A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1616 The only one

In the fourth game, Yoshida Ohno invited a small object.

This is a Ge Kiln porcelain statue of Maitreya Buddha. Although it is a small object, those who know the art will be shocked on the spot.

"Judges, please identify the Maitreya Buddha statue in Ge Kiln of the Northern Song Dynasty."

After Yoshida Ohno finished speaking, he put his hands behind his back with a stern expression.

Guan Haishan's brows were knitted tightly together, his expression extremely solemn.

After several referees took turns, the Ge Kiln Buddha statue fell into Guan Haishan's hands.

He looked carefully up and down for five minutes, glanced at Lu Fei seriously, and then said.

"Everyone in the audience may know that Ge Kiln has many types of utensils, but few people have heard that Ge Kiln also has porcelain statues." .??.

"But in fact, it did happen."

"In October of the fourth year of Daguan, Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, had an accidental dream."

"In a dream, Huizong encountered a hunter approaching him carrying a seriously injured white deer."

"When he passed by Huizong, Bailu burst into tears and prayed to Huizong with his eyes."

"Huizong couldn't bear it, so he bought the white deer, found someone to treat the injury, and finally released it into the wild."

"When I returned, I met Maitreya Buddha in the forest and smiled and nodded to him."

"Although I wake up from the dream, all the dreams are still fresh in my memory."

"Huizong immediately drew the smiling face of Maitreya Buddha."

"The painting has just been completed, and the ladies from the harem came to report that Concubine Qiao gave birth to her son successfully."

"Huizong was overjoyed and named the child Zhao Gong."

"Reminiscent of last night's dream, Huizong believed that it was an auspicious sign sent to him by Maitreya Buddha. This child will definitely achieve great things in the future."

"So, Zhao Gong was canonized as the Duke of Zhenguo on the spot."

"But what Huizong didn't expect was that the child would unfortunately die when he was only two years old."

"But, those are all things for later."

"Huizong was so excited about the birth of the Dragon Son that he ordered Ge Kiln to bake a porcelain statue of Maitreya Buddha according to his own painting prototype."

"It took more than three months of rush work at the kiln entrance, and countless materials were wasted before it was fired.

One meritorious service. "

"This is also the only one."

"The first day of the first lunar month is the birthday of Buddha Maitreya."

"Huizong invited the porcelain statue into the imperial study and burned incense himself to worship it."

"Since then, the only Ge Kiln Buddha statue has remained in the Imperial Study Room."

"At the end of March in the second year of Jingkang, the Jin Emperor General Hui and the Qin Emperor, together with their concubines, imperial families, hundreds of officials and thousands of people, as well as religious musicians, craftsmen, legal chariots, ceremonial guards, crowns, ceremonial utensils, astronomical instruments, Treasures and playthings, royal collections of books, maps of the world’s state capitals, etc. were escorted to the north.”

"The public and private savings in Bianjing were all plundered, and the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed."

"At this point, the only Maitreya Buddha that was successfully fired in the Ge Kiln has completely disappeared."

"The five official kilns of the Northern Song Dynasty enjoy a high reputation in the history of Chinese porcelain."

"But the only ones that have ever made Buddha statues are Ge Kiln and Ru Kiln."

"The Ge Kiln only produced one Maitreya Buddha."

"Ru kiln is the eight-part Tianlong of Fenghua style that Huizong ordered to bake in order to ward off evil spirits in Fenghua Palace."

"Unfortunately, all of them are missing."

"However, what is exciting is that today the only porcelain statue of Maitreya Buddha from Ge Kiln has been brought to light again."

"After my appraisal, the porcelain statue of Mr. Yoshida Ohno is authentic. It is the only one ordered by Emperor Huizong to be burned. It is of great historical significance and is extremely precious."

After Guan Haishan finished speaking, several other judges also gave their identification results, and they all believed that it was genuine.

Hearing this answer, the West End backstage cheered for the first time.



"Listening to the importance of what the referee said, we will definitely win this round."

"That's right!"

"We will definitely win."

"It's true Yoshida-kun, so many treasures

, why did you listen to that bastard Chang Yufei’s advice and take advantage of it! "

"If you speak with true strength early, the current situation will be completely different."

"Isn't this what you've been eating for a long time?"

"It doesn't matter, it's not too late to start fighting back now."

"Let Lu Fei be happy first, and then watch him fall into hell. That would be more exciting."

"Who is that? There won't be any more accidents in this game, right?"

"Don't worry, Yamazaki-kun, it's absolutely foolproof."

The backstage cheered and celebrated, and Yoshida Ohno was even more arrogant.

He gave Lu Fei a disdainful look and said.

"Lu Fei, from now on, I will beat you eight games in a row."

"You have no chance."


"Lu Fei, what did you say?"

"I said you were an idiot!"

"Did you hear that clearly?"


"Father, father!"

"Don't get along with him."

"If you are angry, you have fallen into Lu Fei's scheme."

"Let's just let our strength speak. In the end, we'll see if he can still laugh out loud." Yoshida Chohei said.


"you're right!"

"Dad, I listen to you."

"Dear judges, since it is confirmed to be genuine, please give me an estimate of this Buddha statue, right?" Yoshida Ohno said.

"Don't worry about this yet. I have something to ask Mr. Yoshida." Guan Haishan said.

"Please speak, chief referee."

"Can you tell me how your family got this Ge Kiln Buddha statue?"

Yoshida Ohno chuckled.

"Sorry, I have no comment."

"All right!"

"Mr. Yoshida doesn't want to say it, just forget it."

"I have one more thing. If possible, could you sell us this Buddha statue?"

"Price is not an issue."

"Chief referee, we are fighting for treasures now, please say this is inappropriate!"

"If I win, how about we make an appointment to discuss it again?" Yoshida Ohno said.

"Sorry, I'm a little excited."

"Now, please express your opinions and estimate the value of this Ge Kiln Buddha statue." Guan Haishan said.

It is really difficult to appraise this Buddha statue.

The reason is that there is no record for reference.

"As we all know, Ge kiln firing is very difficult, and the yield is pitifully low."

"Moreover, this porcelain Buddha is hollow-fired, which requires more stringent requirements for the production of the body. It is not easy to successfully fire it."

"In addition to the difficulty of firing the porcelain itself, the most important thing is the historical background."

"As the chief referee said, this is the only Ge Kiln porcelain Buddha recorded in historical records."

"And it was an important treasure that Huizong supervised and personally enshrined."

"It is really rare to survive through countless smoke and wars for more than 900 years."

"Taking all factors into account, I think this porcelain Buddha should be valued at 1.5 billion Chinese coins." Wang Zhenbang said.

When the estimate of 1.5 billion came out, there were no boos in the audience.

Everyone knows that according to Guan Haishan's description, this estimate is not excessive.

It might even be on the low side.

Bo John smiled and said.

"For such a precious treasure, I think the valuation of 1.5 billion is too low."

"Not to mention the difficulty of burning it, just because it is the only one recorded in historical records, its value goes beyond that."

"Let me tell you my personal opinion."

"If Mr. Yoshida Ohno is willing to take action, our museum will be willing to collect even 2 billion Shenzhou coins."

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