A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1764 Anxious

When he saw Lu Fei again, Ashiro was extremely polite.

"Mr. Lu, what happened before was not my intention."

"please forgive!"

Lu Fei looked at his watch and said.

"Master Ashiro, please tell me if you have anything to say. I have important things to do later."


"I have thought clearly, we plan to trade Ashoka Tower with you."


"Master, just think about it clearly."

"However, I don't have time today, and Ashoka Tower is not in Tiandu City."

"How about this!"

"You come here at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon with 20 billion dollars, and we will trade here." Lu Fei said.

"Twenty billion dollars?"

"Mr. Lu, didn't we negotiate for 10 billion dollars before?" Ashiro asked in surprise.

"Yes, it was indeed 10 billion knives before."

"But a few days ago, you asked Interpol to put pressure on me. Don't we need to settle this account?"

"Wu Haijun told me that you are only willing to pay 50 million swords."

"In my opinion, this is an insult to me personally, so you have to pay the price."

"I have asked Wu Haijun to tell you what needs to be said."

"Now I repeat it again, if you want the pagoda, you can exchange it for 20 billion knives within three months."

"After one second expires, I guarantee that the Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda will disappear in this time."

"Of course, you can refuse."

"When you think about it carefully, feel free to contact my people."

"Get your car out of the way, I have to go out to do errands now."

Lu Fei said as he was about to get in the car, but Ashiro stepped forward to stop him.

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment."

"There was a huge misunderstanding between us."


"What's the meaning?"

"Mr. Lu, Interpol intervened some time ago. That was a decision made by the top management of Asan Kingdom and was not the intention of our temple."

"When I know

By now, Interpol has opened a case. This was not my intention! "

"It doesn't matter to me whether you mean it or not. I only know that my character has been insulted. This account must be recorded on Asoka Tower."

"So, 20 billion dollars, not a penny less."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, an old man in his sixties stood up behind Asiro.

"Mr. Lu, Asoka Pagoda is a sacred object of Buddhism and you cannot take it as your own."


"Don't talk to me about any sacred objects. In my eyes, it is just a collection."

"I promised to trade with you just to give you face. Don't force me to go back on my word," Lu Fei said.

The old man pointed to the people behind him and said.

"Mr. Lu, all of us are worshipers of the pagoda."

“There are more than tens of millions of believers like us.”

"You insist on making things difficult for us, aren't you afraid that believers in the world will denounce you?"


"Condemn me?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Let me ask you, who rented your so-called sacred objects to Yoshida Ohno?"

"Who signed a contract with him and allowed him to bring your sacred objects to Aurous Hill to fight for treasures with me?"

"Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its own owner. The responsibility for this matter cannot be placed on me no matter what!"

"Ashira rented the pagoda to Yoshida Ohno for money."

"Even you Buddhists can trade with your sacred objects, why can't I, a businessman?"


Lu Fei's words left the other party speechless, and Ashiro's old face suddenly turned red.

"Mr. Lu"

"Stop it, don't say any more."

"I once asked Wu Haijun to tell you."

"Twenty billion dollars is the current price. If someone makes trouble for me again because of the pagoda, the price will double."

"Okay, that's all I've said."

"If you want a pagoda, bring me the money."

"Without money, everything is nonsense!"

"Move your car, I'm in a hurry."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Asuro and others not only did not move the car, but instead surrounded Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, we really can't come up with 20 billion dollars. Can you be accommodating and just follow the previous price, 10 billion dollars?"


"Not even close."

"Boss Lu, 12 billion, this is our limit."

"Mo Ji, get out of here!"

"Mr. Lu, 12.5 billion, we really can't afford more."

"Please consider it for the sake of the believers in the world and accept our offer?"

"Are you bothered?"

"You can't understand people, can you?"

"Get out of my way quickly, or I'll call security."

Ashro came to Lu Fei, bent down and said seriously.

"Mr. Lu, the responsibility for this matter lies with me. I am responsible for it."

"During this period, the Mahabodhi Temple has become a mess."

"I don't deserve pity, but you can't bear to see the thousand-year-old temple destroyed in one go!"

"For the sake of my many visits, you can sell it to us for 13 billion dollars!"


Lu Fei looked at his watch again and gritted his teeth.

"Ashiro, you're right, you don't deserve pity."

"For money, you actually gave the temple's treasure to secular people to participate in the treasure fighting competition. You deserve to die."

"However, for the sake of your thousand-year-old temple and the vast number of believers, I can give you a chance this time."

"But I want to warn you, if you act greedy again in the future, even if I, Lu Fei, don't embarrass you, the Buddha will not forgive you."\u003c


Hearing what Lu Fei said, Ashiro's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Thank you Mr. Lu. I swear to the Buddha that after the pagoda comes back, I will never leave the temple for the rest of my life."

"I will spend the rest of my life piously repenting and praying for the Buddha's forgiveness."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"I hope you keep your word."

"Now, move your car away from me."

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, come here with 13 billion knives to exchange for the pagoda."

"Remember, this is your only chance, don't play tricks on me."

"Thank you Mr. Lu."

"do not worry"

"Shut up!"

"I'm in a hurry, please move the car."

Lu Fei yelled, and Asiro's people quickly moved the car.

After glaring at Ashiro, Lu Fei got into the car and drove away.

Fortunately, there was no traffic jam on the road.

At 9:45 a.m., Lu Fei finally arrived at the Dongcheng Civil Affairs Bureau.

Seeing Chen Xiang's car from a distance, Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.

After sending a WeChat message, Chen Xiang lowered his head and got into Lu Fei's car.

"Why did you come?" Chen Xiangjiao asked delicately.


"We agreed at ten o'clock and I'm not late. You're just too anxious!"


"Hey, why are you blushing?"

"We are already an old married couple, why are we so shy?"

"Lu Fei, you bastard!"

"Okay, I won't joke with you anymore."

"This car is a gift from Wade. I brought it to you by the way."

"How's it going? Do you like it?"

"Very well, thank Wade for me."

"Fei, let's go in!"

"What's wrong, are you anxious again?"


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