A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1648 And more

Yoshida and Lu Fei signed a gambling contract, and the 50 billion funds bet by both parties were temporarily pledged by the referee team.

The referee verified that the contract was correct and the conference continued.

"Lu Fei, it's your turn to show off your treasure."

"I want to see what kind of big treasure can beat my Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Tower!"

Yoshida Ohno was extremely proud, and the look in Lu Fei's eyes was full of teasing.

Lu Fei said with a faint smile.

"Don't worry, you'll see it."

This time, Lu Fei did not call the number, but left the treasure fighting platform and walked towards the passage.

"Referee, Lu Fei wants to run." Yoshida Ohno asked.

"Yoshida, put your heart in my belly. I won't give up until you lose everything."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to ask for treasure."

"My treasure is too heavy for ordinary people to hold!"

Lu Fei said and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Returning to the warehouse and taking a baggage, Lu Fei was about to leave when he was stopped by Li Shengnan and Yang Yi.

"Fei brother, are you sure?"

"rest assured!"

"no problem!"


"I knew you were the best!"

"Come on, sister will look after your house."

"Sister Li, the way you smiled just now, was there really something wrong with that?"




After leaving the warehouse, Lu Fei took a break from his busy schedule to go backstage and pulled out Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi from a group of warblers.

After explaining a few words to the two of them, the two women nodded frequently.

Lu Fei turned around and left, but stopped again.

"Xinyi, you go back first, I have a few words to say to Xiang'er."

Wang Xinyi left, and Lu Fei smiled slightly as he looked at Chen Xiang, who was dressed in a white gauze dress and looked like a fairy from the Moon Palace.

"Xiang'er, you look really good in this outfit."


Of? "

"of course it's true."

"However, please promise me that you will not appear tonight."



"Did everyone agree to help you?" Chen Xiang asked in confusion.

"You are my woman, and your beauty belongs only to me."

"I don't want you to show up in public, so be obedient!"

Lu Fei left and looked at his back, Chen Xiang felt extremely sweet in her heart.

Lu Fei's figure reappeared in the passage, and the audience stood up and cheered.

But seeing the small yellow cloth bag in Lu Fei's hand, everyone became worried at the same time.

Yoshida Ohno's pagoda is so big, and it's also a Buddhist sacred object.

Can this little cloth bag in Lu Fei's hand win?

Amid everyone's worries and suspicions, Lu Fei climbed onto the treasure fighting stage and placed the cloth bag on the referee's seat.

Without too much nonsense, the cloth bag was opened directly, and a treasure letter appeared in front of everyone.

The close-up shot appeared on the big screen, and everyone could see it clearly.

This is a silver-rimmed sandalwood gilt-topped treasure letter of the Four Heavenly Kings. The length, width and height are all about thirty centimeters.

Two dragons are chiselled on the top, facing each other head to tail, and are surrounded by flowing cloud patterns; two dragons playing with beads are chiseled on the slopes on each side, and the bottom is decorated with curly grass.

Two Kalingbinga birds are chiseled on each side of the rim, and the sides are decorated with sea pomegranate flowers and vines. The four sides of the letter are engraved with images of the four heavenly kings.

On the front is the great sage Bishamonten of the north, on the left is the king of Tituraisa of the east, on the right is the king of Vilulucha of the west, and on the back is the king of Vilbocha of the south.

Although the appearance is somewhat mottled, the overall shape is well preserved and all patterns are very clear.

After seeing this thing clearly, the entire audience was stunned.

This thing does look old, and the statues and paintings are antique.

But can this thing compete with Yoshida Ohno's pagoda?

It seems that the disparity is too big!

The audience who didn't know what was going on expressed their doubts, and even the veterans in the front row were puzzled.

However, when the nineteen monks present saw this treasure letter, they all knelt down while reciting the Buddha's name.

"Lu Fei, do you want to beat me with this thing?" Yoshida Ohno asked sternly.

Lu Fei cursed an idiot and reached out to open the treasure letter.

Lu Fei took off the first layer, and the golden silver treasure letter of the Four Heavenly Kings appeared in front of everyone.

"Holy shit!"

"Two-story hi!"

"What is this? It looks pretty exquisite?"

While everyone was surprised, Lu Fei's hands were not idle either. He was removing a layer, which contained a plain-faced silver treasure letter.

The three-layered treasure letter was taken away. Now, even people who didn't understand it realized that this treasure was different.

Seeing the triple treasure letter placed on the referee's bench, the referees were shocked.

The monks have begun chanting sutras.

Yoshida Ohno clenched his fists, and his palms began to sweat.

The shareholders who had invested all their money in the background held their breaths and their faces became increasingly ugly.

Before they could even breathe evenly, the fourth blow came as expected.

The fourth level treasure letter is made of sheet metal and decorated with gilt.

On the front of the letter is the Tathagata, surrounded by two bodhisattvas, four disciples, two vajra warriors, and two worshiping boys.

The outer walls are chiselled with images of Tathagata and Avalokitesvara, or decorated with two flying phoenixes, with arabesque patterns, or engraved with images of Vajra Sands consecrating the Buddha.

Such a beautiful gilt silver treasure letter with the Buddha's Dharma crown appeared, and everyone held their breath.

"Oh my god!"


"It seems, it seems to be pure gold!"

"What a beautiful box!"

That's right, it's the Six-Armed Guanyin Pure Gold Dingding Treasure Letter.


The cover is carved with two phoenixes and lotus pods, and four auspicious birds are chasing around the center on the side of the cover.

On the front is a picture of the six-armed Wish-fulfilling Wheel Avalokitesvara, on the left is a picture of Medicine Master Tathagata, on the right is a picture of Amitabha Buddha, and on the back is a picture of Great Sun Tathagata.

The outer walls are chiselled with images of Tathagata and Avalokitesvara, or decorated with two flying phoenixes, with arabesque patterns, or engraved with images of Vajra Sands consecrating the Buddha.

The shape is delicate and lifelike.

The appearance of this important treasure letter made Yoshida Ohno feel bad for a moment.

The seven referees could no longer sit still and all stood up.

However, this is not the end.

After removing this layer of treasure letter, there is still one inside, and it is more beautiful.

This is a pure gold letter with mother-of-pearls in a gold basket.

Carved in pure gold, the body is inlaid with rubies, emeralds, jade, agate, turquoise and other precious stones.

It is also inlaid with gemstone flowers, and red and green gemstones on the top and sides of the cover are inlaid with large and small lotuses.

The whole body is inlaid with pearls and gemstones, and carved with petal patterns, which is extremely gorgeous and exquisite.

This is already the sixth treasure letter.

The small box actually contains six floors, and each floor is different. The further inside, the more luxurious it becomes.

The six-fold treasure letter was placed on the referee's bench, and the only sound left in the venue was chanting.

However, the excitement continues.

Take away this heavy treasure letter, there is another one inside, and it is equally luxurious.

This is a gold basket, mother-of-pearl and warrior stone treasure letter.

It is made of polished pearl-clad warrior stone. It is edged by a carved gold belt and inlaid with jewels, flowers and birds. The whole body is inlaid with pearls and gemstones, and carved with petal patterns. This is a typical Buddhist style of the Tang Dynasty.

The Sevenfold Treasure Letter was unveiled, and most people had already stuck out their tongues.

At this point, Lu Feisong finally stopped.

Yoshida Ohno walked to the stage with heavy steps and looked at the seven-fold treasure letter and asked nervously.

"What's this?"

"Lu Fei, just based on this, you can beat me?"

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