A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1740 Xiao Family

After the joy of reunion between mother and son, both sides felt a little embarrassed when they met again.

Invite his mother into the study and Lu Fei makes tea himself.

"Mom, this is your favorite Liu's frozen oolong."

"It's a pity that I don't have the mountain spring water from Feiyunjian here."

"Xiaofei, please stop being busy."

"Sit down and let's have a nice chat, mother and son."

They said they wanted to have a good chat, but when they sat down, their eyes met.

A full five minutes passed before my mother spoke first.

"Xiao Fei, mom really didn't expect that you would achieve what you have today."

"Mom is proud of you."

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Nothing to be proud of."

"I like historical collections, and this is what I do at home."

"I was taken care of by Lao Lu before, but now that Lao Lu is gone, I must be independent in order to survive."

"Xiaofei, it's mom who's sorry for you."

"I have made you suffer all these years." At this point, my mother's tears flowed out again.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"It's not hard to say, but I'm living a fulfilling life."

"Xiao Fei, have you seen the letter mom left for you?"


"I just saw it last year."

"Mom does have some difficulties, please don't blame her, okay?"

Lu Fei fell silent again.

Two minutes later, Lu Fei lit a cigarette and raised his head and asked.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?"


"Mom knows you have a lot of questions for me."

"You can ask today, and mom will explain everything clearly to you."


"I want to ask you, what is your real name?"

"Why do you ask?" Mom said in surprise.

"There is no need to hide anything between us."

"I already know that Jin'er is the little sister."

"However, she has never heard of Xiao Mengyun's name."

"So, Xiao Mengyun should not be your real name!" Lu Fei said.

Mom nodded and said.

"I guess you already know this."


"Xiao Mengyun is indeed not my real name."

"My name is Xiao Tingfang."

"You are Long Yun's boss, right?"

"That's right!"

"It seems you really understand a lot."

"Xiao Fei, you are worthy of being my son, you are indeed smart."


“After going through so much, it’s not hard to see this.”

"Mom, let me ask you another question."

"If I don't trade the Qixing Town National Treasure Sword to Wade."

"Will you show up to meet me?"


Lu Fei said the name of the Seven-Star National Treasure Sword, and Xiao Tingfang stood up in surprise.

"Xiao Fei, you, how do you know the Seven Star Sword?"

Lu Fei took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"This is not important. I just want to know if there was no deal between me and Wade, would you see me today?"

"No, you can't say that."

“If I don’t update the second Weibo post, will you show up?”

"Mom, please answer me truthfully."


"of course."

"Mom came to China this time to meet you!"

"Mom has been waiting for this day for seventeen years, seventeen years!" Xiao Tingfang choked up.

"Is this true?"


"But as far as I know, you have been in China for at least half a month."

"Three days before Yaomei'er got married, you went to pay homage to Lao Lu."

"We were so close at that time, why didn't you show up?


"When I was dealing with Wade, why didn't you show up and instead asked Long Yun to call me to question me?"

"Why did you suddenly appear when I updated my second Weibo post?"

"Can you give me an explanation?" Lu Fei asked excitedly with tears in his eyes.

"Xiao Fei, listen to me, I can explain everything."

"Tell mom first, how do you know about the Seven-Star Knife?"

"How much more do you know?"

"Is this important?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's important, of course it's important."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll tell you."

"I not only know the Seven-Star National Treasure Sword, but I also know the meaning of the sword."

"The Seven-Star Sword was designed and manufactured for Queen Naimazhen, and was awarded to the five generals in the Western Expedition."

"Actually, these five seven-star knives contain a shocking secret, which is all the trophies of the Mongolian army's many years of Western expeditions."


After hearing what Lu Fei said, Xiao Tingfang suddenly felt bad.

"Xiao Fei, how did you know?"

"Tell mom, how did you know such a secret?"

"Don't be nervous. I have read a book and it has a clear record."

"The books have been burned by me, and I didn't tell anyone."

"Each of your three major families is in charge of a seven-star sword."

"If my guess is correct, you are the descendants of those five generals, right?" Lu Fei asked.

Xiao Tingfang nodded and sat down slowly.

"You're right, it's true."

"But you clearly know that the Seven-Star Sword is so important, why did you give it to Wade?"

"Are you just using the Seven-Star Knife to force mom to show up?"

"Mom, I will explain this to you."

"But before that, I want to know what is going on with the Xiao family."

"And you and Lao Lu

How did they meet, and why did they suddenly run away. "

"Can you tell me something?"


"Even if you don't tell me, mom will tell you everything."

"Yes, our Xiao family is also the descendant of the five generals who fought in the Western Expedition."

"And he is the only Han general."

"Our ancestor's name is Xiao You, a hereditary general who guards Western Asia."

"Xiao You, the left-wing general under Wo Kuotai's tent?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, that is our ancestor."

"However, when I accepted the Seven-Star Sword, my ancestors did not know the significance of the sword and only regarded it as an honor."

"Before the death of Queen Naimazhen, five generals had passed away one after another."

"The hereditary general will inherit the Seven Star Sword."

"At that time, the five hereditary generals each guarded one side."

“After decades of operation, every business is strong and strong.”

"Gradually, the five families almost broke away from the control of the Yuan Dynasty and became kings on their own."

"Queen Naimazhen was worried that the five families would unite and return to the court to rebel, so she secretly informed the five families of the importance of the Seven-Star Sword before she was dying."

"However, the queen only explained the importance of the sword."

"Only by collecting all five Seven-Star Swords can we find the treasure of the Western Expedition."

"This is where the queen is shrewd."

"Everyone is greedy."

"They all want to be the only one in the family."

"The queen told the five families the truth, because she calculated that it would be impossible for the five families to unite and open the treasure."

"As long as the five families fight among themselves over the Seven Star Sword, they will kill each other and weaken their strength."

"In this way, the five families have too much time to take care of themselves and have no intention of rebelling."

"Facts have proved that the Queen is indeed a clever strategist."

"In the following decades, the five families fought against each other many times, resulting in countless casualties and their strength was not as good as before."

"But the queen never dreamed that the five families did not rebel, but Zhu Yuanzhang drove the Mongols out of the pass."

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