A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1724 The scar that cannot be removed

When he came to the storage room, Lu Fei's heart, which he thought was strong enough, was shaken again.

Lu Fei thought that Wade just gave him a luxury car in the villa, using gifts to show his goodwill to gain more time or conditions.

But Lu Fei never expected that in front of him was another way of trading for Wade.

It was five of the ten lost overseas treasure-level cultural relics that I had planned for him.

The most eye-catching one is a pair of huge blue and white porcelain vases.

This is the Daweide vase, the most famous Yuan blue and white porcelain vase in the world!

The full name of the Daweide vase is a large blue and white elephant ear vase with cloud and dragon patterns made in Jingdezhen from the Yuan Dynasty to the 11th year of the Yuan Dynasty. There are two pieces in total. They come from Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital.

It was fired during the Zhizheng period of the Yuan Dynasty, that is, in 1351 AD.

This pair of vases is one of the most important examples of blue and white porcelain in existence, and quite possibly the most famous porcelain vase in the world.

The patterns on the two bottles are basically the same, with only some local differences.

There is an inscription in regular script on the neck of a bottle: "In Xinzhou Road, Shuncheng County, Yushan County, Zhang Wen, a disciple of Du Fengsheng in Jingtang, came to the happy residence. A pair of incense burners and vases, praying for the good fortune of the family and the safety of the children, and a good day in April of the 11th year of the lunar calendar." Remember. Marshal Hu Jingyi of the Xingyuan Ancestral Hall makes a confession."

There is a luan and a phoenix painted on the neck of the bottle, and the luan's tail curls like a flame.

The luan's head is at the bottom, making a downward swooping and flying look. The phoenix's tail has three feathers, like a streamer, and the phoenix's head is on the top, making an upward flying look.

The body of the bottle is painted with a dragon. The dragon's head and body are both facing to the left, showing a speeding appearance. The dragon's mouth is wide open, and it is extremely ferocious and powerful.

There is also a regular script inscription on the neck of another bottle: "Xinzhou Road, Yushan County, Shuncheng Jidejiao Lijing/Tangdu Fengsheng disciple Zhang Wenjin is happy to give up incense and burn a vase to pray for good luck for his family and the safety of his children. On the fourth day of the eleventh year of Zhizheng The month is auspicious and the day is auspicious. Marshal Hu Jingyi of Xingyuan Ancestral Hall makes an offering."

There is also a Luan and a Phoenix painted on the neck of the bottle, which is different from other

One bottle is.

Luan and phoenix are both flying upward.

The dragon painted on the bottle has its head facing to the right and its mouth slightly open. It seems gentler than the dragon on the other bottle.

In the late 1950s, the American Dr. Pope discovered this object-eared bottle.

And using this pair of elephant-ear bottles with the inscription "The Eleventh Year of Zhizheng" as the "standard device", the collection includes the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Louvre in Paris, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Asdir Temple Museum in Iran and Turkey. Comparative analysis of the Chinese blue and white porcelain collected by the Istanbul Museum.

At that time, seventy-four pieces of blue and white porcelain with the same characteristics were found, and it was determined that this nose bottle was a contemporary product of Jingdezhen, the porcelain capital, and was called the "most authentic" blue and white porcelain.

His major discovery made Yuan blue and white porcelain a recognized fact and advanced the heyday of blue and white porcelain by one dynasty.

His publication "Blue and White Porcelain of Fourteenth Century China" shocked the world.

The Chinese archaeological community also sent experts to verify these porcelains and confirmed Dr. Pope's argument. From then on, Chinese textbooks advanced the certification of blue and white porcelain to the Yuan Dynasty.

UNESCO awarded Pope a Gold Medal in recognition of his outstanding contributions in this field.

It is also a miracle that the only gold medal awarded by UNESCO in the field of porcelain does not come from the country where porcelain was invented.

Both of these large Verde bottles are damaged and have a crooked shape.

It is precisely because of its imperfection that it is particularly precious, just like "no man is perfect, and gold is not pure".

Nothing in the world is perfect, but our

Ancient craftsmen have always been pursuing perfection.

The beauty of this pair of blue and white porcelain is obvious. Even a person who does not understand porcelain will be impressed by the blue and white outlined by the plain embryo.

This pair of blue and white vases are over sixty centimeters tall and twenty-two centimeters in diameter.

The shape of the vessel is complex and large.

There are eight layers of decorations, in order: twining chrysanthemum, banana leaf, flying phoenix ganoderma, twining lotus, four-clawed cloud dragon, sea wave, twining peony and covered lotus miscellaneous treasures.

Miscellaneous treasures include silver ingots, snails, wat boards, double horns and other mascots.

Since then, all Yuan blue and white porcelains with many layers and similar painting contents have been collectively called "zhizheng type", which shows the influence of this bottle.

The chronological inscription on the neck of the blue and white elephant ear bottle "the eleventh year of Zhizheng" has become a benchmark for measuring many similar types of porcelain.

It is used by the archaeological community to date, reducing the tedious and laborious verification process.

There are not many Yuan blue and white ones, and currently this is the only one with a clear date.

If it were not for the clear time benchmark of "the eleventh year of Zhizheng", perhaps the academic height of studying Yuan blue and white would not be as high as it is today.

Therefore, this pair of blue and white vases are extremely precious and super treasures, both in terms of historical significance and research value.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Fei selected these pairs of porcelain vases from the ninety-three valuable treasures compiled by Fatty for exchange with Wade.

Next to the blue and white vase is also a super valuable treasure.

This is the super treasure of the Shang Dynasty bronze double sheep statue that Chinese archaeologists have admired for a long time but is collected in the British Museum.

The Shang Dynasty bronze double sheep statue is 45 centimeters tall and weighs more than 20 kilograms.

The double sheep statue is in the shape of two males connected back to back.

The four legs of the sheep are cleverly used as supports, and the cylinder carried on the sheep's back is the mouth of the vessel.

The two sheep each look toward one side, both have curved horns, and look calm and solemn. Their eyes, mouths and beards are all perfectly shaped.

The lower part of the mouth is decorated with string patterns and dragon-faced Taotie patterns. The Taotie's eyes and horns are clearly visible, but other facial features are only depicted with some lines. This shape is extremely rare.

The sheep's jaw and abdomen are decorated with feather ribs, symbolizing the beard and abdominal hair, and the whole body is decorated with scales.

The soft and elegant patina, the smooth symmetry, the complex patterns and the thick and simple texture give the Double Sheep Statue an indescribable charm, making the viewer intoxicated and immersed in it.

In ancient China, the shape of sheep has always been deeply loved by people.

In ancient Chinese, "sheep" and "xiang" are connected.

Therefore, the words "Auspicious Yang" can be seen on many gold and stone bells and tripods.

At the same time, sheep is the homophone of the word "yang" for the sun, and the idiom "Three Yang Kaitai" means that spring is warm, flowers are blooming, and everything is prosperous.

Thousands of years before the bronzes were cast, the sheep not only had an auspicious meaning, but was also the cultural totem of the Qiang ethnic minority in China.

From the word "Qiang", it is not difficult to see that the word "Qiang" is actually a combination of the word "sheep" and the word "dragon".

According to legend, what the Qiang people have always worshiped as a totem is actually a mythical beast with the head of a sheep and the body of a dragon.

But this kind of standard sheep statue with scales is currently the only known one.

It is a pity that the special first-class national treasure that is properly placed in China is on public display in other countries.

Thinking back to that gloomy history, it is a scar that will never be removed in the hearts of Chinese archaeologists.

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