A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1731 Mother and son reunited

Pan Xingzhou was about to propose marriage on behalf of Lu Fei, when suddenly a woman came to Lu Fei outside.

Following Wang Wu to the door, Lu Fei was stunned.

There were three people outside.

Standing at the front was a middle-aged woman in her early forties.

The woman is about 1.65 meters tall.

Wearing a custom-made black suit, his wavy black hair is spread behind his back.

He has handsome features and fair skin.

There are slight crow's feet at the corners of the eyes, but they cannot hide the incomparable noble temperament.

This kind of temperament cannot be compared with even Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi.

But none of that matters.

After seeing this woman's face clearly, Lu Fei's mind went blank.

It was like five thunders struck him, and he completely lost consciousness.

The next second, Lu Fei's legs slowly bent and then bent involuntarily.

Until the kneecap hit the hard concrete floor hard.

But Lu Fei couldn't feel any pain.

At this moment, Lu Fei's facial features shifted and his face turned pale.

His lips were constantly trembling, his eyes were like two open faucets, and tears were falling down in clusters.

"you you you"

What I wanted to say, but I couldn't even come up with a complete vocabulary.

The woman opposite her eyes were red, and she was already bursting into tears.

Seeing this scene, Wang Wu and the two strong men behind the woman were stunned at the same time.

The woman took a difficult step forward and slowly squatted in front of Lu Fei.

Stretching out his trembling hands, he held Lu Fei's cheek and gently rubbed it.

"Xiao Xiaofei."

"Xiao Fei, you still recognize it"



The emotions that had been suppressed for several minutes finally burst out.

Lu Fei opened his arms and hugged the woman tightly and cried.

In the past six months, Lu Fei has thought about the scene of reunited with his mother countless times.

Lu Fei thought countless times whether he should smile or complain when he saw his mother.

Should I hug you?

You should cry.

But when this moment comes, the previous assumptions are completely useless.

At this time, Lu Fei was thinking about one thing, hugging his mother tightly, holding her tightly like this and never letting go.

Yes, Lu Fei saw it.

The middle-aged woman in front of him is Xiao Mengyun, the biological mother that Lu Fei misses day and night.

She is the biological mother who abandoned Lu Fei for seventeen years.

After seventeen years of separation, Lu Fei was once resentful, once doubtful, once confused, and once confused.

But when I really hugged my mother, all the resentment disappeared instantly.

Lu Fei knew in his heart that as long as he saw his mother, all the unbearable memories of the past seventeen years would be unimportant.

My mother is still so beautiful.

It has a lot more noble temperament than in memory.

Lu Fei already knew his mother's identity and even guessed that he would meet her soon.

But now Lu Fei has forgotten everything else and just hugs his mother and keeps shouting.

The shouting was real, the shouting was emotional, the shouting was hysterical.

Lu Fei enjoys this endlessly. Lu Fei wants to make up for all the "Mom" he has owed for seventeen years at this moment.

The couple held each other's arms and cried for a few minutes. Everyone in the house, except Chen Yunfei, came to the door.

Chen Xiang covered her mouth with tears streaming down her face, and the Chen brothers' faces were full of disbelief.

Seeing Xiao Mengyun, Lu Tianhao and Zhang Chunmei were horrified.


"You, are you the sister-in-law?"

Xiao Mengyun slowly raised her head and forced a smile.

"Second brother, can you still recognize me?"

"Chunmei, are you okay?"

"Sister-in-law, is it really sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law, where are you from?"

"Am I dreaming?"

"Chunmei, pinch me quickly. Is this right?"

it is true? "

"Second brother, it's me, I'm back."

After helping Lu Fei stand up, Xiao Mengyun saw Lu Fei's sister-in-law Lu Xiaomei from behind Mr. Lu.

"Xiaomei, are you okay?" .??.

But the sister-in-law was not as friendly as Mr. Lu. She glared at Xiao Mengyun and gritted her teeth.

"Don't call me, I don't know you."

"Xiaomei, it's me!"

"I am your sister-in-law Xiao Mengyun!"

"shut up!"

"Xiao Mengyun, shut up."


"Are you worthy?"

"You have been gone for seventeen years."

"In the past seventeen years, do you know how Xiaofei and the others got here?"

"Where were you when Xiao Fei was sick?"

"Where were you when Xiao Fei was injured?"

"Where were you when my eldest brother died?"

"Let me tell you Xiao Mengyun, from the moment you ran away, you had nothing to do with our family."

"You left without saying hello, so why are you coming back now?"



"I see."

"You must have seen Xiao Fei become famous and come back to join Xiao Fei, right?"

"For an irresponsible woman like you, you don't deserve to be a mother."

Mr. Lu grabbed his sister-in-law and shouted.

"Xiaomei, please stop saying a few words!"

"If you have any questions, let's talk about it when we go home. Don't embarrass Xiaofei here, okay?"

"Second brother!"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you agree with Xiao Mengyun's return?"

"Don't you know what life Big Brother and Xiao Fei have been living these years?"

"How can you forgive this ruthless woman who abandoned her husband and son!"

"Xiaomei, shut up."

"I don't!"


"Why does she have the right to leave and come back whenever she wants?"

"Why should she?"

"It's your business to forgive her. I, Lu Xiaomei, will never forgive her in this life."

"Li Qing, Tingting, let's go."

The sister-in-law made a fuss, and Lu Fei finally woke up.

Just as he was about to comfort his sister-in-law, the cell phone rang.

Lu Fei had no intention of answering the phone, but he took a look at the caller ID and pressed the answer button.


"My side"

"Dear Mr. Lu Fei, guess who I am?"

The caller ID showed Wang Xinyi's number, but the voice of a young man spoke.

Hearing this voice, Lu Fei's head felt stinging and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

He raised his head and glanced at the mother he had just met. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the puppy and rushed towards his Cherokee.

Wang Xinlei was stunned for a moment and followed without hesitation.

Getting in the car started in one go. Before anyone understood what was going on, Lu Fei's car had already sped away.

Xiao Mengyun stopped her sadness and looked behind her and shouted loudly.

"Long Yun, open up and protect Lu Fei."

"No matter what happens, my son must not be harmed in any way."

"Yes, boss."

As the car left the door of Chen's house, Lu Fei shouted fiercely into his cell phone.

"Yoshida Changping, why is Wang Xinyi's phone number at your place?"


After hearing what Lu Fei said, the two young men were dumbfounded.

While Lu Fei was talking, he gave the little puppy a look.

The latter understood and immediately took out his mobile phone to WeChat Lang Lijing.


"Lu Fei, you are a smart man. Are you still wondering why I have Wang Xinyi's phone number in my hand?"

"Let me tell you, not only her phone number, Miss Wang herself is also a guest at my place."

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