A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1712 Vision

In the antique art museum, photography is prohibited for 80% of the time.

Even if photography is allowed, the inscriptions and inscriptions on the artifacts are also taboo.

The purpose of this is to prevent counterfeiting, which is the rule in the industry.

So when the veterans were about to take pictures, they were stopped by Lu Fei.

"Tatters fly!"

"Don't be so stingy, okay?"

"Everyone knows the rules, but can we still leak the photos?"

"Stop talking nonsense, it's impossible."


"Lao Kong is right, you belong to Cao Cao."


"By the way, tell me, how did you get this big treasure?" Fu Yuliang asked.


"Speaking of this, there is also a story."

"When I received this treasure, there were witnesses present."


"Where's the Happy New Year?"

When I looked for Gao Henian again, he had already disappeared.

"Is this thing related to Lao Gao?" Zhang Yanhe asked.


"Last autumn, a Northeastern lady was preparing to sell this plum vase at the Xiaonanmen Market in Bianliang."

"But I went to more than a dozen stores in a row and they all said it was fake."

"The eldest sister brought Mei Ping to Wenbaozhai to find Lao Gao, but unfortunately, she was also turned away by Lao Gao."

"Fortunately, Xiang'er and I were there that day. Young Master, I spent two thousand oceans to acquire this unique piece of art."

"It is worth mentioning that the eldest sister is the daughter-in-law of Tang Ying's direct descendant."

"The couple divorced and divided their property. This treasure will belong to the eldest sister."

"I go!"

"Just get it for two thousand yuan?"

"This leak is too fragile!"


"I finally know why that guy Lao Gao disappeared. It turns out he has no face to see anyone."

"It's no wonder that such a big treasure didn't realize it, and ended up getting cheap."

"If it had been someone else, he would have bought a piece of tofu and killed him."


Listening to everyone's discussion, Gao Henian in the corner was so aggrieved that he almost cried.

It can't be said to be aggrieved.

Because this plum vase has become Gao Henian's biggest pain point in his life.

Usually when I think about it, my heart hurts for at least three days.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is estimated that it may not be possible to recover in two months.

Going further, Ge Kiln, Ru Kiln and Ding Kiln are all exquisite and pleasing to the eye.

When they saw the official kiln slag bucket that Lu Fei brought back from Weihu Mountain, everyone exclaimed again.

"I go!"

"The official kiln slag bucket is still a complete vessel."

"This is so beautiful."

"Oh my God, where did you get this?"

"I got it when I collected junk for people to move." Lu Fei said.

"Oh my God!"

"It's not fair, it's so damn unfair!"

"Why are all the good things so cheap for this grandson? Why?"

"Oh my God!"

"Please catch this monster quickly!"


There were still complaints here, but Fatty Wang in the distance suddenly screamed.

Needless to say, another super baby must have been discovered.

Everyone swarmed in, and when they got closer, everyone's eyes widened.

"I bought it!"

"This, this is"

"Balan Fei, tell me, this isn't the legendary male and female Kowloon Cup, is it?" Fatty Wang asked incoherently.


"You still have some eyesight."

"Yes, this is the Male and Female Kowloon Cup."


Lu Fei confirmed it himself, and the veterans were completely excited.

Even Wang Zhenbang put on his reading glasses and watched carefully.

"Tatters fly!"

"You kid are not open

Are you kidding me? "

"Is this really the male and female Kowloon Cup?"

"You're not trying to trick us, are you?"

"Depend on!"

"It's just two Kowloon Cups, what's wrong with me?"


"I bother!"

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

"Speak without restraint!"


"Severe contempt!"

"Damn it, this grandson is just trying to make people angry!"

"Hey, it's said that if the Nine Dragon Cup is filled with water, the Nine Dragons will flip over."

"You said this is true, do you dare to show it to everyone?" Fu Yuliang shouted.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"The demonstration is fine."

“But for such an awesome vision, I’m afraid it’s not appropriate to visit it for free, right?”


"what do you mean?"


"What I mean is that if you want to see it, you have to pay."

"We usually have a good relationship, and I can't cheat anyone, buddy."

"Well, if you want to see it, it's two hundred yuan per person."

"If you don't want to see it, you can get out now."

"How about collecting the money and I'll show it to you right away?"


"There's only money left in those eyes of yours."

"He is simply a profiteer!"


"You don't have to watch it if you don't want to pay me!"

"Well, let's start paying now."

"If you want to see something, pay immediately!"

"If you don't have cash, our store supports various forms of payment."

"I'll show you the money right away." Lu Fei shouted.

Guan Haishan smiled, took out two hundred yuan, shook it and said.


"I won this place."

"Being able to witness the miracle of the Kowloon Cup, two hundred

Blocks are absolutely worth thousands. "

"But we have to talk ugly things up front."

"If there is no vision, what will you say?"

"Yes, Mr. Guan is right."

"If there is no vision, what do you lose?"

"If there is no vision, can I pay you ten times the compensation?" Lu Fei said.

"It's done!"

"I paid the two hundred."

While talking, the old guys paid for it one after another.

Lu Fei called Song Xiaoqiao, the beautiful manager of this hall, to help count and collect the money.

Except for Wang Zhenbang, who is free, the other thirty-odd veterans all paid to sign up.

After a while, Song Xiaoqiao had a thick stack of banknotes in his hand.

Song Xiaoqiao handed the money to Lu Fei, but Lu Fei pushed him back.

"Calculate how many employees we have in this department, take the money and share it equally with everyone."

"I tell you, it's best to keep the money you get."

"This is a donation from China's top experts and masters, as well as big names in the archaeological community."

"It has extraordinary collection significance."

Song Xiaoqiao was extremely excited when she heard this.

I bowed my thanks to the old guys and took the money to share the stolen goods with everyone.

"Tatters fly!"

"You kid, don't just try to win over employees."

"After taking our money, why don't you show it off?"

"If there was no vision, you would have to pay ten times the compensation!"

"We are all watching you, don't try to trick me into telling you." Zhang Yanhe said.

"rest assured!"

"I'm not as shameless as you."

Opening the display cabinet, Lu Fei took out the male cup and held it in his hand.

I asked the waiter for a glass of warm water and poured it in. Under the light, an incredible scene happened.

The four groups of blue dragons carved on the outer wall are clearly reflected in the water through the cup and jade.

The hand holding the cup shakes slightly, and the dragon ball in the dragon's mouth beats irregularly, making the image in the cup full of three-dimensionality.

At this moment, it really looked like nine green dragons swimming in the water.

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