A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1771 Want the best

Lu Fei was very unhappy when he was stopped by Yang Yi when he was about to take a rest.

"What else can you do?"


"Don't be so playful with me. Talk about something if you have something to say."

"Well, you just said you have a gift for everyone tomorrow, can you tell me in advance what good thing it is?"


"Hey, tell me?"

"Say a hammer and get out!"

Lu Fei said he was about to leave, but was stopped by Yang Yi again.

"I said, are you finished yet?"

"Wait a minute, I have one last question."

"Have you really discussed this with Mr. Su?"


"If you want to do more ink, I'll tell you that you made your own decision and agreed to Xiang'er's coming."


"Aren't you cheating?"

"When did I agree?"

"Why don't you get out then?"

"Okay, okay!"

After finally sending Yang Yi away, Lu Fei led Chen Xiang, who was blushing, and followed Zhao Xiaohui to the base office building.

"Are we living here?" Lu Fei asked.

"Report to the instructor."

"The captain said that the dormitory area was cramped, so he used the north area on the second floor of the office building as a temporary residence for the instructor and his sister-in-law."

"We have simply tidied it up. If you are not satisfied, we will rearrange it immediately tomorrow."

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Yes, Boss Su is interested."

"Let's go up and have a look."

The office building has four floors.

The first floor is the combat headquarters.

The second floor is the material storage warehouse.

The third floor is for office areas and conference rooms, and the fourth floor is for the auditorium and entertainment room.

Su Donghai ordered that the entire north area of ​​the second floor be assigned to Lu Fei, and two soldiers were placed on guard at the stairs.

Lu Fei was quite satisfied with this arrangement.

Coming to the innermost room, Zhao Xiaohui turned on the light and said.

"Instructor, sister-in-law, do you think there is anything else you are dissatisfied with?"

This room is super big, covering more than two hundred square meters.


Sofa TV, computer, wardrobe, writing desk, etc. are all available.

There is also a brand new double bed.

However, Lu Fei was not satisfied with the style of all the furniture.

He took out his tablet, clicked on the picture of the presidential suite of Yunlong Hotel and said to Zhao Xiaohui.

"Xiaohui, look at this."

"This suite is about the same size as this one. You can find someone to rearrange this place according to these photos tomorrow."

"All the furniture needs to be the best."

Zhao Xiaohui took a look at the photo and felt a little confused.

Good guy!

According to this arrangement, the cost will be at least millions.

With so much money, who should I reimburse to?

"Lu Fei, I think this place is very good. There is no need to change it, right?" Chen Xiang said.

"Is necessary."

"I must give you the best living environment."

"Xiaohui, you don't have to worry about the cost. You can take this card and use my own money to arrange it."

"In short, it is a purpose, everything must be the best."


"Also, convert the one next to it into a kitchen for me."

"We cook and eat."

"By the way, it's all about the best."


"Please instructor and sister-in-law take a rest early, I'm going out first."

"Wait a moment!"

Lu Fei took out a cigarette from his bag and handed it over.

"I didn't bring too much today, take it and share it with the brothers standing guard outside."

"Tell them I won't treat them badly."

"Thank you, instructor!"

After exiting the room, Zhao Xiaohui looked at the cigarettes and bank cards in his hands and sighed in his heart, it's good to have money.

"Lu Fei, why don't we sleep separately!" Chen Xiang said shyly.


“It’s not good for the soldiers to know.


"What's wrong?"

"We are a legal couple and live together openly."

"Take a shower and rest early. Our honeymoon entertainment will officially begin tomorrow." Lu Fei said.

"Fei, what's fun here?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

"Do you want to learn to shoot?"

"Yes I do!"

"Influenced by my grandfather and second uncle, I have longed to shoot a real gun one day since I was a child."

"I told grandpa many times, but he just didn't agree."

"Can I?"


"Tomorrow I will take you to the shooting range to practice shooting, so that you can shoot enough."

"Not only can you shoot guns here, but you can also drive tanks, mountain bikes, etc."

"By the way, there is also a dedicated ski resort in Beishan. You must like it."

Hearing Lu Fei talk about these projects, Chen Xiang's eyes widened and she wanted to experience it right away.

"Usually you can also watch the fighters training and watch real free fighting."

"The hostage rescues and so on that you see on TV are all fake."

"There is live-fire rescue training here, which is super exciting."


"of course it's true."

"There is something more exciting."

"We can also go hunting in the mountains. When we come back, I will cook it for you myself."

"Very good."

"Fei, I like it so much."

"Don't worry yet. What about the most exciting project?"

"What project?"

"My helicopter is coming tomorrow."

"During this time, I will teach you how to fly a helicopter."

"Oh my God!"

"Husband, please don't lie to me!"


"What did you call me just now?"


"Hey, can you call me again?"

"Don't be shy!"

"I won't bark, just sleep."


"Please, can you scream again?"


Early the next morning, Chen Xiang was woken up by the wake-up call for the first time and felt quite excited.

After washing up, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Report to the instructor, it's breakfast time."

"Are you going to the cafeteria to eat, or should I call back for you?"

"Xiang'er, what do you think?"

"I want to go to the cafeteria, is that okay?"

"No problem at all."

"Xiaohui, hurry up and renovate your room and buy furniture. We'll go to the cafeteria by ourselves."


Lu Fei and Chen Xiang changed out of their expensive private clothes today and put on Xuanlong's special camouflage uniforms.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Chen Xiang felt as excited as if he had discovered a new world.

"Fei, let's take a picture!"

"Call my husband!"

"Are you going to take a picture?"

"All right!"

"You're awesome."

On the way to the cafeteria, Chen Xiang saw something fresh everywhere, taking photos along the way.

"Hey, that's almost enough. It's not like we're leaving today."

"If you go late, you won't be able to eat!"


Arriving at the canteen, hundreds of soldiers were dining.

Seeing Lu Fei and others coming in, they all stood up and saluted.

"Hello, instructor, hello, sister-in-law."

Whenever encountering such a scene, Chen Xiang was so ashamed that she unconsciously moved closer to Lu Fei.

"Take a break!"

"Let me tell you!"

"First of all, I am no longer your instructor."

"I'm really ashamed that you called me that."

"Second, your sister-in-law is shy. Please don't salute or make any noise in the future, okay?"

"You should train and train, be happy when you need to be happy, and just pretend that we don't exist."

"Yes, instructor!"

"Depend on!"

"It's not over yet!"

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