A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1770 Welcome home

Su Donghai was stunned when he saw the photo sent by Lu Fei.

Logically speaking, if two people get married, they can just send invitations directly. But what does it mean to send wedding certificate photos?

Just when Su Donghai was puzzled, Lu Fei's call came in.

"Mr. Su, have you received the photo?"

"Boy, did you and Chen Xiang get the certificate?"

"The enemy."

"It was just last week."

"Does the old man know?"

"not yet."

"So far, you're the first to know."


Su Donghai broke into a cold sweat when he heard this.

"Well, tell me first what does this mean?"

"Nothing else, Yang Yi has already picked me up, and we are on our way to the airport."

"I show you this photo because I want to report something to you."

"what's up?"

"This time I will take Xiang'er with me to the base and let her take care of my food and daily life. I think you have no objection, right?"


Now Su Donghai finally knew the purpose of Lu Fei sending him the photos.

Lu Fei just wanted to tell himself that he and Chen Xiang were married, and they were newlyweds.

Taking Chen Xiang to the base is a honeymoon.

It's okay if she agrees. If she doesn't agree, if Chen Xiang sues in the future and accuses him of ruining her honeymoon, she won't be able to explain it to the old man.

Damn it!

I thought it was a surprise, but I didn't expect it to be a sinkhole. Lu Fei, this bastard is really bad.

No matter how far or near, he dares to trick anyone!

"Mr. Su, are you listening?" Lu Fei asked.

"Ah, yes, yes."

"That's what, it's pretty good."

"When we get to the base, Chen Xiang's safety will be left to you!"

"Tell the brothers to treat them well and don't neglect them. I'll be there tomorrow morning."

"It's done!"

"thank you!"

Su Donghai gritted his molar teeth and said no, and was about to hang up the phone.

Then Lu Fei's voice came again.

"Mr. Su, since you are so reasonable, I will give you a big gift."

"You contact the Five Dragons Elite Team to gather at the base. I have gifts for everyone."

Hearing this, Su Donghai's eyes suddenly lit up.


"Of course it's true. When did I lie to you?"

"If you don't believe it, forget it."

"Believe it, I believe it."

"If you are interested, I will contact you right away. Have a safe journey!"


"By the way, the photo will be kept secret for now!"

"Don't forget, you're the only one besides us who knows."


After hanging up the phone, Su Donghai groaned angrily.

Kong Panqing asked about the situation, and Su Donghai repeated what Lu Fei had just said.

"This little brat is trying to trick me. He's such an idiot."

Kong Panqing heard this and laughed.

"This kid Xiaofei is so interesting."

"You still praise him?"

"His bad habits are caused by everyone's habit."

"What's wrong with Xiao Fei?"

"Xiao Fei has made such a great contribution to China, but now he has to go to the base to reflect for a year."

"To put it bluntly, what's the difference between that and going to jail?"

"If you accidentally kill the wanted criminal Yamazaki Daihide, you are doing harm to the people."

"Not only should we not punish, but we should praise."

"This is Xiao Fei. If you are a narrow-minded person, you have to divest your investment and immigrate."

"Nowadays, a newlywed is unable to travel for a honeymoon. What's wrong with taking the bride to live at the base for a period of time?"

"The rule is that the dead are alive, and you soldiers just can't bend it."

"I tell you, when you return to the base, you must entertain Xiaofei and Xiang well.

Son, if you dare to inflict injustice on them, I can't spare you. "


"Just get used to it."


Lu Fei hung up the phone, and Chen Xiang was extremely nervous.

"Lu Fei, how's it going?"

Li Shengnan in the front row chuckled.

"Xiang'er, don't worry!"

"This little thing can't trouble your man."

"Sister Li, you"

"Yo yo yo!"

"What are you embarrassed about?"

"Everyone knows about your affairs."

"I really want him to be my man, but he's not happy!"


"Sister Li, don't you dare say such nonsense!"

"If Lao Tan hears it, I can't explain it clearly."


Yang Yi laughed out loud, but the next second he was slapped by Li Shengnan. Yang Yi was terribly embarrassed.

"Sister Li, where is your base?"

"Is it far?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Taihang Mountain!"

"We can arrive before ten o'clock in the evening."

Arrive at the military airport and transfer to a helicopter and go straight to the hinterland of the Taihang Mountains.

It's approaching ten o'clock, and Chen Xiang's biological clock has been reached.

But thinking about the purpose of this trip, Chen Xiang was extremely excited.

A few minutes later, dense lights appeared on the ground, and the helicopter landed slowly.

Jumping off the plane, the playground is brightly lit.

More than two hundred Xuanlong warriors lined up to welcome him.

"Welcome home, Chief Instructor."

"Welcome home, Chief Instructor"

The echoes in the empty valley were loud and loud.

No matter who is there, they will definitely be excited and excited.

Lu Fei bowed to everyone and shouted loudly.

"Hello, brothers!"


Hello, Chief Instructor! "

"Hey, I'm no longer your chief instructor, so don't call me that!"

"You will always be our chief instructor."


"Keep your voice down!"

"If the boss hears it, he should be jealous!"


After laughing, Lu Fei continued.

"Because of my fault, the entire team has to have an extra hour and a half of training every day."

"Here, I apologize to everyone, and I hope you don't hate me."

"However, just apologizing seems insincere. I have prepared gifts for everyone and will deliver them early tomorrow morning."

"I hope everyone will forgive me for my recklessness for the sake of the gift."

"By the way, let me introduce someone to you."

Lu Fei put his arm around Chen Xiang's shoulders and said.

"This is mine"

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

Before Lu Fei could introduce him, all the soldiers shouted in unison, and Chen Xiang's eyes turned red.


"You are smart, yes, this is your sister-in-law."

"From today on, your sister-in-law will stay here to take care of me."

"You all try not to disturb us!"


"very good!"

"It's getting late. Let's disperse and rest."


"Hey, by the way, have our rooms been arranged?"

A team member stood up and saluted.

"Reporting to the instructor, I am your correspondent Zhao Xiaohui. The captain has called and your and your sister-in-law's rooms have been prepared."

"plz follow me."


Lu Fei took Chen Xiang and was about to go back to the room, but Yang Yi grabbed him.

"Depend on!"

"Why are you so blind?"

"With your emotional intelligence, you will only earn 21 cents in your lifetime."

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