A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1733 Final Destination

After hanging up the phone from Yoshida Ohno, Lu Fei's eyelids jumped wildly and his heart was restless.

Since his debut, he has never had such a strong and bad feeling, which made Lu Fei anxious.

After ten minutes of walking around Fangshan District, Lu Fei received the next "instruction".

Ask him to rush to Jinshanling immediately.

After arriving at Jinshanling, the next order was finally the final target, Changshanyu Reservoir.

A long time ago, Lu Fei's mobile phone was installed with special functions by Lang Lijing. ??

When she first called Yoshida Changping, Lang Lijing had already decided on the final location, Changshanyu Reservoir.

It was also learned that the Yoshida family used technological means to block satellite signals around the target.

But for Wang Xinyi's safety, Lu Fei knew that Yoshida Changping deliberately made him take detours to disturb his mind, but he had to obey.

However, Lu Fei had already made preparations, and Dong Jianye's men reached their goal.

Satellites could not detect it, so Lu Fei implored Dong Jianye to use drones for reconnaissance.

Living up to expectations, not long after Lu Fei left Jinshanling, the display of the modified Cherokee automatically lit up for the first time.

Shown above is a drone aerial video taken from the widest water area of ​​the entire reservoir.

The reservoir is surrounded by mountains to the east and dense woods and withered reeds to the west, making it extremely convenient for enemies to lurk.

This stretch of water is more than a kilometer wide.

In the center of the water surface is a group of breeding cages of about 500 square meters.

There was a sun umbrella set up on the wooden raft of the cage. Wang Xinyi, who looked haggard, was tied to a chair under the umbrella and was guarded by two strong men.

There are two cabins on the raft, the conditions inside are unknown.

Yoshida Ohno and his son were also missing.

Seeing this video, Lu Fei gritted his teeth and felt a knife-like pain in his heart.

The video was interrupted and Dong Jianye's profile picture appeared on the monitor.

"Dude, things are not good!"

"The surrounding terrain is strange, and we cannot determine how many members of the Yoshida family are hiding in the woods and reeds."

"Wang Xinyi is in the middle of the reservoir. It is simply unrealistic to attack and rescue people by force."


"We are on standby three kilometers outside the target. What do you think we will do next?"


Seeing such terrain, Lu Fei felt a little desperate.

"Have Xuanlong's people arrived?" Lu Fei asked.


"White Tiger Yang Yi is leading the team, but we haven't worked out the best rescue plan yet."

"How long do you have until you arrive?" Dong Jianye asked.

"About an hour and a half or so."

"In this case, try to slow down as much as possible and give us time to study it carefully."

"We should also take this time to understand the surrounding environment, so that we can deal with it better!"

Lu Fei shook his head and said.

"No, Yoshida and the others just want to see me at dusk."

"I'm late, I'm afraid something will happen to Xinyi."

"There is another situation."

"My two brothers are also protecting Xinyi when she comes to Tiandu."

"Now their whereabouts are unknown, and they are 100% in Yoshida's hands."

"Not only Xinyi, nothing can happen to these three people!" Lu Fei said frustrated.


"What the fuck, how could this happen?"

"To dare to do this in Tiandu City, these devils are too arrogant!"

"Old Dong, it's useless to talk about this now."

"The most important thing is to find a way to save people!" Lu Fei shouted.

"I know, I fucking know."

"But, but damn!"

"Damn, these devils are so cunning."

"In this way, I asked the drone to carry thermal imaging for reconnaissance."

"Wait for me, we will definitely come up with the best rescue plan."



Lu Fei continued to move forward uneasily.

Still half an hour away from the target, Lu Fei received a call from Lang Lijing.

"Boss, I deciphered the other party's blocking code."

"The military satellite signal has just been connected. Notify Dong Jianye that the data can be read immediately."

"Very good!"

"Sister, thank you."

"I will give you a special credit this time."

"Okay, stop inking."

"It takes time to search such a large forest, so don't delay any longer."

"Okay, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei contacted Dong Jianye again.

When the latter heard this, he became excited instantly.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei let out a long breath, and his nervousness suddenly eased a lot.

Ten minutes later, Dong Jianye’s video cut in again.

"Lu Fei, we have basically figured out the surrounding situation."

"A total of twenty-three people were ambushed outside, but no hidden sentry was found."

"We are preparing to approach in a roundabout way. Taking the outer perimeter is not a problem."

"However, it is too difficult to rescue Wang Xinyi from the Internet box."

"This, you can only rely on yourself."

"Do you have any clues about Feng Zhe and Wang Hailong?" Lu Fei asked.


"According to our estimation, it is very likely that it is in a cage wooden house."

"I see."

"You are responsible for the outside, and I will handle the top of the cage."

"I didn't take action here, so please don't act rashly."

"So as not to alert the enemy."

"no problem!"

"Lu Fei, the two people around Wang Xinyi have guns on them."

"We have no idea how many people were in the cabin."

"After you go up there, don't act recklessly."

"No big deal

Compromise first, then act accordingly. "

"Be sure to ensure the safety of yourself and Wang Xinyi!" Dong Jianye said.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention."

"By the way, how long until you arrive?"

"I should be about twenty minutes away from the reservoir now," Lu Fei said.

"No, the time is too short."

"You'll be in the cage in a while, try to delay it as long as possible."

"It will take at least thirty-five minutes for us to get behind the enemy."

"Understood, everyone split up."

After hanging up Dong Jianye's call, Lu Fei slowed down slightly.

He lit a cigarette and took two deep breaths, finally calming down completely.

At this time, Yoshida Changhei called.

"Lu Fei, how is the scenery around you?"

"Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, don't you feel relaxed and happy?"

"Yoshida, you coward, who do you think you are?"

"I said, whether you want money or revenge, I promise you both."

"Is it interesting to hide and go around like this?"

"I'm telling you, I only have enough fuel left in the tank to go another fifty kilometers."

"You can figure it out for yourself!" Lu Fei said.


"Boss Lu, don't be angry, there's nothing we can do about it."

"Your scheming and strength are really terrifying."

"It was because we underestimated you before that we lost completely."

"You must be alert to learn from the past. This is called a ship that sails with caution, right?"

"However, we are very satisfied with your performance this time."

"So I decided to end this game immediately."

"Keep straight on the road in front of you."

"When you arrive at your destination, someone will greet you."

"By the way, don't play tricks."

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