A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1617 Trendy Model

John Bo valued the Ge Kiln porcelain statue at 2 billion Chinese coins, and the audience was in awe.


"Ge Kiln is indeed famous, but no matter how awesome it is, it's not worth two billion!"

"Do you know what two billion is?"

"This guy can just stand and talk without having back pain!"

The audience didn't understand that experts like Fatty Wang had cold sweat on their nervous palms.

But in terms of the value of antiques, two billion is indeed a bit high, but it is not too outrageous.

But if public negotiations are involved, the benefits this thing brings to the owner of the goods are far more than two billion Shenzhou coins.

But what they were worried about was not the price. The key was how Lu Fei would respond to this round!

There is indeed a lot of valuable porcelain in Taobao Fei's hands.

But if someone takes out a porcelain Buddha, they can't get a set of plates to put it on!

Although they are all porcelain, Yoshida Ohno's is a porcelain Buddha.

The plate is called porcelain.

One is a character, the other is a vessel, they don’t match up at all.

But without a complete set of porcelain, Lu Fei might be in trouble this game.

Bo John valued it at 2 billion Chinese coins, and naturally the referees from the two island countries had no objection.

To everyone's surprise, this time Holden and Bill also supported the valuation of 2 billion, forming a one-sided trend.

"To be honest, the valuation of two billion is indeed reasonable."

"I agree with this estimate!"

"Mr. Yoshida, are you satisfied with the valuation of two billion?" Guan Haishan said.

"I am very grateful to the referees for their fairness. I am very satisfied." Yoshida Ohno said.

"Mr. Lu Fei, do you agree?"

Lu Fei nodded and said.

“Ge kiln occupies an unshakable position in the history of China’s porcelain development.”

"This is the only Ge Kiln porcelain Buddha recorded in historical records. It is no exaggeration to say it is a priceless treasure."

"To be honest, if Mr. Yoshida had planned to take action before, even if the price was three billion, I, Lu Fei, would not frown."

"So, I think the estimate of two billion is a bit low!"


Hearing what Lu Fei said, the entire audience became uneasy.

The little puppy gnashed his teeth in sorrow.

"Xiao Yao, is my brother crazy?"

"What's on his mind?"

"Isn't this helping old man Yoshida speak?"

Wang Xinlei shook his head and said.

"I don't know what he thinks."

"Brother Fei behaves differently from ordinary people sometimes."

"But I know one thing, he must have a reason for saying that."


"That's true!"

Yoshida Ohno laughed loudly.

"Lu Fei, you finally said something conscientious. After all, you are still a man."


"Don't think wrongly. I say this out of respect for this porcelain Buddha. It has nothing to do with you at all."

“As a collector, you have to respect the collection.”

“Only with respect from the heart can we realize the true meaning of collection.”

"I, Lu Fei, can't do anything against my will to gain or lose a game."


"Mr. Lu said it well."

The audience applauded enthusiastically, and Yoshida Chohei's eyes were about to burst.


"Give him another chance to show off!"

"Damn it!"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Let him show off for a while. If he doesn't get along soon, he will be embarrassed." Yoshida Ohno said.

"Mr. Lu Fei, so you have no objection to the valuation of two billion?" Guan Haishan asked.


"I totally agree."


"I declare that the Maitreya Buddha statue from the Ge Kiln of the Northern Song Dynasty that Mr. Yoshida Ohno appeared in the fourth game has been authenticated."

"The evaluation given by the referee team is two billion Shenzhou coins!"

"Next, please ask Mr. Lu Fei to show you his treasure."

Yoshida Changhei looked at Lu Fei and sneered.

"Lu Fei, I want to warn you."

"What we are playing is a porcelain Buddha. Don't make other rags to deal with us!"

"Except for porcelain figures, other utensils are illegal!"


"I don't need you, a fashion model, to worry about."

"Trendy model?" ??

"What do you mean?" Yoshida Nagahei asked confused.

"You are a super male model who shoots streaking videos and leads the trend of the times. You are called a trendy model!"

"How about it? Is the name I chose very appropriate?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The audience burst into laughter, and Yoshida Chohei became angry.


"Lu Fei, you bastard!"

"You are insulting me, you must apologize to me."


“Aren’t you just making videos to show performance art?”

"What did I say wrong?"

"Why should I apologize?"

"Don't tell me you haven't done it. I have video evidence here."

"If you don't admit it, I'll let the whole audience take a look now."


Yoshida Changhei was so angry that he felt dizzy and his eyes were blurry, and he wished he could kill Lu Fei with his own hands.

But he really didn't dare to deny it.

Having been fooled several times, he knew Lu Fei's temper too well.

If he didn't admit it, Lu Fei would definitely dare to broadcast it in public to verify it.

If that were the case, I wouldn't be able to stay on this stage any longer.

Yoshida Chohei gritted his teeth and said.

"Lu Fei, we are fighting for treasures. I don't want to get entangled with you about other irrelevant things."

"Now it's your turn to respond."

"If you can't do it right

, then admit defeat as soon as possible to avoid wasting everyone’s precious time. "


"Now you know time is precious?"

"If you hadn't kept nagging me, the fourth game would have been over by now."

"Also, the treasure fight is a competition between two elders, me and you, so shut your mouth."

"No matter what, it has nothing to do with you, a junior, do you hear me?"


"Lu Fei, if you dare to take advantage of me, I will follow you."

Yoshida Chohei almost had a seizure, but was held down by his father's big hand.

"Okay, sit down and don't embarrass me."

"Lu Fei, what Chang Ping said just now is right."

"Now it's your turn, Liangbao, to respond."

"If you can't match up, then quickly admit defeat and let's continue."


"I don't need your advice on how to do it."

"Xiaolong, number 22!"


The command was shouted here, and the backstage door was blocked by Su He.

"I have to go in this round!"

"If I'm not allowed to appear, none of you are allowed to go!" Su He shouted.

"Su He, it's not appropriate for you to go."

"Let Shu Ya go out in this game!" Han Bing said.

"Why is it inappropriate?"

"Sister Han Bing, are you bullying me on purpose?"

"No one bullies you."

"What I'm saying is not that you are inappropriate, but that your clothes are inappropriate."

"This round is about Song Ci. Is it appropriate for you to wear a red cheongsam?"

"It's too late to change clothes now, you'd better wait a while!"


"I'm going!"

"I'm short and don't look good in traditional costumes. According to you, I'll never have a chance."

"No one can stop me, I'm going to play in this game."

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