said with a slight smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Hou, for your warm hospitality. We had a good rest."

"Mr. Hou, we did a good job today. We all know it."

"Especially your injury!"

"In order to meet the standard of minor injury, you endured the pain and tore the wound. Master Deng is very satisfied with your performance."


"It's nothing."

"If I can help Young Master Jiang and Young Master Deng, even if I lose my leg, Zhenguo will not hesitate."

"well said."

"Don't worry, Master Deng won't let your injuries go in vain."

Jiang Mingzhe said, pushing a thick document in front of Hou Zhenguo.

"This is the development project of Boyue Home, and it is a reward given to you by Master Deng."

"Follow Mr. Deng and work hard from now on, and I will ensure your success!"


Looking at this document, Hou Zhenguo's eyes almost bulged out.


"Thank you, Master Jiang, thank you, Master Deng!"

"Don't worry, Zhenguo will not let you down." .??.

"I will keep an eye on the gymnasium to ensure the mission is successfully completed."

"Just send someone to keep an eye on it. No action is allowed without Master Deng's instructions."

"If something goes wrong, you can't afford it." Jiang Mingzhe said.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it."


"Tell your people not to provoke Chen Xiang."

"Did you hear me?"

"That Chen Xiang is..."

"Shut up!"

"Do your job and don't ask any questions about the rest."


On the other side, Chen Xiang and others returned to the hotel, and Kong Jiaqi remained silent as if she had lost her soul.

Chen Xiang made some arrangements and the others withdrew.

Kong Jiaqi threw herself into Chen Xiang's arms and cried loudly.

"I am useless!"

"I'm useless!"

"Sister Chen Xiang, I just want to help you, but I really didn't expect it to end up like this."

"I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for Lu Fei."

"I'm even more sorry for Lao Bai and the others!"

"Jia Qi!"

"It's not your fault. What happened last night was obviously Hou Zhenguo's trap to frame you."

"This situation is so meticulous. Even if Lu Fei comes, it's impossible for him to escape unscathed."

"You have a good rest for a few days. Lu Fei will take care of the other matters." Chen Xiang said.

"How to deal with it?"

"Lao Bai and Xiao Lei have not been released yet."

"If Hou Zhenguo files a lawsuit, they will go to jail!"

"There is also Lao Bai's loss."

"On this day alone, Tiandu Entertainment's market value has evaporated by more than one billion."

"If Lao Bai doesn't come out in ten days, his company will collapse.

ah! "

"It's all my fault, I'm so useless."

"Don't cry!"

"Believe me, believe Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei is trying to figure it out."

"Lu Fei couldn't be bothered by so many situations before. He will be fine this time." Chen Xiang said.


In the dead of night, at a loess hill in Xingping Mountain, Xianyang, Lu Fei emerged from the ground.

Gao Yuan and Gao Jianhua teamed up to pull him up.

"How about it?"

"Is there anything you need?" Gao Yuan asked.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and shook his head slightly.

"Xiao Fei, this is the last place."

"I'm sorry, brother can't help you anymore." Gao Jianhua said.

"Don't say that!"

“With the icing on the cake, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have it.”

"Brother Gao, don't feel guilty."

"There is such a big situation in Jinling, why don't you go over there first and solve the problem there." Gao Yuan said.

"Don't worry, it's a small matter."

"I've already made arrangements."

As he said that, Lu Fei's encrypted phone prompt sounded.

Lu Fei clicked it and took a look, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"What should we do next?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Go back and take revenge first."

"Brother Gao, please send Brother Jianhua back to Hong Kong Island first."

"Xiao Ma, you and Xuesong are going to do something big tomorrow."

"What's going on?"

"Buy this mountain, follow the old rules, and open a resort."

"Isn't there nothing you can use?" Xiao Ma asked.

"There is indeed nothing that can be used this time."

“But other things can’t be let go either.”

"Xiao Fei, we agreed not to move the tomb, but you can't break your promise!" Gao Jianhua said.

"Don't worry, I won't destroy your principles."

"This is not a tomb."

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