A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1711 Do you understand the rules?

Lu Fei publicly revealed the origin of Xianfeng Chongbao's 100 pieces of money, and Guan Haishan's several parties were blushing with shame.

Due to Guan Haishan's current status, the veterans dare not joke with him.

However, Fatty Wang Zhang Yanhe was not so lucky.

"Lao Zhang, is what Bao Bao Fei said true?"

"Hey, let me tell you what happened at that time?"

"And you, fat man, brag about how great your eyesight is every day. Why didn't you see such a valuable treasure?"

"Tell everyone what you think. Do you regret it?"


"Does that need to be said?"

"They probably know that they have missed a valuable treasure, and they are even thinking about dying."

"After all, Bao Bao Fei's eyesight is still very good, Fatty and the others are far behind."

"Depend on!"

"Are you still done?"

"I go!"

"I'm so anxious!"

"Old Zhang, it's embarrassing for you that you don't have good eyesight, and you still have the nerve to be aggressive with us. Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Me, poof."

Zhang Yanhe was so ashamed that she wished she could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Fortunately, a scream from the front relieved Zhang Yanhe's embarrassment.

"Everyone, come and see what this is?"


"Am I dazzled?"

"This is incredible!"

Hearing Fu Yuliang's shout, everyone rushed over.

In an exclusive exhibition hall in the middle, two copper coins and a simple Luban box are displayed.

Seeing these two copper coins, everyone felt bad.

"Da Qi Tong Bao?"

"This this"

"is this real?"

"Mr. Guan and Mr. Wang, please take a look, is this true?"

No one noticed that Guan Haishan and Wang Zhenbang were already stunned as they stared at the two copper coins.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Please rest assured, our museum

There is absolutely no fake in the museum. "

"If anyone can prove that I have a fake here, I will destroy it on the spot."

"Tatters fly!"

"Don't talk about useless things first. Tell us, where did you get these two copper coins?"


"Tell me quickly."

The old guys surrounded Lu Fei and yelled like crazy.

"This thing is also fate."

Lu Fei said and looked at Zhang Yanhe and Fatty Wang again.

Seeing the look in Lu Fei's eyes, the two brothers' scalps went numb and goosebumps spread all over their bodies. They were afraid of causing trouble again, so they quietly took two steps back.

"Last year, Mr. Chen celebrated his birthday and I went to Tiandu City."

"I spent 2,000 yuan on this Luban box at Panjiayuan that day."

"After studying for more than ten days, I finally opened the Luban Box. Even I didn't expect that there were two Daqi Tongbao inside."

"Two, two thousand?"

"I'll wipe it, the rags will fly, you're going crazy!"

"You've picked up all the big leaks in the world, why the hell are you still going to let people live?"

"Damn, I'm so jealous of you."

"Baolan Fei, let's discuss it with you and take one out for everyone to pass on?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"If you want to get started, you can just pay a deposit of one billion yuan."

"It's worth 100,000 yuan to get started. Isn't this definitely a conscientious price?"


"Stop talking, won't it be enough if I don't get started?"


Daqi Tongbao brings the atmosphere in the museum to the first climax, and the following jewelry, jade, jade, handles, four treasures of the study and other miscellaneous items are also full of surprises.

After visiting the first floor, everyone came to the second floor.

The second floor is full of calligraphy, painting and porcelain, and the quality is much higher than that of the first floor.

Everyone visited the second floor for a full hour before going up to the third floor.

The third floor is a special exhibition hall.

The large golden lacquered wood carving shrine, Wanli cabinet, Bailong bed, etc. are all here.

Each piece of exquisite work left everyone speechless and full of praise.

"Balan Fei, where are the big treasures at the treasure fighting conference?" Zhang Yanhe asked.

"The Treasure Exhibition Hall on the basement floor, let's go down and have a look!"

When we arrived on the negative floor, everyone was completely shocked.

This is the core of the entire museum.

Looking around, every piece is a national treasure.

The Eight Treasure Dragon Spear, Moye Sword, Jade Guanyin, Suma Liqing, etc. that appeared at the February 2nd Treasure Fighting Conference are all here.

All the treasures from this treasure fighting conference are also on display here.

Among them, the most eye-catching ones are the Shen Porcelain Chai Kiln and Porcelain Mother, the mutton-fat white jade "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" and the wood carving and gem-set "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains".


While walking, everyone saw an object that was extremely inconsistent with the style here.

"Is this an enamel plum vase?"

"This thing is wrong!"

"The style seems to be that of the Qianlong period, but the filling is wrong."

"Isn't this a fake?"

"Baolanfei, why is this thing placed together with these national treasures? Are you mistaken?"

"Really high!"

"The filling is not turquoise at all."

"Oh my god, does our godly eye Fei have a chance to hit his eyes?"

"This is too unexpected!"

"Can't Baosha Fei put this thing here to spur himself on?"

"Ha ha!"

"The rags fly, the rags fly!"

"It turns out that you have your eyes opened sometimes!"

"Seeing this thing, I feel much more balanced."

"Today is a good day, definitely a good day to remember."

"Come on, take a picture of this baby, let's keep it as a record

read. "

"If Baoshao Fei keeps showing off from now on, we'll slap him in the face with this thing."


The old guys were gloating and laughing, and no one noticed. Gao Henian covered his hot cheeks and quietly withdrew from the crowd.

Facing the ridicule of the old guys, Lu Fei didn't care.

Ask someone to bring the key to open the explosion-proof display cabinet, and take out the plum vase with your own hands.

He put the plum bottle at the bottom of the bottle and smiled contemptuously at everyone.

"a bunch of idiots."

"See the bottom line clearly and then talk to me."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, the ridicule stopped abruptly.

Dozens of pairs of eyes looked at the bottom at the same time.


"What's this"




"Could it be"

"Is this the sample that Queen Xiaoshengxian, Niu Gulu, praised Tang Ying on her 60th birthday?"

"This this."

Someone saw it, and the whole audience was suddenly enlightened.

Looking at the bottom line again, all experts found that it was not good.

Guan Haishan frowned and took action in person, looked at it carefully, and suddenly took a breath of air.

"That's right!"

"That's the sample."

"The only one in the world, a peerless product!"


After receiving the affirmative answer, the crowd immediately became excited.

"Hey, let me see."

"Get off, I'll take a picture."

Seeing someone taking out a camera to take pictures, Lu Fei quickly put the plum bottle away.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Don't be so stingy, okay?"

"Calling me stingy?"

"Do you understand the rules?"

"Would you like some more Bilian?"

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