A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1760 A real person

After finally returning home, Mrs. Lan let out a long breath.

Ask the nanny to greet Lu Fei and quickly return to the room to dial her husband's phone number.

"Xiangdong, come back quickly!"

"What's wrong?"

"I have two more meetings here."

"If there's anything else, wait until I get back to talk about it."

"I can't wait any longer. You'll be back soon."

"If you don't come back, something will happen."

"What happened?"

"Lu Fei is coming to our house."


"You stabilize him first. It's best not to let others in the courtyard see him. I'll go back right away."

"Okay, come back quickly!"

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Lan returned to the living room, but Lu Fei was nowhere to be seen.

"Sister Zhang, where is Mr. Lu?"

"Back to Madam, Mr. Lu said he was going out for a walk. Don't worry, he will be back soon."


Mrs. Lan chased her out of the house and looked around, but could not see Lu Fei's shadow.

In desperation, he had to go back to the house and report to Lan Xiangdong.

On the other side, Lan Xiangdong suddenly changed his color after understanding the situation.

Put off all meetings and rush home immediately.

The car entered the courtyard, and in the pavilion next to it, more than a dozen ladies from the courtyard were gathered around.

Lan Xiangdong looked carefully and saw that it was Lu Fei who was surrounded.

"Madam, you don't look well and your pulse is weak."

"Is your diet irregular?"


"Our boss Gao said that Mr. Lu is not only a philanthropist, but also a miracle doctor."

"I didn't believe it at first, but today I am convinced."

"It only took a few glances to tell that I had irregular eating habits. He was a miracle doctor!"

"Mrs. Gao, you are too polite."

"If you praise me again, I should be proud."

"To be precise, you are not irregular."

"If I'm not mistaken, do you often eat vegetarian food?"


"Too right

. "

"I have been a vegetarian for more than 20 years."

"People often say that being vegetarian is healthy, but I always feel weak. Xiaofei, do you think I have some bad disease?"


"Madam, don't be nervous. There is nothing seriously wrong with you."

“It is true that a vegetarian diet is good for health, but it must be combined in a reasonable manner.”

"If the combination is not good, the dietary fiber in vegetables is not easy to digest."

"I happen to have a healthy vegetarian recipe here. Let's add a WeChat account and I can send it to you?" Lu Fei said.

"That's great, thank you Ha Xiaofei."

"Come to our house another day and Auntie will prepare delicious food for you."

"You're welcome. Mr. Lan is my elder. You are all Mr. Lan's neighbors. I am happy to serve you."

"Well said, well said."

"It's really rare for young people to understand etiquette so well."

"Mr. Lu, you see I always have a stomachache recently."

"Mr. Lu, my aunt has been unstable these past two months."

"Mr. Lu."

In a short time, more than a dozen middle-aged women had regarded Lu Fei as their idol.

Some people even started to introduce girlfriends to Lu Fei.

Seeing so many people communicating enthusiastically with Lu Fei, Lan Xiangdong's head hurt and he quickly took out his mobile phone to dial Lu Fei's number.

"Ladies, wait a minute, I'll take a call!"


"It's my Uncle Lan calling."

"Hello Uncle Lan, I'm here to see my aunt."


"Xiao Fei, you are interested."

"I'm already home. Come back quickly and let's drink tea and chat."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei stood up and said goodbye politely to all the ladies.

"Sorry ladies, Uncle Lan came back all the way to entertain me, I have to go back to accompany him.


"I'll come see you next time."


"Xiao Fei, walk slowly!"

“Be sure to come when you have time!”

"Xiao Fei, I made an appointment with that girl to send you a WeChat message!"

"Bye Xiaofei!"


"No wonder Mr. Lan thinks so highly of Lu Fei, this kid is so sensible."

Hearing these women's comments, Lan Xiangdong suddenly felt hopeless.

When he returned home, he invited Lu Fei into the study, and the two sat across from each other. Lan Xiangdong was somewhat embarrassed.

"Uncle Lan, after finishing the call with you, I was about to go back when my aunt came back from her physical examination."

"My aunt is so kind to me, Lu Fei is so flattered!"

"Ah, ha!"

"Xiao Fei!"

"When you get here, it's just like you're at home. Don't be formal!" Lan Xiangdong said.


"My aunt is so kind to me, why should I be so reserved!"

"It's you who came back to accompany me despite your busy schedule. Lu Fei is extremely ashamed."

"It doesn't matter, you are my important guest, I must treat you well."

"Thank you Uncle Lan."

Lan Xiangdong took a sip of water and said.

"Xiao Fei!"

"Uncle really wants to help you with this matter."

"It's a pity that uncle's gentle words have little effect. Don't blame uncle for not trying his best to help!"

"how come!"

"Uncle Lan has been so kind to me, I can't thank you enough."

"Yesterday, I received the results of the handling of my situation from above. I reflect on the one-year suspension of my duties. This is considered special consideration for me, and I am satisfied." Lu Fei said.

"If you think so, we will feel relieved."

"Don't worry about things at home. Your uncle will take care of you after you go to the base."

"Thank you uncle, I feel relieved with your words."

"I will leave the house to Wang Xinyi and Di Ruilong later."

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