A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1568 Wait for me

The gloomy day finally passed, and at dawn the next day, the case of the fight between Bai Zirui and others continued to ferment.

After this day, the reputations of Lu Fei, Bai Zirui and others came to a freezing point.

You can hear accusations and abuses against them everywhere on the Internet, on the subway, on the bus, and on the road.

It hurts those who are close to you, but it hurts those who are enemies!

My friends did not think about food or tea, and were worried to death.

On the other hand, those who usually had holidays with Lu Fei and Lao Bai spent the whole night celebrating with wine and words.

This is human nature.

After this night, 90% of the tickets were returned.

The businessman who terminated the contract is extremely happy that he made a wise decision.

Wan Xiaofeng held the phone and hesitated for a long time, and finally dialed Wei Lingshan's number.

"Mr. Wei!"

"Good morning, senior, are you okay?"


"Forget it, senior, stop talking."

"I know what you're going to say."

"I believe in my vision." Wei Lingshan said.


"I have nothing else to do, I just want to find time to treat you to dinner." Wan Xiaofeng said with a blushing face.




"Everyone is busy lately. When we have the chance to meet, I won't let you go."



At nine o'clock in the morning, Tiandu Entertainment's stock price fell to the limit again.

The business of the company under Lao Bai's name lost more than 30%.

Nearly half of executives quit.

More than 400 employees resigned.

The situation is quite pessimistic.

In the detention center, Bai Zirui and Kong Jiaqi burst into tears when they saw her.

"Lao Bai, I'm sorry for you."

Bai Zirui chuckled.

"Hi evil nature!"

"The little witch from Sijiucheng can actually shed tears. It can't be the legendary crocodile tears, right?"


"You're already like this, can you be more serious?"

"By the way, did you get beaten inside?" Kong Jiaqi asked.



You dare to beat me! "

"I am a master wherever I am!"

"Beat sex!"

"Lao Bai, don't worry, we will get you out as soon as possible."

"Xiao Lei and I are fine, you don't have to worry about us."

"That bastard Mr. Di has no loyalty and got out of here."

"Old Bai, why don't you ask about your company?" Kong Jiaqi asked.

"No need to ask, I know it well."

"Money is like a bastard. If you lose it, we'll make more!"

"Just take this opportunity to see who your true friends are."

"As for those grandsons who are adding insult to injury, let them play for two days."

"Brother, go out in a few days and kill him cleanly!"


"You have such a big heart!"

"How do you know you'll be able to go out in a few days?"


"As long as the grandson who collects rags is not dead, he will definitely have a way to get his brother out."

"Do you believe him that much?"


"Silly hater!"

"The grandson hasn't shown up yet!"

"I don't know where I can be happy right now!"



"Don't you have an affair with a rag collector?"

"Why are you still saying bad things about him?" Bai Zirui said with a smile.

"Your uncle!"

"Your mother just had an affair with him!"



"You don't miss him anymore?"

"Only the bastard misses him!"


"Do not you upset!"

"Hey, if you don't miss him anymore, what do you think of me?"

"I've been thinking about you for a year or two!"


"A dog's mouth cannot spit out ivory!"

"I was serious."


"Okay, I'm going back first."

"I'll treat you to dinner when I go out!"

After Bai Zirui finished speaking, he stood up and turned around to leave.

Kong Jiaqi looked at his back and was completely stunned.

After sending Gao Yuan and Gao Jianhua away, Lu Fei took the pony and others to visit Huangtugang in Xingping Mountain.

Knowing what was going on, he immediately arranged for Xiao Ma and Zuo Xuesong to buy land.

After the discussion, just as he was about to go down the mountain, Lu Fei's phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Lu Fei sneered.

"Which one?"

"Mr. Lu, it's me, Deng Shaohui!"


"Master Deng!"

"It's me! It's me."

"I called Mr. Lu yesterday, but I couldn't get through."

"Finally connected today." Deng Shaohui said.

"Master Deng, do you have something to do with me?"

"Mr. Lu, I've also heard about your Jinling Organizing Committee."

"I'm just confused. Lao Bai is already a man of three, why is he so impulsive?"

"Is there anything that can't be resolved calmly?"

"It's okay to fight, but it's still being photographed by reporters. This is troublesome."

"I think Mr. Lu is also worried about their affairs, right?"

"What Mr. Deng said is not entirely correct. Lao Bai is not an impulsive person."

"Since he hit someone, there is definitely a reason why he had to hit him." Lu Fei said.

"Everyone is a temperamental person, and I can understand Lao Bai."

"But he is happy, and this big mess will be left to you, Mr. Lu."

"By the way, how is the matter handled?" Deng Shaohui asked.

"It's very difficult to handle!"

"Mr. Lu, do you need any help?"

"If you need it, Shaohui will do his best."

"I shamelessly asked a few uncles for help, and I think we can almost solve the problem.

. "

"Master Deng plans to help me?" Lu Fei asked.


"We are friends!"

"I called Mr. Lu just to help you."

"How do you want to help me, Mr. Deng?"

"This is it"

"I can't explain it clearly on the phone. How about we meet and talk in detail?"


"Where is Mr. Deng? I'll go look for you."

"I'll wait for you in Qinhuangdao."


"I can arrive at noon."

"wait for me!"


A sightseeing helicopter hovers above the coastline of Dongdaihe.

"Mr. Lu, did you see it?"

"This nine-kilometer coastline is the project I'm talking about."

"In the next two years, the most high-end villa area in Bohai Bay will be built here."

"Here, schools, hospitals, restaurants, and entertainment are all available. It is definitely the first choice for successful people."

"Once this is built, we can make a lot of money just from the residential area."

"Not only that, the supporting facilities can also bring us more than a billion or even billions of profits every year."

"In a few years, all the surrounding areas will be built up, and this will be China's Victoria Harbor."

"The future is infinitely brilliant!"

After walking around and returning to the car, Deng Shaohui handed Lu Fei a cigarette and said.

"What does Mr. Lu think of this project?"

"The project is indeed a good project."

"However, this is not why I came here today." Lu Fei said.


"I understand what Mr. Lu means."

"I show you this project just to give Mr. Lu a signal."

"What signal?"

"We are friends!"

"I, Deng Shaohui, value relationships the most. I will do my best to help with anything that happens to my friends."

"As long as Mr. Lu agrees to cooperate with me, I will help you handle Jinling's affairs."

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