A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1638 Ashoka Tower

The seventh round of treasure fighting began. Master Kongyuan, the great monk of the island country, led the monks to meditate and recite scriptures.

Five minutes passed after this recitation. Everyone was upset, except the little puppy who was calm and composed.

The scripture reading lasted nine minutes before stopping.

The moment the sound stopped, the little puppy slowly opened its eyes.

"Brother Long!"

"Can you pay attention to your quality?"

"You can fall asleep in this situation, you are so awesome!" Wang Xinlei said.


"When did I fall asleep?"

"You said no, your eyes were closed."

"But it's no wonder, these monks are so annoying."

"If I hadn't been strong-willed, I would have been lulled to sleep by them."

"Hey, I really didn't sleep."

"When the monks were chanting sutras just now, what was the word in my mind?"

"I just don't think about anything, like a puddle of water."


"A dip in water?"

"That's all I've ever heard of a pee!"

"That's what makes your heart feel like water!"

"If you're not educated, don't show off, okay?" Wang Xinlei said with a smile.

"Your uncle!"

"I'm not kidding you."

"What I said is true. I felt so comfortable just now."

"This time I finally found a good way to relieve fatigue."

"In the future, if you feel tired or sleepy, go to a monk to chant sutras. It will be more effective than going for a massage!"

The two brothers were joking in a low voice, and Master Kongyuan put down the wooden fish and slowly stood up.

After burning incense, he bowed to the cloth bag, then arranged the Buddhist robes and came to the cloth bag.

He untied the cloth bag with both hands and slowly opened it. The light shone on it, and there were thousands of brilliant golden lights.

After seeing clearly what was inside, Guan Haishan Wang Zhenbang quickly stood up.

Zhang Yanhe and others were shocked, and they were instantly ejected as if there were springs under their butts.

Their reaction was not too violent.

Master Huixian and ten monks from Xiangguo Temple saw this thing and could no longer sit still.

When he stood up and took a closer look, the ten monks were so frightened that they were shaking like chaff.


Master Huixian shouted in disbelief and rushed towards the treasure fighting platform at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

Other monks opened their bags and took out their magical instruments and followed closely.

Arriving at the treasure-fighting platform, Huixian took the lead in kneeling down and worshiping.

Then they sat cross-legged behind the island monks and recited scriptures together.

The audience was completely confused by this sudden scene.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Isn't it a treasure fighting conference?"

"Why did you become a monk and hold a meeting?"

"Where did these monks come from?"

"The nine chants just now were annoying enough. Now there are ten more. Are you going to let people live?"


"Shut up!"

"The monk represents Buddhism, don't dare to talk nonsense, you will be punished!"

"go away!"

"I don't believe this. If you do, why don't you go up and recite sutras?"

"Your uncle!"

"You dare to speak rudely in front of the Buddha. Do you want to fight?"

"Depend on!"

"Just fight, am I still afraid of you?"

"You want to come out with me?"

"Whoever dares not come out is the grandson!"


"Whatever the occasion is, please stop arguing."

"Wouldn't it be a shame to call in security guards later?"

The outsiders watched the excitement and talked a lot.

When those knowledgeable people in the front row saw the golden objects on the stage, they were as shocked as if they were struck by five thunders.

"This, is this Ashoka Tower?"

"Yes, this Ashoka Pagoda is not gilded, but pure gold!"

“Looking at the patina and smoke marks, it’s at least a thousand years old.”

“Since when did the island nation have a solid gold Ashoka Tower?”

"How come I've never heard of it?"

It’s no wonder that the veterans are so nervous and Master Huixian is so out of character. Ashoka Pagoda’s status in Buddhism is really too important.

Ashoka Pagoda is named in commemoration of Ashoka, the first king of the Asan Kingdom who promoted Buddhism.

Ashoka was the Mauryan emperor who ruled almost all of the Indian continent.

From 303 BC to 232 BC, he is regarded by many as the greatest emperor of the Asan Kingdom.

His life's achievements can be clearly divided into two parts. The first half of his life was the "Black Ashoka" era.

Mainly through struggle, he secured the throne and basically unified the three countries through force.

When the Kalinga Kingdom was conquered in about 261 BC, 150,000 people were captured, 100,000 were killed, and hundreds of thousands were killed or injured.

Subsequently, except for the Mysore area, the entire territory of the three countries was unified.

It is said that King Ashoka felt deeply remorseful after witnessing the massacre when he conquered the Kalinga Kingdom, so he stopped military expansion.

After the war ended, Ashoka began to focus on worshiping Buddha. He built temples extensively, summoned monks from all over the world, compiled, improved and organized many Buddhist scriptures, and Buddhism developed greatly.

This period can be said to be the golden age of Buddhism in Asan Kingdom. In addition, he also sent monks to preach.

Ashoka announced that he would no longer take the initiative to wage war, and would try to minimize casualties even if war was a last resort.

He established Buddhism as the state religion, and engraved his edicts and the spirit of "Dharma" on cliffs and stone pillars, becoming the famous Ashoka Edicts on Cliffs and Stone Pillars.

The content of these "positive Dharma" embodies the basic spirit of Buddhism and also contains Asoka's own political needs.

Ashoka donated a large amount of property and land to the Buddhist Sangha and built Buddhist buildings across the country.

It is said that a total of 84,000 Buddha relic stupas were built to enshrine the Buddha's bones.

In order to eliminate the disputes between different sects of Buddhism, King Asoka invited the famous eminent monk Moggallanazi Dixu to convene 1,000 monks to hold a grand gathering in Huashi City.

He drove out heretics, compiled the classics, and compiled "Lunshi".

King Ashoka began to send Buddhist missions, including princes and princesses, to border areas and surrounding countries to spread Buddhism.

Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and even Syria, Egypt and other places have their hard work footprints.

This was the beginning of Buddhism moving out of the Asan Kingdom and becoming a world religion.

Therefore, without Ashoka, Buddhism would not have reached its current scale.

Buddhists and believers around the world have built countless Ashoka stupas in memory of this emperor.

Almost more than 80% of temples around the world have Ashoka stupas dedicated to them.

However, although there are many Ashoka stupas, their materials are very ordinary.

Mostly made of wood and stone.

Luxurious copper, gilt, etc.

But the pure gold Ashoka Pagoda is a rare sight.

The Asoka Pagoda on the Doubao Platform is over eighty centimeters high and thirty-five centimeters wide.

The tower is a single-story square tower, consisting of a tower cover, a tower body and a tower base.

The pagoda cover is square, with a pagoda brake standing in the center of the cover. The top of the pagoda is a flame-shaped orb. There are five-fold phase wheels on the pagoda and two golden rings.

The four corners of the tower cover are decorated with mountain flowers and banana leaves.

The tower body is square, hollow, and integrated with the tower base.

The entire body is engraved with the Buddha himself and the stories passed down by him, with exquisite patterns such as Buddha statues, golden-winged birds, lotus patterns, and honeysuckle patterns.

Under the illumination of the light, the golden light is extremely luxurious.

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