A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1756 Direct dialogue

When trading the Seven-Star Knife with Lu Fei, Wade didn't take his own private jet at all.

After traveling to several airports and cleverly avoiding all the blockades, I successfully brought the Seven-Star Knife back to Paradise Island early this morning.

Now Wade is simply a model of wit, courage, maturity and ability in the eyes of the patriarch, and he is highly regarded.

After hearing what Wade said, the clan leader nodded with satisfaction.

"Wade makes sense, Camby. I'm really proud of you for having such a good son."

"Thank you, patriarch, for the compliment."

"Wade, you don't have to be modest. I'm very satisfied with your abilities."

"However, you haven't considered it comprehensively enough."

"Have you ever thought about it, if Lu Fei knows the importance of the Seven Star Sword, the centuries-old structure of our three families may be significantly changed because of him."

"This is completely unacceptable to us."

"Clan leader, you can rest assured."

"The secret of the Seven-Star Sword has been hidden for hundreds of years. There is no way Lu Fei knows about it."

"If he knew, how could he exchange Qu Qu's five antiques with us?"

"Through contact, I learned that Lu Fei has very strong patriotic sentiments."

"So, what he wants are the valuable treasures that China has lost outside."

"But Lu Fei is also a crazy collector."

"Since his debut, he has never sold any of his collections, no matter how much they are worth."

"The reason for trading with me is because the knife is badly worn."

"To put it bluntly, Lu Fei doesn't like that knife at all."

"If we do what he wants and give him enough temptation, that knife must be ours." Wade said.


"You have a point."

"But now all three families know that Lu Fei still has a seven-star sword in his hand."

"If the other two companies get ahead of us and complete the transaction with Lu Fei, our advantage will disappear immediately."

"So, you have to find a way to get that knife as soon as possible, so that you can sit back and relax."

"Patriarch, you don't need to be nervous about this either."

"Lu Fei regards the Thomas family as his enemies. Even if they offer higher terms, Lu Fei will not be able to trade with them."

"As for the Xiao family, you don't have to worry too much."

"This time Xiao Tingfang went to China in person."

"Although we don't know her whereabouts, it's not hard to imagine that her goal must be the Seven-Star Sword in Lu Fei's hand."

"With Xiao Tingfang's resolute style, Lu Fei did not trade with her but chose me. It is not difficult to see that Lu Fei prefers our family in his heart."

"I will try to get in touch with Lu Fei recently. Even if we can't reach a deal, at least we should have Lu Fei's attitude."

"Lu Fei has made a huge promise. As long as he agrees to give us time, we can feel free to prepare."


"I'm relieved now that you have a plan."

"You can do it with confidence. If you need any support, please contact me directly."

"All the resources of the family are at your disposal."

"Thank you, patriarch, for your trust."

"However, this matter cannot be rushed for the time being."

"The most important thing right now is to study the secret of the Seven Star Sword."

"There is nothing suspicious about our knife. Maybe Lu Fei's knife will make a breakthrough."

"If it is found, our advantage will be even more obvious."

"well said!"

"Cambi, this task is left to you."

"You immediately contact the most authoritative experts in the United States to study this knife for me."

"If you find the breakthrough point, I will give you a great credit."


Hang up on the other side

Wade's call, Thomas Roy's call came in.

"Dear Mr. Lu Fei, I think you should have received news of my return to China!"

"How about it?"

"Are you very disappointed?"

Lu Fei smiled coldly.

"Roy, you saw that I sold the knife to Wade, were you also very disappointed?"

Hearing Lu Fei's words, Roy went berserk instantly.

"Lu Fei, don't be arrogant."

"You didn't die yesterday, that's because you were lucky."

"But that doesn't mean you will have such good luck next time."

"I advise you, sell me the knife in your hand."

"As for the price, you can set whatever you want."

"Otherwise, there will be consequences at your own risk." Roy shouted.

"as a result of?"

"If it weren't for your luck, you would be a corpse now."

"You still have the nerve to tell me the consequences?"

"Lu Fei, you"

"shut up!"

"I don't want to talk to you."

"You can come up with any tricks."

"If I, Lu Fei, can't catch it, I'll consider myself unlucky."

"But I have to advise you, you'd better not come to China again."

"Otherwise, you may not be as lucky as yesterday!"

"Okay, it's already very late, I need to rest."


"Wait a moment!"

Lu Fei was about to hang up when an old voice came from the phone.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Lu Fei."


"who are you?"

"Hello, dear Mr. Lu Fei, I am Roy's grandfather, the patriarch of the Thomas family."

"I can talk to you

Want to chat? "

Lu Fei changed his position and sat down again, smiled and said.

"Mr. Patriarch, Lu Fei is flattered to hear your voice!"

"What do you want from me?"

"I'm all ears."

"Mr. Lu Fei, I think there are some misunderstandings between us that need to be resolved, don't you think so?"


"That's not a misunderstanding!"

"I know what you want."

"I don't know why that knife is so popular, but to me it's a collector's item."

“And it’s a very worn collector’s item.”

"If there is a bargaining chip that makes my heart beat, of course I will exchange it with the other party."

"I have no grudges against you. If you join in the competition, maybe I can get more."

"But the two idiots you sent made me very unhappy."

"So today's situation is all your responsibility." Lu Fei said.

"You are right. It is true that my people are incapable of doing things. As the clan leader, I apologize to you on their behalf."

"As the saying goes, there are no permanent enemies in business."

"If our family participates in the competition, it will be beneficial to you without any harm."

"So I hope Mr. Lu Fei will forget the previous unpleasantness and give us a chance to compete fairly."

"Again, as the patriarch of the Thomas family, I assure you that a situation like the one before will never happen again. What do you think?"


"You have thought so before, maybe the knife from before is already yours."

"You're right, there are no permanent enemies in business."

"It's really good for me to have you join me."

"However, the previous unhappiness is real."

"Especially Roy's irrationality makes it difficult for me to believe in your family's sincerity."

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