A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1794 Frustrated

After hanging up the phone from Murray, Lu Fei laughed.

The dog head in the zodiac is just an excuse. Murray's original intention in making the call was to go to the UK by himself.

The ultimate goal of leading him there is nothing more than the Seven-Star Sword in his hand.

There are two results, control yourself and then threaten.

The other is to make good friends with yourself and exchange benefits.

For the seven-star sword of the Thomas family, no matter what the purpose was, he had to go to England.

This trip has long been in Lu Fei's plan.

Unexpectedly, the reason for going to England came from Thomas Murray.

This is a bit interesting.

We must go to the UK, but the most important thing right now is to leave here and regain our freedom.

This is quite difficult and requires long-term planning.

There was nothing to say all night. From the next morning, Lu Fei's phone calls never stopped. They were all New Year's greetings from friends from all over the world.

Lu Fei's busyness aroused Chen Yunfei's extreme dissatisfaction.

"Gui'er, you have more phone calls than me. Don't ask for fame."


"Lu Fei has many business partners. It would be inappropriate to neglect any of them, so don't blame him." Chen Xiang said.

"I haven't talked about you yet."

"You are my granddaughter, there is no need to accommodate him everywhere, you."

"I'm sorry grandpa, let me answer the phone first!"

"Hey, happy New Year."


"A raccoon dog of the same breed"

After the second day of the Lunar New Year, the base resumed training.

The old man was bored, so he endured it for another day and asked Lu Fei to send a helicopter to Jincheng for recuperation. Lu Fei and Chen Xiang resumed their honeymoon time again.

In the next two days, the two went into the mountains to hunt during the day and came back at night. Lu Fei taught Chen Xiang the theoretical knowledge of helicopters.

The young couple lived a fulfilling and warm life.

On the early morning of the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Qian Chaoyue called.

"Brother Fei!"

"My grandpa is back."

"How is your grandpa's health?"

"Have you found the meteorite?" Lu Fei asked.

"My grandpa said that the medicine you gave him was quite effective. He is in good health. However, the meteorite was not brought back."



"Brother Fei, my grandfather didn't bring the meteorite back, why do you feel so excited?"


"How can I be excited? I'm obviously just worried, okay?"

"Tell me the specific situation. Why didn't you bring the meteorite back?" Lu Fei asked.

"I don't know this, and his old man wouldn't tell me this!"

"My grandfather came back early in the morning, had a bite to eat and then went to the courtyard for a meeting."

"I'll inquire for you and let you know immediately if there's any news." Qian Chaoyue said.

"Okay, please."

"By the way, you and I know this, and we are not allowed to tell anyone."

"Including Su He!"

"It's such a secret, Brother Fei, what are you going to do?"

"Cut the nonsense!"

"Anyway, this matter is very important to me. I'll explain it to you when I get the chance."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei immediately called Zhang Jianguo again.

"Old Zhang, you go to the island country immediately."

"I have made arrangements over there. You can find a way to send a few things to Jincheng for me to give to Wang Xinyi."

"Be quick and don't go through customs."

"How can I bring it back without going through customs?" Zhang Jianguo asked.

"That's your business, I just want the results."

"Get it done right away!"

"All right!"

"You are the boss and you are awesome!"

This morning, Lu Fei had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

After breakfast, at Chen Xiang’s urging, I changed into equipment and prepared to go into the mountain.

As soon as the two went downstairs, a military off-road vehicle drove in.

The car door opened, and it was Mo Jianfei, the boss of Qiulong, who got out.

After being out for a week, Lao Mo lost weight twice and his skin became a lot darker.

He got out of the car and went straight to the combat command room with a serious look on his face.

Chen Xiang was asked to get on the helicopter to familiarize himself with its functions, and Lu Fei quickly chased after him.

Entering the war room, five big bosses including Su Donghai and Yang Zhenhuai were there.

"I go!"

"It's only been a week, Old Mo, why do you have such a tan?"

"Hey, you've made great achievements, why don't you seem happy?" Lu Fei asked.

"Meritorious service?"


"This trip has been so fucking frustrating." Mo Jianfei said angrily.


"what's the situation?"

"The meteorite was not found?"

"Don't mention it."

Mo Jianfei calmly recounted his trip to South Africa.

Lu Fei and the others made a good analysis. Not only China, but also many powerful countries received the news of the meteorite landing and rushed to South Africa as soon as possible.

According to satellite signals, the meteorite landed on Mount Tabana, the highest mountain in South Africa.

By the time Mo Jianfei and the others arrived, scientific expedition teams from more than a dozen countries had already entered the mountain.

The magnetic field in that wicked place is so strong that helicopters cannot get there at all.

Moreover, the mountain is steep and it is difficult to walk up the mountain.

In addition, we have to take care of Qian Guoguo, a gang of old men who are not much faster than a turtle.

The most ridiculous thing is that when I was about to continue searching early the next morning, I got lost by accident.

Due to the influence of magnetic field

, the compass and various instruments almost all failed, and even the satellite phone had no signal.

We can only rely on the horned dragon warriors to find the accurate route based on their experience.

Fortunately, the well-trained Qiulong team members are quite reliable.

After four hours of searching, I finally got back on track.

But the team that was already lagging behind now has no advantage at all.

On Mount Tabana, which is more than 3,800 meters above sea level, the Chinese scientific expedition team searched persistently for two days and finally found the crater.

But when they arrived at their destination, the area around the crater had been completely blocked by American soldiers.

The reason was that during the search for meteorites, American soldiers were attacked by local indigenous people, and two team members were seriously injured.

This is a common trick used by Americans. Everyone knows it, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Because in this case, people do have the right to block the scene, unless you have direct evidence that they are self-directed and staged a farce.

Of course there is no evidence, and it is impossible to find other ways to sneak in. I can only wait for others to resolve their personal grudges.

After waiting for three hours, the American soldiers finally lifted the blockade and evacuated with two wounded soldiers in frustration.

The Americans said goodbye, and the other scientific expedition teams jumped down into the crater with a diameter of more than 100 meters as if they were on fire.

But only the Shenzhou scientific expedition team couldn't get excited.

According to their analysis, the meteorite was most likely found and taken away by the Americans.

However, that is just an analysis. Before there is any evidence, we still have to look for it.

Under the scorching sun, hundreds of scientific expedition members from all over the world searched for it all day and night, but found nothing.

The next morning, news came that the Americans had held a press conference to show the world two stony-iron meteorites about two centimeters in diameter.

After hearing the news, all the members of the scientific expedition team yelled and cursed angrily.

Mr. Qian Guomin kept shaking his head and sighing, and had no choice but to order the team to retreat.

I came here to take advantage of the excitement, but in the end I could only return home in despair and regret.

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