A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1732 Something happened to Wang Xinyi

Today's blind date was really full of twists and turns.

Just as he was about to speak, his biological mother Xiao Mengyun, whom he had not seen for seventeen years, suddenly appeared.

Mother and son had just reunited, and before they had said a word, something unexpected happened again.

Wang Xinyi called, but on the other end of the phone was Lu Fei's nemesis, Yoshida Changhei.

Seeing the little puppy's gesture, Lu Fei forced himself to calm down and said calmly.

"Yoshida Changping, do you mean to say that you kidnapped Wang Xinyi?"


"Dear Mr. Lu Fei, you can understand this."

"How about it?"

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

"If you still care about this woman, I think it is necessary for us to meet and talk." Yoshida Changhei said.

"Yoshida Changping, I want to hear Wang Xinyi's voice."

"Otherwise, I can't believe that you, a loser, have such ability."


"Lu Fei, you don't need to anger me."

"Don't you just want to confirm whether Miss Wang is a guest at my place?"

"I'll make it happen for you."

"Miss Wang, the person I'm talking to now is your old lover Lu Fei."

"Shall we have a chat with him?"



"I'll let you talk."


A woman's scream came from the phone.

Although he didn't speak, Lu Fei was certain that Wang Xinyi was indeed in their hands just by this cry.

For a moment, Lu Fei felt restless and nervous to the extreme.

"Yoshida Chohei, just listen to me."

"Come to me if anything happens. If you dare to hurt Wang Xinyi, I swear you can't leave Shenzhou."


"Lu Fei, you don't need to be alarmist."

"You have put our family in such a bad situation, do you think we are still afraid?"


"Now listen to me. We will arrive at the old factory building of Liangxiang Beihua Cement Factory within an hour."

"Remember, you can only come here alone."

"If I find you calling the police, you can figure out what will happen to Miss Wang."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei stared with scarlet eyes, and a murderous look burst out from his brows.

After seeing the message from Lang Lijing, Lu Fei thought for a moment and immediately called Dong Jianye.

"Hey, isn't this our mainland leader?"

"I heard that you went to the Chen family to propose marriage today, what?"

"Old Dong, shut the fuck up and listen to me."

"Wang Xinyi was kidnapped by Yoshida Chohei. I have received the approximate address and will send it to you immediately."

"Yoshida Chohei has blocked the satellite signal. You should take people over immediately to set up control."

"Use a drone to take aerial photography to get a clear picture of the scene."

"Remember, don't act rashly until I arrive."

"If anything happens to Wang Xinyi, I, Lu Fei, will hate you forever."

"Wha, what?"


"Lu Fei, are you right?"

"Kidnapped in Tiandu City in broad daylight?" Dong Jianye asked in surprise.

"Look, I'm not in the mood to fucking joke with you."

"Yoshida Chohei is now leading me in circles. He probably has my whereabouts."

"You must be careful not to be discovered by them."

"We'll talk about everything when I arrive." Lu Fei roared.


"Send me the address and I'll arrange it right away."

"What a fool, these people are so audacious. This is a big deal!"

After hanging up Dong Jianye's call, Wulong's internal encrypted phone number came in.

The caller was none other than Chen Honggang, the captain of Wulong Brigade and Chen Xiang’s second uncle.

"Xiao Fei, what happened?"

"Second uncle, Xinyi was kidnapped by the Yoshida family."

"I have already told you about the special situation. You must not let the old man know. I can handle it."

"Don't worry, Xiaofei, I'll ask Xuanlong to contact the Special Branch and fully cooperate with Dong Jianye."

"You must be more careful." .??.

"Thank you, uncle."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei shouted.

"Xinyi is obviously in Jincheng, how could she be kidnapped here?"

"Brother Fei, we've found out. My sister is holding a new product launch conference every day."

"Feng Zhe and Hai Long came together. We got off the plane at eight o'clock this morning."

"Now all three of them have lost contact." Wang Xinlei said.


Lu Fei cursed and punched himself twice, feeling very upset.

"Brother Fei, what should we do now?"

"Will my sister be okay?" Wang Xinlei asked, choking with sobs.

"Don't worry, as long as I live, I swear your sister will be fine."

"You two get out of the car to find Lang Lijing. If there are any special circumstances, please contact me immediately."

"Also, no one is allowed to come here without my order."

"Brother Fei, let's go with you!"

"get off!"

After driving the two young men out of the car, Lu Fei drove towards Liangxiang at full speed.

Arriving at the abandoned cement factory, as Lu Fei expected, the phone rang immediately.

"Yoshida Chohei, I'm here, where are you?"


"You're here!"

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Lu Fei. I haven't seen you for a long time. I got excited and reported the wrong location."

"In this case, I'll give you another hour, and you come to Fangshan District to find me."

“I’ll tell you the specific address when I get there!”\u003c


"Wait a moment."

"Yoshida Chohei, we can talk now."

"We are all smart people. Aren't you trying so hard to force me, Lu Fei, to submit?"

"I can express my position now. No matter what conditions you put forward, I will agree to it."

"However, you must ensure Wang Xinyi's safety." Lu Fei said.


"Is it possible that Boss Lu can predict the future?"

"How do you know why we are looking for you?"

"Yoshida, it doesn't make sense if you say that!"

"We are all smart people. You are looking for me just to seek revenge and property."

"I promise you both."

"As long as you don't hurt Wang Xinyi."

"On the other hand, if Wang Xinyi is harmed, I will dig up your family's ancestral graves, crush the bones and scatter the ashes."

"Lu Fei, how dare you!"


"What am I afraid of?"

"Don't forget, more than half of your Yoshida family's property is in my hands."

"I know that your father, Yoshida Ohno, is right next to you. Please ask him to listen to me."

"I have found the treasure house under the koi pond of the Dade Museum."

"If you want those treasures, Wang Xinyi must be safe."

"Finally, a friendly reminder, this is China."

"If you dare to hurt Wang Xinyi, I guarantee that you will die without a burial place."

"If you don't believe it, you can try it."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Yoshida Ohno's cold voice came from the phone.

"Lu Fei, don't worry, what we want is the property we lost, Wang Xinyi is absolutely safe."

"But I also want to remind you that it's best not to play tricks with us."

"If I notice anything, we will all die together."

"I have nothing now, please don't challenge my bottom line."

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