A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1766: Being tricked again

After carefully checking the pagoda several times and finding the secret mark carved on it by himself, Ashiro nodded with satisfaction.

"Master, is this the treasure of your Mahabodhi Temple, the Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, it is our sacred object."

"Master, I advise you to take a closer look." .??.

"The contract will be signed in a moment. After the handover between the two parties, I will not be responsible anymore!"

"Mr. Lu, I've already taken my guess."

"This is the sacred object of our temple."


"Since the master has no objection, please give me the money and we will sign the contract immediately. What do you think?"


Asuro said, he took out a dozen cashier's checks and handed them to Lu Fei with both hands.

"Mr. Lu, please be optimistic. This is a Swiss bank cashier's check worth 1.3 billion dollars. Please check it."

Baihua Bank's business team is on site.

Lu Fei took the cashier's note and handed it to them directly.

After the professional team carefully checked and confirmed that there was no problem with the promissory note, Lu Fei asked Xiao Nai Gou to take out the contract drawn up in advance.

"Master, this is the contract we have drawn up."

"You and your team will take a closer look. If there are any problems, we will make corrections on the spot."

This contract is relatively simple, with only a few clauses in total, which is quite clear.

What is highlighted is the transaction content.

Ashoka, the master of the Mahabodhi Temple in Asan Kingdom, purchased a seven-treasure pure gold Ashoka Pagoda from Mr. Lu Fei on behalf of Party B.

The value of a single item is 13 billion U.S. dollars.

Before the transaction, Party B must carefully inspect the goods.

It takes effect immediately once signed.

Party A will not be held responsible for any problems after the transaction is completed.

Ashiro and the legal counsel he brought carefully studied the contract and confirmed that there were no problems, and both parties signed immediately.

After receiving the contract, Ashiro let out a sigh of relief.

For several days, Ashiro did not think about food or tea for the sake of this pagoda, and did not even dare to return home.

The pagoda was finally redeemed today, and Ashiro was so excited that he almost cried.

It’s not easy!

"Mr. Lu Fei, can I take the pagoda away now?" Ashiro asked.

"The deal is done, the pagoda is yours."

"You have the final say on how to deal with it."

"By the way, do you want me to send someone to take you back?" Lu Fei said.

"Thank you, no need, we have our own car."

Asuro said, calling the workers he brought to repack the pagoda.

The workers were about to take action when Asuro suddenly thought of something and immediately stopped.

After asking the workers to disperse, Ashiro asked Lu Fei for a basin of water.

When the water came, Ashiro washed his hands carefully, then knelt down and burned incense and prayed.

After the ceremony, Ashiro came to the pagoda again with steady steps.

However, when he opened the pagoda with his own hands, Ashiro was dumbfounded.


"Mr. Lu, where are the gold coffins, silver coffins and relics in the pagoda?"

When Ashiro asked, the people behind him were all dumbfounded.

Everyone gathered around and saw that the pagoda was empty, with no gold coffin or silver coffin at all.

"Mr. Lu, what's going on? Where's the gold coffin and silver coffin?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu, please hand over the gold coffin and silver coffin."

"Mr. Lu"

These people were all making a fuss, and Lu Fei frowned and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Master, what do you mean by the golden coffin and the silver coffin?"


"Mr. Lu, are you kidding?"

"The pagoda houses the Buddha's shadow bone relics and nine induction relics."

"The relics were stored in gold and silver coffins, but now they are missing."

"What is going on? Please explain it to me." Ashiro said.

Lu Fei lit up the cigarette and said with a smile.

"Master, are you kidding me?"

"We agreed to trade the Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda. Now that the pagoda has returned to Zhao intact, my obligation has been fulfilled. What does it have to do with the gold coffin and silver coffin?"


Hearing what Lu Fei said, Asuro and his men almost vomited three liters of blood. .??.

Ashiro's face instantly turned pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Mr. Lu, let's stop joking, okay?"

"This pagoda is specially used to enshrine the relics."

"You can't just give me the pagoda, but not the relics and the gold and silver coffins, right?"


"I have to explain this to you carefully."

"From the first time we met, we discussed the Ashoka Tower from beginning to end. We never mentioned the gold coffin and silver coffin."

"Including our contract, it is clearly written that the 13 billion dollar transaction is just a pagoda."

"After your careful inspection, there is nothing wrong with the pagoda, so what does it have to do with me?" Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, aren't you being a bit strong with your words?"

"The pagoda and the golden coffin and silver coffin are a whole in themselves. They are a set of treasures. How can they be counted separately?"

"I hope Mr. Lu won't embarrass us and just hand over the gold coffin and silver coffin."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"Master, your words are simply untenable."

"Since the gold coffin and silver coffin can be taken out from the pagoda, it means that the two items are not a whole and should be counted separately."


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