A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1757 The pattern changes

In the study, Lu Fei had a direct conversation with the patriarch of the Thomas family for the first time.

"Dear Mr. Lu Fei, I'm very sorry for the trouble Roy's irrationality has caused you."

"Don't worry, we will definitely punish Roy accordingly."


"Mr. Patriarch, do you know how much trouble Roy has caused me?"

"He collaborated with Yoshida Ohno Yamazaki Daihide to kidnap my friend."

"My friend is still bedridden."

"Just now, Roy was still yelling at me, how can I trust you?" Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, I already understand everything you said."

"However, even if Roy goes to see God, it can't undo your friend's harm."

"In this case, we might as well be more realistic."

"What do you mean by this?" Lu Fei asked.

"Last time I met you in Jincheng Roy, I mentioned the eleven acres of land owned by our family in Yanjiao, Tiandu."

"Tomorrow I will send someone to transfer the land to your name, as a little compensation from me to your friend. Do you think that's okay?"


"You are so willing!"

"Money is something external to the body. This is just a bit of sincerity from our family."

"If Mr. Lu Fei has the opportunity to come to the UK in the future, I will definitely prepare a big gift for you."

"I have no other requirements, as long as you give us a chance to compete fairly," the patriarch said.

"Mr. Patriarch, if Murray and Roy had your attitude at that time, I think we would be very good friends." Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, do you agree?"

"Mr. Patriarch is so sincere. If I disagree again, it would be too unkind."

"I can give you a fair chance to compete."

"But, I have a condition."

"You say!"

"Next time you send someone to contact me, please find someone who is polite."

\u003e "If he is a fool like Roy Murray again, our friendship will end immediately." Lu Fei said.


"We are friends now, and the Thomas family has always been polite to their friends."

"You can rest assured about this."

"So much the better!"

"That knife?"


"I can promise you this, if one day I plan to use that knife, I will definitely notify you in advance."

"When the time comes, I will treat each of you fairly and will never be emotional."

"After all, what I want is profit."

"Okay, with your words, I feel relieved."

"Then I won't disturb Mr. Lu's rest. Good night!"

After hanging up the phone, Roy asked in confusion.

"Clan leader, is it necessary to be so polite to Lu Fei?"

"Those eleven acres of land are worth a lot of money!"

"If Lu Fei doesn't mean what he says, won't we suffer in vain?"


"What else?"

"Your inability to do things yourself has completely angered Lu Fei."

"If we don't express our feelings, there will be no chance at all."

"No matter which family gets that knife, it will be a disaster for us, do you understand?" the patriarch said angrily.

"But, we may not be able to get the knife if we do this, right?"

"In my opinion, it's better to use the higher-ups in China to continue to put pressure on Lu Fei."

"As long as we defeat Lu Fei, wouldn't we have an advantage?" Roy said.


"This time, the evidence of Lu Fei's intentional homicide is conclusive, and he was able to save the day."

"It is enough to prove that Lu Fei

The strength in China far exceeds our expectations. "

"With the senior leaders of China we have at our disposal, it is impossible to bring down Lu Fei."

"If Lu Fei finds out the truth, we will have no chance at all."

"It's just eleven acres of land. Lu Fei's attitude is worth thousands of dollars."

"At the very least, we can grasp the dynamics of the knife immediately."

"With this, is there any chance we'll ever understand?"

"But what if Lu Fei doesn't keep his word and takes over the land but doesn't fulfill his promise?" Roy asked.

"Before, Lu Fei gave the Robert family priority in trading, but in the end he gave up the Xiao family and completed the deal with Wade."

"This shows that Lu Fei is quite honest."

"Eleven acres of land is considered a bet."

"If Lu Fei keeps his word to us, then the bet will be won."

"On the other hand, it will only lose a piece of land at most. We can still accept this loss."

"There is news from China that Lu Fei has been banned for one year."

"In other words, Lu Fei's knife will not be traded in the short term."

"The most important thing right now is to guard against the Xiao family."

"Patriarch, now that the Robert family has two knives, the situation has changed. I think the Xiao family will not take the risk of attacking us!" Roy said.

"I have also thought about what you said, and it is indeed possible."

"However, Xiao Tingfang is a cruel woman, so we have to guard against her."

"You guys should pay close attention to the dynamics of the Xiao family. If necessary, we can give up some interests and cooperate with the Robert family."


"Will they agree?" everyone asked in surprise.


"The Xiao family has dealt with us, and the next target is them."

"We have the same enemy and I think they should agree to cooperate."


Early the next morning, the two young men took several brothers out to inspect the food factory.

After changing Wang Xinyi's dressing, Liang Guanxing reported that Feng Zhe and Hai Long woke up, and Lu Fei was overjoyed.

"Feng Zhe, how do you feel?"

"Brother Fei, I'm sorry!"

"It's useless for us to protect Miss Wang." Feng Zhe said guiltily.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"You did your best."

"Don't worry, Lao Xue and Lao Liang and I have diagnosed you. You won't be disabled."

"It will take some time to recover and it will be back to its original state."

"You will suffer this time." Lu Fei said.

"Brother Fei!"

"Don't say that, this injury is nothing."

"After we are raised, we will still be pure men." Hai Long said.

"Hai Long, your crotch was severely injured. If it can't be cured, you may not be able to be a pure man anymore." Lu Fei said with a straight face.



Hai Long was so frightened that he struggled to sit up, but grinned in pain.


"just kidding."

"With the three of us here, it's impossible for you to become a eunuch."


"Brother Fei, you are so bad."

"Can this kind of joke be made casually?"

"Scared me."


"Okay, okay, joking is good for recovery, so you don't have to worry."


"You are making fun of me, that is beneficial to Feng Zhe's recovery."

"You have to hand it over to Shidi with me. What's going on there?"

"I don't feel anything at all right now, but that's what you said!"


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