A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1649 Disrespectful

Seven layers of extremely luxurious treasure letters were unveiled, and everyone was shocked.

Although Yoshida Ohno was nervous, he didn't understand the value of what was in front of him.

"Lu Fei, are you going to use this thing to defeat me?"


"Not winning!"

"It's a complete victory!"

"Your so-called Buddhist sacred objects are simply worthless in front of my treasure."

"Lu Fei, you are talking nonsense!"

"That's what I am"


"You, you curse?"

"Shut up!"

"You don't know how to live or die, I don't even bother to talk to you."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he looked at the seven shocked referees and smiled.

"Dear referees, I think you must know this thing, right?"

Guan Haishan nodded and said.

"The treasure letter of the prosperous Tang Dynasty is so luxurious and wonderful!"

"Seven-layered pagoda, eight-layered letter, these are the rules!"

"I think there should be another layer inside."

"If I guess correctly, the relics enshrined inside should be there."

Guan Haishan's words made everyone feel even worse.


"There's actually another layer inside?"

"And the ones being enshrined are also relics?"

"What the hell is this thing?"

"It can't really be a heaven-defying treasure!"

Lu Fei gave Guan Haishan a thumbs up and praised him.

"He is indeed the general consultant of history and archeology in China, and he truly deserves his reputation."

"You're right, there is indeed another layer inside."

Speaking of this, Master Kongyuan came forward.


"Donor Lu, the eight-fold treasure letter is a rare treasure in Buddhism."

"When opening the Eightfold Letter, you should perform a religious ceremony, otherwise it would be disrespectful to the Buddha."

"The poor monk is petitioning you. I will personally perform this ritual and help you open the eight-fold treasure letter!"

"Get out!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Are you worthy?"


"Donor Lu, you"


"Bibi again, I'll ask the security guards to kick you out."

Master Huixian also planned to go on stage to ask for help. It can be seen that Kongyuan was treated like this and stopped dead in his tracks, not daring to go on stage.

Master Kongyuan was humiliated in public, and his face turned red with shame, but in Lu Fei's territory, he really didn't dare to challenge Lu Fei.

He had no choice but to retreat obediently.

Lu Fei opened the seven-fold treasure letter with his own hands. Inside was a pure gold tower with a single eaves and four doors.

The golden pagoda is a little over one centimeter high. The top of the pagoda is made of gold lotus flowers holding gold beads, and the eaves on all sides are raised.

The forehead of the pavilion and under the eaves are decorated with rhombus patterns, and the four walls of the tower are fully carved with patterns. There are four small golden doors with fish roe patterns around them. There is a symbolic flying ladder at the bottom of the door to the tower base. It is small, exquisite, and resplendent.

The plate is in the shape of a thin neck and drum waist. Twelve wishful cloud heads are carved at the diameter of the trumpet. Two parallel lines on the drum waist are connected into four groups of rod-shaped cross flowers with three cobalt patterns, lined with pearl patterns. The bottom of the waist is in the shape of lotus petals, with silver The base of the column is also in the shape of an eight-petal lotus.

There are three cobalt patterns in the middle, the base of the tower is a pure gold square platform, with the word "南" engraved on it, and a small silver column one centimeter long in the middle.


"so beautiful!"

"What's this?"

"Is this also a relic?"

"Why doesn't it feel like it?"

"Hey, look, there is a bone on that pillar."

"That should be the relic!"

The audience who didn't know why was still talking about it, while the knowledgeable people were like thunder and were completely shocked.

Master Kongyuan, who looked resentful, almost fell down when he saw this thing.

The other monks looked at him with wide eyes and knelt down one after another.

"Everyone, please keep your eyes peeled!"

"The eight-layer treasure letter is enshrined here. The finger bone relics of Sakyamuni's true body are here!"


Hearing this, the whole audience was shocked.


"Real body, finger bones?"

"My God, this belongs to Sakyamuni"

"Shh!" ??

"Shut up!"

"That's the Buddha's relic!"

"Aren't you afraid that Buddha will blame you if you dare to talk nonsense?"

"Be careful that Buddha will press you under the Five Elements Mountain and turn you into a mummy."

The audience just cheered, and the veterans stuck out their tongues. Yoshida Ohno's legs became weak and he almost collapsed to the ground.


"Absolutely impossible!"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"This is absolutely not true?"

"Lu Fei, you just pick up a piece of bone and dare to pass it off as the Buddha's true relic. Aren't you afraid of retribution?" Yoshida Ohno shouted frantically.

"It's you who deserve retribution!"

"You dare to desecrate even the relics of the Buddha's true body. You are simply disrespectful."

"All Buddhist believers in the world will never let you go."

"Yoshida, you are dead."


"You're lying, it must be a lie!"

“True gold is not afraid of fire!”

"There are many records on this finger bone relic."

"I'll wait here and ask the referee to identify it."

"And you monks, please climb up and see clearly whether it is true."

"If you can't even tell the authenticity of the Buddha's true body relics, your lives will be in vain."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he swaggered back to the sofa.

The little puppy hurriedly poured tea with an adoring look on his face.


"you do not say."

"Shut up!"


"Brother, can I discuss something with you?"


"If Yoshida wins, can you get me one of those induction beads?"

"Brother Fei, I want one too." The two eldest young men said coquettishly.

"Little Dragon can offer one, but it cannot exceed three years."

"Xiao Lei, you can't do it. If you can't stop shouting, something will happen!" Lu Fei said.

"so serious?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

"All right!"

"Listen to Brother Fei!"

The other monks lay on the spot without daring to move. Kongyuan and Huixian looked at each other and came closer cautiously.

The two great monks stared at the phalanx carefully.

After watching it for ten seconds, he knelt down in a panic as if he had been electrocuted, chanting sutras in his mouth, but the rhythm was not at the same point at all.

"You two, go down and recite sutras, don't affect the referee's assessment." Lu Fei shouted.

The two monks did not dare to speak harshly or even raise their heads. They walked backwards to the stage and knelt down again.

Seeing the expressions of the two monks, Yoshida Ohno lost all hope, and the bad feeling kept stimulating every cell.

The shareholders backstage in the West District had dull expressions, staring at the monitor with pale faces, and their hearts were in their throats.

Seven referees held magnifying glasses to carefully assess the situation.

Two minutes later, Nagano Xiaofu and Kawasaki Furuyama sat down as if they were mourning for their heirs.

Holden and Bill frowned and looked at Guan Haishan at the same time.

Fatty Wang and the other three were the most careful.

While admiring, they communicated quietly.

Ten minutes later, Guan Haishan and the three of them put down their magnifying glasses at the same time.

He took three steps back, clasped his hands and bowed toward his phalanges.

The performance of the monk and the referee said it all.

The Buddhist believers in the audience have begun to pray and worship devoutly.

People who did not believe in Buddhism could not help but cheer.

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