A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1713 Investigation

The vision of Kowloon appeared, and the veterans were shocked.

"It's amazing!"

"It's a miracle!"

"Such a miraculous Kowloon Cup, it can be said to be a miraculous craftsmanship!" ??

"What kind of skills can make such a perfect product?"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Don't put it away, can you watch it later?"

"It's your uncle's fault. Everyone has spent money. You can't fucking do this."

While the veterans were praising him, Lu Fei put the Kowloon Cup away, making everyone furious.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Two hundred dollars is enough for you to see the vision."

"Any more, I'm afraid you won't be able to pull it out in front of you."


"This bastard is such a thief."

"Baoshaifei, you will get retribution for treating us like this."

"Ha ha!"

"Then let the storm come more violently!"

The display cabinets were locked, and the veterans could only shake their heads and sigh.

"Xiao Fei, where did you get these babies?"

"Can you tell me if it's convenient?" Wang Zhenbang said.

"You keep asking, I have to tell you even if it's inconvenient."

"To tell you the truth, I found this when we were collecting the Liu family's property."

"It didn't cost a penny."

"Liu Jianhua's family?"

"That's right!"


"Time is also destiny!"

"This is your boy's life and the Kowloon Cup's life."

"This is your fate, it is destined to fall into your hands!" Wang Zhenbang said with emotion.

"Old man, you are absolutely right."

"Let me tell you a secret. The effect of red wine in a Kowloon cup is much better than that of water."

"One day we will have a nice drink with the Kowloon Cup."


"Basha Fei, what did you say?"

"Drink from a Kowloon cup?"

"Are you still human?"

"Even if you have money, you can't be so spendthrift!"

"No, this is not considered prodigal, it should be seeking death!"

"If anything goes wrong with the peerless treasure Nine Dragon Cup, you will be a sinner for the ages!"


"Shit sinner."

"Things belong to me, I can play with them however I want, no one else has to control them."

"The Kowloon Cup was originally a teacup in Emperor Kangxi's hands."

"Emperor Kangxi could use it to drink tea, why can't I use it to drink wine?"


"Oh my God!"

"Please open your eyes and put this pretender away as soon as possible!"

"Don't let him cause trouble to the world again."


The old guys were cursing, and there was another scream from the inside.


"This is impossible!"

Gao Henian's frightened shouts came from inside, and everyone was stunned and rushed over.

When they reached Gao Henian's side, everyone froze.

His expression was not much better than that of Gao Henian, who was extremely frightened. Everyone had their mouths wide open and their eyes wide open, all of them looking bad.

Wang Zhenbang took off his reading glasses and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Putting on the glasses again, I was even more shocked.

"Xiao Fei!"

“Isn’t this the Ming Dynasty Yongle Sword?”

"This treasure has always been in the Royal Museum, how come it appears here?"

"What the hell is going on?"

Before Lu Fei could answer, Zhang Yanhe took up the topic.

"When Mr. Kong was alive, he negotiated with the Royal Museum countless times. No matter what the conditions, they refused to exchange or sell it."

"The attitude over there is resolute and it is absolutely impossible to sell it."

“Needless to say, this sword must be a replica of Baoshao Fei.


"This turtle is a genius. He has this ability."

After Zhang Yanhe finished speaking, everyone carefully looked at the extremely luxurious sword in the display cabinet again.

After watching carefully for ten minutes, Wang Zhenbang shook his head and said.


"This sword should be the real Yongle sword."

"Mr. Wang is right."

"I have studied every detail of this sword countless times."

"Every detail of the sword in front of you, such as patina, wear, scratches, etc., is exactly the same as the real thing."

"This sword is absolutely real."

"Lu Fei, how did you get this thing?"

"Can't you rob the Royal Museum?"

"Depend on!"

"Don't blame me so much. Is that the kind of person I am?"

"To be honest, this is the Yongle sword from the Royal Museum."

"A few days ago, this sword was bought by a mysterious buyer through special channels."

"I received news that I asked my friends in the UK to take it back for 1.1 billion pounds."

"If it's stolen goods, do I dare to show it publicly?" Lu Fei said.




"Isn't it true? You can check it tomorrow and see if there is any Yongle Sword left in the Royal Museum. Wouldn't you know?"


"No need for tomorrow, I'll check now!"

"Lao Wu, aren't you and the museum's technical director Chuckley good friends?"

"Call him right away and ask what's going on?" Guan Haishan said.

"Third brother!"

"It's not daylight over there yet."

"It's not appropriate to call so early." Jia Yuan said awkwardly.

"Cut the nonsense!"

"This sword is very important. If you are asked to fight, you can fight."

"All right!"

In front of everyone, Jia Yuan dialed Chakli's phone number.

The phone rang twice before Chuckley's impatient voice came through.

"Hello, dear Mr. Chakli, I am Jia Yuan from the China Cultural Protection Headquarters."

"Sorry to delay your rest."

"I bought it!"

"Jia, you haven't talked to me on the phone for a long time. I miss you so much."

"My friend, did you call me so early? Did something special happen?"

"So be it!"

"I would like to ask you what is the current condition of the Yongle Sword in your museum?"

"Is it still on display as usual?"

"Yongle Sword?"

"No no no!"

"The Yongle Sword has been sold," Chakli said.


"real or fake?"

"Didn't you say you would never sell that sword?" Jia Yuan asked in surprise.

"Jia, there is a saying in your country called this moment and that moment."

"Things are different now."

“At the beginning of the year, our museum was preparing to expand.”

"The surrounding land has always been the property of our museum, but somehow it suddenly became personal property."

"We offered to buy the land, but they refused to sell it."

"The only way is to exchange Yongle Sword with him."

"This expansion of ours is of great significance, and we have invested a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. We must not give up on this project."

"In the end we had no choice but to compromise and exchange the Yongle Sword for land and 200 million pounds of capital."

"Mr. Chakli, is everything you said true?" Jia Yuan asked.

"of course it's true."

"We have decided to announce this news to the outside world in half a month."

"Then do you know who bought the sword?"

"I didn't know before, but later it seemed that it was bought by a famous collector from China for a sky-high price of 1.1 billion pounds."


"That collector's name seems to be Lu Fei."

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