A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1765 Inspection

The New Year's Day holiday has just ended, and the waiting area at the Marriage Registration Office of Dongcheng District Civil Affairs Bureau was packed.

Couples are neatly dressed, with happy smiles on their faces, showing off their affection everywhere.

At this time, a special pair of men and women walked in.

The woman's face was wrapped in gauze, and only her watery peach blossom eyes were exposed.

The man wore a mask on his face and the collar of his trench coat was turned up.

The two people entered the lobby and seemed out of place with the couples in the waiting area.

At this time, a middle-aged man who looked like a leader glanced at the strange man and woman and tentatively approached them.

After whispering to the masked man, the middle-aged man instantly put on his most sincere smile and politely invited the couple inside. .??.

Ten minutes later, the man and woman left the registration office with the courtesy of several leaders.

After returning to the car and taking off his mask, Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief, but Chen Xiang laughed out loud.

"why are you laughing?"

"You also said that others go to get the certificate openly, but we have to be secretive."

"The most annoying thing is that my dear boss Lu has to go through the back door to get his marriage certificate. Don't you think this is shameful?"

When Chen Xiang said this, Lu Fei also laughed.

"I also want to go in and queue up to go through the formalities."

"But if that's the case, I probably won't be able to do it even in the dark."

"Maybe, the registration office will become a press conference site again today, so why don't you be annoyed to death?"


"After all, I'm still too good."



"Fei, we are a legal couple now. Do you want to be nice to me?"

"Of course, I will protect you my love with my life."


"So sour."

"By the way, when are you going to tell Grandpa?"

"I advise you to tell him as soon as possible. If grandpa finds out first, he will definitely be angry."

Speaking of Chen Yun

Fei, Lu Fei was slightly startled.

"Dear Mr. Lu Fei, are you afraid?"

"You were very manly last night!"

Lu Fei said after gently pinching Chen Xiang's cheek.

"I haven't digested what happened two days ago, so don't worry about it now."

"I'll tell him personally when our honeymoon is over."


"Are you taking me on our honeymoon?"


"You are my wife, Lu Fei, and I cannot let you have any regrets."

"When these things stabilize, I will give you a grand wedding and make you the happiest bride in the world."

"Fei, you are so kind."

"By the way, where are you going for your honeymoon?"

"This will be kept secret for now. I promise to give you a surprise when the time comes."

"Now, let's find a place to celebrate."

Lu Fei and Chen Xiang received a marriage certificate, but Lu Fei did not tell anyone except Wang Xinyi.

At noon, the two went to a hotel in the suburbs to simply celebrate.

In the afternoon, at Chen Xiang's request, the two went on a shopping spree.

In the evening, Lu Fei planned to have a wedding ceremony, but his wife politely turned him away.

At 1:30 in the afternoon the next day, Ashiro and others rushed to Xianlin Garden in a hurry.

"Mr. Lu Fei, we are here."

"Is the money ready?"

"According to our agreement, I have collected 13 billion knives. When can we trade?"

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Very good, I'll take you there now."


"Isn't it a business here?"

"Don't worry, I promise you

We will never regret it, come with me! "

The trading place is indeed not here.

As the saying goes, you can't be on guard against others.

A valuable treasure worth tens of billions of dollars would cause trouble if someone paid attention to it.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived at the courtyard of Little Milk Dog’s house.

A solid wooden packaging box stood in the courtyard, with more than a dozen of Lu Fei's little brothers guarding it on both sides.

Seeing this formation, Ashiro felt uncomfortable all over.

"Mr. Lu, can I open the box and inspect the goods?"

"Of course it's no problem, but your people can't get started."

"Only after you sign the contract after confirming that it is correct can you touch it."

"This is a rule in the collection world. Master, you won't mind, right?" Lu Fei said.

"As long as it is confirmed to be a sacred object of our temple, we can trade it immediately."

"Mr. Lu, please open the box."


Lu Fei waved his hand, and Dalei Zi carried a large crowbar and personally went to remove the packaging.

The crowbar was inserted into the gap, and the fat man pried it hard. After a crisp sound, the packaging board was cut directly from the middle.

Seeing such a violent technique, Asuro and the others grimaced in pain.


"Please, gentleman, please be gentle, please."



"Mr. Lu, please tell me, please be gentle."

"If the sacred object is damaged, it will be a regret that can never be made up for!"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Don't worry, Master, the pagoda is made of pure gold and is very strong!"


"Mr. Lu, that's not what you said."

"Even if you accidentally get a scratch, it's still a huge loss!"

"I beg you."

"OK OK."

"Fat man,

Be gentle, haven't you heard that the customers are complaining? "

"Do you still want this month's salary?"

"Yes, boss!"

Dalei Zi promised happily, but the strength in his hands became a little stronger.

Dalei Zi worked hard for more than ten minutes on the one-meter-high wooden box, breaking five wooden boards before dismantling it.

The last board fell down, and everyone in Ashiro was nervous and sweating profusely.

The outer packaging was removed, and inside was something covered with red cloth, without even a protective layer. Everyone in Asuro rolled their eyes in anger.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette, lifted the red cloth himself and said.

"Master, please confirm carefully whether this is your sacred object, the Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda."

"You must read it carefully. After signing the contract, I will not return it!"

Ashiro didn't hear clearly what Lu Fei was talking about.

Seeing the Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda again, Ashoka burst into tears with excitement.

Without saying anything, he knelt down and saluted respectfully.

Ashiro took the lead, and those who came behind all knelt down.

After saluting, Ashiro stood up tremblingly and came to the pagoda.

Ashiro is very familiar with this pagoda.

But even though he was familiar with it, he didn't dare to let down his guard and carefully inspected it bit by bit.

Size is no problem.

The patina is no problem.

Smokey spots are no problem.

Qibao, style, and every texture are all flawless.

Having seen all of this, Ashiro was not yet at ease, so he knelt down and took a closer look at the Buddha relief at the bottom.

Seeing the tiny scratch on the left eye of the Buddha statue, Ashiro was completely relieved.

This secret mark was carved by Ashiro himself.

No one knows except himself.

With this secret mark, this pagoda is definitely authentic.

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