A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1739 I’ve thought about it

Dong Jianye left, and Lu Fei froze in place.

Now that he has calmed down, Lu Fei also knows that he was too impulsive at that time.

However, Lu Fei has no regrets.

Yamazaki Daihide is in cahoots with the Yoshida family and is his sworn enemy.

If we don't kill him today, I'm afraid there won't be a chance in a short time.

If Yamazaki is allowed to go unpunished, he could very well be the next Yoshida Ohno.

Fortunately, Xinyi was not injured today, but Lu Fei would never allow a similar situation to happen again.

Therefore, Daihide Yamazaki must die.

It's a pity that Roy lost his life, which will be a greater hidden danger.

As for the consequences, Lu Fei doesn't care.

It doesn't matter if the position of Wulong's chief instructor cannot be kept, but Lu Fei is really worried about hurting Pan Xingzhou and Chen Honggang.

In that case, you will feel guilty for the rest of your life.

There is also Dong Jianye’s boss Zhao Yuanchao.

I have never interacted with this person, and I have never even heard of his existence before.

But why did the important leaders he and Dong Jianye mentioned target him?

If you are jealous that you are too popular and want to give yourself a blow, forget it.

If someone takes advantage of you and deliberately embarrasses you, that will be troublesome.

And mom.

What did Dong Jianye mean when he left?

Could it be that he also found out his mother’s true identity?

That would be too much trouble.

After thinking for a while, Lu Fei put out his cigarette butt and went to the fourth floor to check on Hailong Feng Zhe's injury.

"Old Xue, how are they doing?"

Xue Taihe shook his head and said.

"Return to Master, these two people were seriously injured."

"The limbs were smashed, and the internal organs were damaged to varying degrees."

"Fortunately, it's not life-threatening."

"But if you want to recover as before, I'm afraid it won't take more than three months."

"The person who did it was too cruel."

"As long as it's not life-threatening."

"I'll give them acupuncture first, and I'll leave the rest of the treatment to you."

"When Lao Liang comes, you two will help me take care of them temporarily."


Tired. "

"Master, don't worry, leave it to us."

After leaving the room, Lu Fei called Uncle Feng.

Although it was not life-threatening, Feng Zhe's injuries must be known to his family.

Fortunately, Uncle Feng was sensible and did not blame Lu Fei.

This made Lu Fei feel somewhat reassured.

As for Hai Long, forget it, don't let Zheng Xiaomei know about it for the time being.

Otherwise, that girl will be worried to death.

Returning to the master bedroom and preparing to open the door, Lu Fei hesitated.

Inside are his two loves.

But I really don't know how to face them now.

Lu Fei's head hurt when he thought of Xiang'er's selflessness and Wang Xinyi's melancholy.

After being stunned at the door for two minutes, the door suddenly opened and Chen Xiang rushed out.


"Come in quickly, Xinyi is awake."


There was no other way, Lu Fei had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow in.

Wang Xinyi has woken up and her face is much rosy.

"How are you? Do you feel better?" Lu Fei asked.

"I'm not dead?"

"Did you save me again?" Wang Xinyi asked weakly.

"What words!"

"You saved me."

"Thank you Xinyi."

"Fei, please stay with Xinyi for a while."

"I'll go home and see my grandpa. I'll come back later!" Chen Xiang said.


"Okay, you stay with Xinyi, I'll be back in a while."

"I send you."

After being sent to the hospital, Lu Fei took Chen Xiang's hand and said.

"Xiang'er, I've made you feel wronged."

"It's okay, I don't blame you."

"However, I think we should reconsider our relationship."

"This is unfair to Xinyi."

"Xiang'er, I said it."

"Stop talking, I know what you are going to say."

"I also believe that your feelings for me are serious."

"But this is China after all."

"Okay, go back and be with Xinyi!"

"I'll come over later."


"I'm leaving first, goodbye!"

Chen Xiang left indifferently.

When he turned around, Lu Fei clearly saw two strings of tears falling from the corners of Xiang'er's eyes.

Seeing her like this, Lu Fei's heart broke.

"Xiaolong, ask Tianbao to follow your sister-in-law."

"Don't let anything happen."

"Don't worry, brother, leave it to me."

Back in the master bedroom, Lu Fei fed Wang Xinyi some water and asked with a smile.

"Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry!"

"I asked the kitchen to cook bird's nest porridge. I'll take a sip later."


Lu Fei said that he was about to lift the quilt, but Wang Xinyi held on.


"It's not like I haven't seen it before."


"Don't make trouble, I'll change your dressing."

This time, Wang Xinyi did not resist.

Gently peeling off the gauze, Lu Fei felt a pang in his heart when he saw the shocking scars on Bingqing Jade's body.

"Don't worry, there won't be any scars as long as I'm here!"


"You, you shouldn't have saved me."



"I'll beat you if you talk nonsense again."

Wang Xinyi's pale face instantly turned red, she bit her lip and whispered.

"I mean what I said."

"If I die, it may be the best explanation for you and Xiang'er."



"Shut up!"

"Don't think blindly."

"It's you, from now on

If this happens, let me face it myself. "

"If something happens to you, it will be more uncomfortable for me than if I die."


"Do not talk!"

"The wound has just scabbed over, so don't move it."

After changing the dressing and bandaging and taking two more Qi-boosting pills, Wang Xinyi's complexion improved a lot.

"Just wait, I'll get the porridge!"


"What's wrong?"

"Is Xiang'er angry?"

"Explain it to her and I won't interfere with you."

Hearing what Wang Xinyi said, Lu Fei felt even more uncomfortable.

Squatting on the bedside and taking a closer look at her melancholy face, Lu Fei couldn't help but kiss her.

"Xinyi, I've thought about it."

"You are my woman and I will never give up on you."

"I will definitely give you an explanation."

"no no!"

"It's impossible, it's simply unrealistic."

"You will hurt Xiang'er like this. I can't be so selfish." Wang Xinyi cried.

"Okay, you can rest in peace and recuperate, I will explain to Xiang'er."

"How do you explain that?"

"This is absolutely impossible."

"Even if Xiang'er understands it, the Chen family will never agree."

"You must not act recklessly!"

"Fei, I've thought about it."

"Our company has long been interested in developing foreign markets."

"When I recover from my injuries, I will go to the United States to take charge of foreign affairs."

"If you could come and see me when you pass by the United States, I would be satisfied." Wang Xinyi said.


"That's not fair to you."

"Give me some time and I'll figure it out."

"When the time comes, I will give Xiang'er and you a satisfactory explanation."

"Believe me."

"Take good care of yourself and don't think too much."

"I have everything."

Just as he was talking, Wang Xinlei knocked on the door and came in.

"Brother Fei, your mother is here."

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