A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1639 The gap in realm

Nineteen monks recited scriptures, and the venue suddenly turned into a majestic palace, with smoke swirling and the sound of wooden fish making a lively scene.

Ohno Yoshida came to the referee's seat holding the microphone and shouted loudly.


"Everyone in the audience, please come on stage!"

"The treasure I played in the seventh game is the treasure of the Asan Kingdom Mahabodhi Temple." .??.??

"Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Tower!"


"Pure gold!"

"It's really pure gold!"


"What's so great about pure gold? Didn't you hear the word Qibao in front of it?"

"Pure gold and seven treasures. Needless to say, this Ashoka Pagoda is absolutely awesome!"

The audience was right, this Ashoka Tower is really awesome.

The Mahabodhi Temple was built in the Third Stone Age BC on the site of Siddhartha Gautama, the place where Sakyamuni passed away.

Therefore, it is also considered a Buddhist holy place.

The construction of the Mahabodhi Temple was completed, attracting countless eminent monks to give sermons, attracting thousands of followers, and the incense was extremely strong.

In 26 BC, more than 9,000 believers raised funds to cast a seven-jewel pure gold Ashoka stupa for the Mahabodhi Temple to enshrine the Buddha's relics.

Enjoying the worship and incense of hundreds of millions of believers for more than two thousand years, this seven-treasure pure gold Ashoka Pagoda is even regarded as a Buddhist treasure.

When it comes to Ashoka Tower, there is no one that can compare with it.

Therefore, this Ashoka Pagoda is really important in the eyes of Buddhism and believers.

It is absolutely priceless.

When they heard that it was this pagoda, everyone who knew it was shocked.

Guan Haishan and the other referees looked at each other and were about to step forward for appraisal, but Lu Fei stood up.

"Wait a moment!"

"I have something to say!"

"Lu Fei, what do you want to say?" Yoshida Ohno asked.

"Yoshida, the rules of treasure fighting are clearly written."

"What we are competing against is the collection of antiques from the Chinese civilization."

"You invited Ashoka Pagoda, a treasure of Buddhism, to come out. Is this a foul?"


After Lu Fei finished speaking, the whole place became excited again.


"Yoshida Ohno just said that this is the treasure of the Asan Kingdom Mahabodhi Temple. This is obviously over the line."



"This is a foul."

Faced with everyone's comments and Lu Fei's doubts, Yoshida Ohno didn't care.

"This is indeed the treasure of the Asan Kingdom Mahabodhi Temple."

"But at the same time, it is also the supreme treasure of Buddhism."

"Religion knows no borders, and there are countless Buddhist followers around the world."

"In other words, this Ashoka Pagoda is the common wealth of believers all over the world."

"There are also many believers in China. Statistics show that there are at least 30 million."

"Please judge, I think this Ashoka Tower definitely complies with the rules of treasure fighting." Yoshida Ohno said.

"Yoshida, don't expect to take advantage of this."

"Let me ask you a question."

"Where did Buddhism originate?" Lu Fei asked.

"It is a recognized fact that Buddhism originated in Nepal and became popular in Asan."

"Since it originated in Nepal, how can it be considered a Chinese civilization?"

"Unless you let the whole world recognize that Buddhism originated in China, using this is a foul!" Lu Fei said.

Just as Yoshida Ohno was about to retort, Master Kuhara stood up.


"The poor monk may be able to answer Donor Lu's question."

"Old monk, who are you?" Lu Fei asked.

"The poor monk is the presiding monk of Changgu Temple, and his Buddhist name is Kongyuan."

"The poor monk can help you answer the question that Donor Lu was wondering about just now."

"Although Buddhism originated in Nepal and is popular in Asan."

"But there is also more than two thousand years of Buddhist history in China."

"As early as the fifth year of Qin Shihuang, 18 people including the Samana Shili Fang from the Western Regions brought Sanskrit scriptures to Xianyang."

"Since then, Buddhism has taken root in China and expanded rapidly."

"Today, China has more than 36,000 temples and hundreds of thousands of monks."

"All major museums in China have unearthed cultural relics closely related to Buddhism."

"So, Buddhism also belongs to the Chinese civilization."

"And it is an integral part of the Chinese civilization!"

"The poor monk believes that this seven-treasure pure gold Ashoka Pagoda appears here on behalf of the Chinese civilization and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Yes, yes, that's what I said."

"Lu Fei, do you understand?" Yoshida Ohno said.

"Old monk, what you say is just your personal opinion. Can you represent Buddhists all over the world?"


"Buddhism in the world is one family. I believe that other Buddhists have the same views as the poor monk."

"We are determined to carry forward Buddhism. As for which civilization we belong to, it doesn't matter."

"By the way, the poor monk saw that Master Huixian, the abbot of Daxiangguo Temple, was also present."

"Master Huixian is a Chinese monk. You might as well listen to what Master Huixian has to say." Kong Yuan said.


"Master Huixian, do you agree with Master Kongyuan's point of view?" Lu Fei asked.


"Donor Lu, what Master Kong Yuan said is true."

"Buddhism belongs to the whole world and should not belong to any specific country or civilization."

"So, this Ashoka Pagoda is also a supreme treasure of Buddhism in China."


"After all, this is the most precious treasure of Buddhism. If it is used in commercial competitions in the secular world, the poor monk may think it is inappropriate!

Huixian said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Master Kongyuan, I'm not talking about you. You two are both members of the Buddhist sect, but your realms are worlds apart."

"Buddhism's most important treasure is something that Buddhist believers all over the world believe in, but you use it to compete with me for treasures."

"Aren't you afraid of being denounced by countless Buddhist believers around the world?"

Kong Yuan's face turned red when Lu Fei said it and he quickly explained.


"The treasure fight is a grudge between two donors and has nothing to do with the poor monk."

"The poor monk was only invited to participate in the treasure-raising ceremony. Please don't misunderstand me, Donor Lu."



"You have the nerve to say there's a misunderstanding?"

"There is an old saying in China: No profit, no early start."

"Do you dare to say that you have not accepted the benefits of Yoshida Ohno?"

"As a member of the Buddhist sect, you should preach and teach in the Four Great Beings."

"But you lead the monks to participate in commercial activities for the sake of money."

"Buddhism has lost all face by you."

"You still have the nerve to explain to me?"

"I bother!"


"Lu Fei, shut up!"

"Master Kongyuan is an eminent Buddhist monk. It's not your turn to blame."

"You'd better apologize to Master Kuhara immediately, otherwise hundreds of millions of Buddhist believers will not forgive you." Yoshida Ohno shouted.

"It's you who should shut up!"

"Don't use any religion to intimidate me. In China, I only believe in the laws of China!"

"In other words, even if I believe in Buddhism, I can only feel shameful for your behavior."

"The Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda is a supreme treasure cast with donations from thousands of believers."

"But now, this supreme treasure is used by you to fight against each other."

"Even if Buddhist believers want to denounce it, the target will definitely be you."

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