A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1778 High Cost

The leaders of the fifth brigade set up a banquet for Lu Fei.

During the dinner, the five big guys complimented Lu Fei very much, but when Lu Fei mentioned the word money, their expressions suddenly dropped.

"Xiao Fei, can you please stop talking about money all the time?"

"This is a great opportunity for you to be rewarded for your meritorious service. You should perform well!"

"Besides, you have more money than you can spend."

"If we raise 100 billion to establish a foundation for China's archeology, can't we provide some benefits to our brothers?" Duan Yanhong said.


"Boss Duan, you really can stand and talk without pain in your back!"

"I, Lu Fei, am rich, but my money, Lu Fei, did not come from strong winds."

"What's wrong?"

"Do I deserve to die if I have money?"

"Hey, don't get me wrong, you know that's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"As for my foundation, I founded it under the banner of Mr. Kong."

"It's not just a contribution to archaeology, but more of a memorial to Kong Lao."

"Because Mr. Kong was kind to me, I, Lu Fei, am repaying my kindness, do you understand?" Lu Fei said.

"Xiao Fei, you are a bit heartless when you say that."

"From the Dragon King to the brothers, everyone treats you well!"

"Since you founded the foundation for Mr. Kong, you should also treat us with a bowl of water!" Yang Zhenhuai said.

Lu Fei suddenly sneered when he heard this.


"You say I have no conscience?"

"To put it bluntly, where is your conscience?"

"Why didn't you say I had no conscience when I, Lu Fei, led the Five Dragons to perform meritorious service and receive an award?"

"When I donated the formula to the Five Dragon brothers to improve their physical fitness and make everyone's training level improve by leaps and bounds, why didn't you say I had no conscience?"

"Your brothers have retired and don't have a suitable home. I, Lu Fei, will accept everything and give them the best treatment. Why don't you say anything?"

I have no conscience? "

"When I come back this time, I specially bring 30,000 bags for everyone to try for free."

"But you are going to extravagance and want me to give you free gifts. You are already very young. Can you please show off your face?"

"Hey, why don't we go outside and say the exact words we just said, and let all the brothers comment on whether I, Lu Fei, have no conscience, or your hearts have turned dark."

Lu Fei's quarrel made the five bosses blush with shame.

Su Donghai glared at Yang Zhenhuai fiercely, turned around and said with a smile.

"Xiao Fei, you are already that kind of person. You need to change your bad temper."

"Lao Yang just used the wrong word. He didn't mean it that way."

"All of us are mainly worried about you."

"Don't you want to do everything possible to make you meritorious so that you can go out and regain your freedom as soon as possible?"

"You have deep pockets. It won't break your bones to make another batch."

"With your ability, if you had gone out a day earlier, wouldn't this loss be nothing more than a loss?"


"So I made the mistake of blaming the bosses?"

"you do not say!"


"In this case, I apologize to the five bosses, am I sorry?"

"Thank you for your concern, but I can solve my own problems."

"As for receiving awards for meritorious service, I am no longer interested in this word."

"Have I not done enough for my previous achievements?"

"But I'm not behind bars yet."

"It's just a year, I don't care."

"As long as Xiang'er stays with me, I'll treat it as a vacation."

"Just take this opportunity to relax." Lu Fei said.

Mo Jianfei handed Lu Fei a cigarette and said


"You kid just keeps your mouth shut and says you don't care. Is that possible?"

"You are not a person who sticks to your duties. There are only two possibilities for you to stay here for a year."

"The first is that you are holding yourself back and going crazy."

"The second thing is that you demolished the base and drove us crazy."

"No matter what happens, it's not what we want to see." .??.??

"To tell you the truth, it's okay to spend money on your self-heating hot pot. We are not short of funds."

"Everyone is mainly worried about you!"

"You kid, don't be ignorant."

Lu Fei nodded.

"Boss Mo said it clearly. I like your character."

"I was indeed angry just now."

"I know everyone cares about me, and I, Lu Fei, am grateful from the bottom of my heart."

"I also know that my incident this time has caused everyone to suffer, and I feel even more guilty."

"So I brought 30,000 bags to distribute welfare to the brothers."

"According to my estimation, these 30,000 packets are enough for the brothers in the base to improve their physical condition."

"Who would have thought that there would suddenly be more than a thousand people!"

"Hey, do you know the cost of this pack of self-heating hot pot?"

"In order to ensure that my brothers eat safely, I use only top-quality ingredients."

"The medicinal materials are pure wild medicinal materials."

"Even high-temperature disinfection is equipment imported from Germany."

"After all, the cost of each pack is nearly two hundred yuan."

"That is to say, the gifts I gave alone during this trip cost more than six million!"

"Boss, I'm not giving you a gift, I'm giving you blood, okay?"

"If you want me to continue to give you away for free, you might as well kill me."

"Such a high cost?" Su Donghai asked in surprise.



These are all real materials! "

"However, the high cost is mainly due to the safety of the brothers."

"When our products are launched into the market next month, the cost will definitely be lowered."

"By then, the retail price should be around forty-five yuan."

"But the effect and quality are simply not comparable to what I brought this time." Lu Fei said.


"Do you want to export?"

"That's what you said."

"Li Yunhe monopolized the medicinal material market to ensure the supply of medicinal materials, and opened a medicinal package processing factory with a total investment of more than 500 million."

"Xiang'er acquired three food factories, imported equipment, etc., with a cost of 700 million."

"We invest so much and don't face the market. Aren't we sick?"

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the five bosses became nervous.

"Well, according to the rules, if you sell overseas, we can't take goods from you."

"How can this be done?"

"Get the goods from me?"

"Are you kidding? I didn't plan to supply it to you in the first place!"

"I brought 30,000 bags as a gift to everyone. Don't overthink it."

"Besides, we are not in the military industry, so even if we are supplying goods, we don't have the qualifications!"

"Okay, let's put this aside and let's continue drinking."

"Come, let me toast you."

Lu Fei toasted, but no one raised their glasses.

"Hey, drink!"

"Just wait a moment."

"It would be a waste not to supply us with such a good formula."

"You kid can't do this." Su Donghai said.

"No, Boss Su, what do you mean?"

"We are doing business legally outside, why don't you want to interfere?"

"Aren't you being too unreasonable?"

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