A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1759 Self-introduction

After hanging up Lan Xiangdong's call, Lu Fei sneered.

Some time ago, I tried to win over myself at all costs, and the commendation meeting was over, which was even better for myself.

But now that he is being targeted by some leaders, this old guy immediately draws a clear line with himself.

Lan Xiangdong is so scheming, no wonder he is in the position he is in today.

But hey hey! !

After ending the call, Lu Fei did not leave immediately, but dialed Deng Shaohui's number.

"Master Deng, long time no see. Looking for a place to have a drink?"


"Shaohui couldn't ask for more."

"Mr. Lu, where are you?" Deng Shaohui asked.

"I'm in Tiandu City."

"That's it!"

"I'm really sorry. I'm working in Qinhuangdao and can't go back for the time being."

"Let's do this. I'll call you when I get back to Tiandu. Shaohui treats you."

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"It's okay, I'm fine today."

"My helicopter is in Tiandu, and I can go there in an hour."

"Send me your location and we'll meet in Qinhuangdao at noon."


"Mr. Lu, what's that? I'm sorry, I have something else to do and I'm going to Suizhong in a while."

"I'm afraid I don't have time today!" Deng Shaohui said.

"So busy?"


"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, no need."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your kindness. I really don't need it."

"You stay in Tiandu for a few more days, and I will go back in a few days."

"I'm really sorry today!" Deng Shaohui said.

"It doesn't matter."

"I'm waiting for you in Tiandu."

"We'll see you there or not, hang up!"

Lu Fei hung up the phone with a smile, while Deng Shaohui on the other side felt his head hurt with worry.

After ending the call with Deng Shaohui, Lu Fei continued to squat at the entrance of the courtyard.

After waiting for more than an hour, a black car drove over.

The car stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

A middle-aged woman wearing a down jacket walked down.

The driver opened the trunk, took out two bags of vegetables, and asked politely.

"Mrs. Lan, let me take you in!"

"No, it's only a few steps away. I can go in by myself."

"As a leader, Xiangdong, and as a family member, we should set an example. We cannot waste national resources."

"Xiao Li, you go back first!"

"Madam, your consciousness is too high. You are indeed a model couple!"

"Then I'll go back. If you need anything, please call me anytime."


"Be careful on the road."

The driver got in the car and left. Mrs. Lan nodded to the guard and was about to go in. Lu Fei ran over carrying two boxes of cakes.

"Auntie, wait a moment."

Hearing the call, Mrs. Lan stopped.

Looking around, I was the only female. Needless to say, the young man in front of me must have called me.

Mrs. Lan looked at Lu Fei and asked politely.

"You called me?"


"Auntie, Uncle Lan said you wanted to see me, so I made a special trip to visit you today."

"Give me your stuff and I'll carry it for you."

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Mrs. Lan was confused.

"May I ask you are?"


"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself."

"I'm Lu Fei, you must have heard Mr. Lan say this."

When Lu Fei introduced himself to his family, Mrs. Lan was startled, and her face changed visibly.

When the two guards heard that it was Lu Fei, they immediately stood at attention and saluted.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!"

"Hello, thank you for your hard work."

"Serve the people."

Lu Fei nodded, and before Mrs. Lan could react, he had already taken the two bags of vegetables from her hand.

"Auntie, I am just a junior, you must

I feel embarrassed preparing so many dishes. "


Mrs. Lan almost cried when she heard this.

He forced a smile, nodded and said.

"You are Lu Fei!"

"Auntie, just call me Xiaofei."

"These are the lightly sugared mung bean cakes and saqima I ordered for you in Daoxiang Village. Uncle Lan said these are your favorite."

"hope you'll like it."


"I'm determined."

"Aren't you busy today?" Mrs. Lan asked.

"not busy!"

"Uncle Lan has been telling me for several days and has never had time."

"I came here specifically to see you today."

"Oh, okay, okay!"

"Well, let's sit at home for a while?"


"Uncle Lan said that your cooking skills are very good, so I will bother you today."

"Auntie, it's cold outside, let's go in!"


"Okay, okay!"

Mrs. Lan's face was full of colors and she was quite reluctant.

At this point, even if he was reluctant, he couldn't shut Lu Fei out, so he had to bite the bullet and lead the way.

What's more, Lu Fei didn't regard himself as an outsider at all, carrying vegetables with a smile on his face.

On the way in, Lu Fei greeted him politely.

The more this happens, the more worried Mrs. Lan becomes.

After walking a few steps, two middle-aged women with extraordinary temperament came face to face. Mrs. Lan quickly lowered her head.

However, it was obviously too late.

"Mrs. Lan, we're going shopping!"

"Oh yes!"

"Hello, sister-in-law."



"Are there guests at home?"

Before Mrs. Lan could reply, Lu Fei greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning, ladies."

"My name is

Lu Fei, Uncle Lan and Auntie invited me here. "

Oh my God!

Mrs. Lan suddenly felt hopeless.

The two ladies looked surprised when they heard this.

"Lu Fei?"

"Are you Lu Fei?"

"Yes, I watched the live broadcast during the Jinling Battle for Treasures. You are that Lu Fei."

"Sure enough, you are young and have a lot of talent!"

"Thank you for the compliment, madam."

"Look, this kid is not only very capable, but also so polite. It's really rare."

"I have long heard that Mr. Lan has a good relationship with you. It seems that the rumors are true."

"Lu Fei!"

"You have to be nice to Mrs. Lan. With Mr. Lan and Mrs. Lan taking care of you, your career will be just around the corner!"

"Thank you ma'am."

"Uncle Lan treats me as his nephew, and I will never let them down." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, be polite."

"We have to go out to do errands, so I won't accompany you today."

“I’ll be a guest at home another day!”

"Okay, you two walk slowly."

The two ladies left, Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Auntie, these two ladies are so easy-going."

"It's completely different from the lady in my imagination."

Mrs. Lan nodded awkwardly and said.

"Ah, yes!"


"Then what, let's go back quickly!"

"I'll call your Uncle Lan later and ask him to come back early."


Continuing to walk forward, Lu Fei would politely greet anyone he saw, even the patrolling soldiers.

Whenever you meet someone, you must introduce yourself and make them look familiar.

Lu Fei and Mrs. Lan walked for nearly half an hour for a short distance of two hundred meters. Mrs. Lan was so worried that she had no love in her life.

Mrs. Lan felt extremely regretful.

If I had known this, I might as well have asked the driver to take me home directly.

What a good thing!

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