A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1777 The Fifth Captain’s Treat

In the next three days, Chen Xiang experienced unprecedented happiness.

In the past, Lu Fei and I spent less time together and more time apart, but now we are rubbing shoulders with each other day and night. This honeymoon feeling is simply wonderful.

During these three days, the mornings were basically spent at the shooting range.

After training, although Chen Xiang's pistol shooting was not good enough to hit wherever he pointed, he could hit the target with almost every shot.

Every afternoon I still go to the ski resort to experience it, leaving the shooting range for the soldiers to practice. .??.

The three days of being unchanged is not because there are no other projects to play, but because Chen Xiang's character is to pursue the ultimate perfection.

In her words, if she doesn’t practice shooting and skiing well, she won’t consider other projects for the time being.

Three days later, six hundred elite Five Dragon warriors from the second and third echelons came to the base to assemble.

The number of people in the base instantly exceeded one thousand.

This is also the busiest time since the Taihang Mountain Xuanlong Base was completed.

Not only the team members gathered, but the captains of the fifth brigade also arrived one after another.

Five days later, the 30,000 self-heating hotpots brought by Lu Fei were about to be exhausted. That night, the five bosses set up a banquet and invited Lu Fei into the headquarters.

"Lu Fei is here!"

"Xiao Fei, come and take your seat."

"Hey, why didn't your girlfriend come with you?"

"Thank you for your concern, bosses. She, Tang Xin and Sister Li have already eaten upstairs."


"That's fine too."

"Lest we smoke and drink to affect others."

After everyone took their seats, Yang Zhenhuai poured wine for Lu Fei himself.

"Boss, what does today's meal mean?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.


"You're such a carefree kid. It's rare for everyone to get together. What's the point of just having a meal?"


"The interesting thing is that we thank you on behalf of the soldiers."

"Thanks to the medicinal formula you provided, my brothers' physical condition has been significantly improved."


During the military competition, we gained face for our Wulong Brigade. Yang Zhenhuai said.


"This is what I should do."

"Not only these, but also our retired brothers are living a good life because of your help."

"This is a great thing with immeasurable merit!" Mo Jianfei said.

Lu Fei stood up holding the wine glass and said.

"Speaking of which, I, Lu Fei, should be the one thanking all the bosses."

"With the help of these brothers, I have no worries. This is all thanks to the help and recommendation of the bosses."

"Especially Lang Lijing, whom Boss Mo recommended to me, is simply a treasure!"

"Boss Mo, I have to toast you, and I'll do it first."

After drinking a glass of wine, everyone sat down again, Duan Yanhong took a bite of food and said.

"Lu Fei!"

"There's something I don't understand."

"After everyone took the medicated diet formula you gave me, the initial effect was very significant."

"After two months of use, there was no noticeable improvement."

"What's happening here?"

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Of course."

"That prescription has two functions."

"The first is to treat the old injuries that everyone has accumulated through years of training."

"Such as muscle injuries, strains, arthritis, rheumatoid and other symptoms."

"The second is to enhance physical fitness and promote strong bones."

"If these problems are solved, the results will naturally improve."

"However, after these stubborn diseases are cured, this prescription will be useless."

"So now if you continue to take it, those herbs are just seasonings."


"turn out to be

So! "

"However, after everyone ate the self-heating hot pot you brought this time, the reaction was quite strong."

"After using it for these days, the soldiers reported that not only can they quickly get rid of fatigue, but their spirit and strength have also improved significantly."

"Especially the cold resistance effect is very significant."

"Is this the new formula you developed working?" Mo Jianfei asked.

"That's right!"

"The medicated self-heating hot pot I brought this time is an upgraded version of the previous medicated food."

"Its biggest effect is to relieve fatigue, enhance immunity, and help sleep."

"By ensuring these, soldiers will be less likely to get sick, and colds and fevers can almost be avoided."

"When your energy and energy are raised, the training effect will naturally improve."

"As for resistance to cold, that's one of the effects."

"I told Boss Su before that our series has exclusive formulas for the four seasons."

"It resists cold in winter, prevents dryness in spring, and resists moisture in summer. The effect is very significant."

"We have done experiments and found that this formula can withstand the severe cold of minus 35 degrees in winter." Lu Fei said.


"You are indeed a miracle doctor, you really have a way!"

"So what, but there is some trouble in front of us." Su Donghai said slightly embarrassed.

Lu Fei was stunned and asked nervously.

"What's wrong?"

"Are there any side effects?"


"I use all natural wild medicinal materials, there are absolutely no side effects!"

"Hey, don't be nervous. With your medical skills, how can there be any side effects!"

"I would say it's too little."

"Currently we have over a thousand soldiers in our base."

"The 30,000 bales you brought are almost gone."

"The effect is so good, if not

Wouldn't it be a shame to continue using it? "

"What we mean is, can you get some more for everyone to continue eating?"

After hearing what Su Donghai said, Lu Fei took a deep breath and relaxed immediately.

Putting down the wine glass, he leaned lazily on the chair, crossed his legs and said with a smile.

"You scared me just now. I thought something big had happened!"

"Hey, this is a big deal!"

"The soldiers are in great spirits these days."

"The training effect has been significantly improved. Even if the intensity increases, the soldiers can handle it."

"This is all thanks to the self-heating hot pot you brought!"

"What you Chinese medicine talks about is to treat the disease, remove the root and completely remove the disease."

"At this juncture, we can't run out of stock!"

"At the very least, we should let everyone take two courses of treatment, right?" Duan Yanhong said.


"I understand what the bosses mean."

"You want me to get another batch for everyone to eat, right?"


"You are still smart, you can show it through at first glance!"

"That's what I mean."

"As long as everyone's physique is improved, we will go to the top to ask for your credit."

"You see the stock is about to be out of stock. When will you deliver the next batch?" Mo Jianfei said.

"How much do you think we need?"

"Well, you are a miracle doctor, and we don't understand how much it takes to completely improve your physique."

"But I think, of course, the more the merrier."

"How much do you think is appropriate this time?"


"That's easy to say."

"We have the most advanced assembly line, which can produce continuously in three shifts, 24 hours a day."

"As long as your money is available, I will supply whatever you want."

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