A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1795 Competitors

I went out for a week and even missed the Spring Festival.

Not only did he get nothing, but he got tanned, which made Mo Jianfei extremely depressed.

Lu Fei and the others comforted him from the bottom of their hearts for a long time before they calmed down.

Coming out of the war room, Lu Fei had an imperceptible smile on his face.

Just as he was about to get on the plane and call Chen Xiang, Xing Shuya's call came in.

Tengfei Pharmaceutical has already been on the right track, and Xing Shuya rarely calls herself.

Especially after the last time we talked things out at her house, the two never contacted each other again.

Now that he suddenly received a call from her, Lu Fei felt a little nervous for no reason.

"Shu Ya, is something wrong?"

"Mr. Lu, it would be more appropriate for you to call me Mr. Xing or call me by my first name."


"Is this necessary?"

"You are my boss and I am your employee."

"This is the most correct title." Xing Shuya said.

"All right!"

"It will be whatever you say."

"By the way, what do you want from me?" Lu Fei asked.

"This morning, the British Ruixin Group held a press conference and appointed Ms. Eiffel Nina as the president of Asia, and will fully enter the Chinese market."

"Ruixin Group, like Feier, is in the pharmaceutical business."

"The product series mainly targets cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocarditis, etc., which are very similar to Mayfair's drugs."

"Their company has developed very fast in recent years, and its strength is not inferior to that of Mayfair Pharmaceuticals."

"Now that they have entered the Chinese market, they may have a strong impact on us."

"More than ten days ago, I received news that they were preparing to knock on the door of the country, but they just held a press conference today. They were obviously prepared."

"We have to take precautions this morning, otherwise we will be quite passive."

"Also, Ms. Nina, the president of the Asian region, is of Chinese descent."

"We investigated her, and the information was not too detailed."


"If you have access, help me investigate so that I can make a detailed response plan." Xing Shuya said.

Lu Fei frowned slightly when he heard this.

Lu Fei had already heard of this Ruixin Group.

Xing Shuya was right, their strength was quite strong.

The quality of the medicines is not inferior to Gene's.

In recent years, they have competed fiercely with Mayfair in foreign markets, but they have not fallen behind at all. They are indeed a difficult opponent.

Their entry into the Chinese market will inevitably have an impact on Tengfei Pharmaceuticals.


"Please call me Mr. Xing."

"Okay, Mr. Xing."

"Leave that Ana to me for investigation."

"Please pay attention. If our dealers have private contact with them, please notify me immediately." Lu Fei said.

"I have already arranged what you mentioned."

"No similar situation has been found so far."


"I believe in your ability, and I feel confident leaving Tengfei Pharmaceuticals to you."

"Mr. Lu, this is the situation."

"You have nothing else to do, I have to work."

"Wait a moment!"

"Do you have anything else?" Xing Shuya asked.

"Shuya, Happy New Year!"


Before Xing Shuya could speak, Lu Fei had already hung up.

Looking at her mobile phone, Xing Shuya bit her lips lightly, her eyes suddenly moistened.

After getting on the plane, Lu Fei dialed Lang Lijing's phone number.

"Sister, please pay attention."

"The British Ruixin Company held a press conference this morning to prepare to enter the Chinese market.


“They appointed a president for Asia named Eiffel Nina, an Asian woman.”

"I want all the information about this woman. The more detailed it is, the better I can make an appointment."

"No problem, I'll send it to you as soon as I find it."

"Husband, Xinyi called me just now and was talking about Ruixin Group."

"How about I go back and help them deal with it?" Chen Xiang asked.

"No, just feel free to have fun here."

"My wife has to worry about such a trivial matter. Am I not a failure?"

"You continue to familiarize yourself with the functions, and I'll make another call!"



"Didn't it delay your date?" Lu Fei asked.

"of course not."

"Nothing is as important to me as your phone call."

"Fei, let me guess, you must be looking for me because of the Ruixin Group, right?" Jean asked.

"That's right!"

"Tell me, what is the origin of this company?"

"How strong are they?"

"Ruixin Company is the property of the Peter family."

"The Peterl family is a well-established family in the pharmaceutical industry and has been running pharmaceutical companies for hundreds of years."

"Before, their family focused on drug research and development, and their business could only be described as average."

"But five years ago, their family attracted investment, expanded production scale, and the R\u0026D team became stronger."

"In just one year, Ruixin Group has developed into the largest pharmaceutical company in the UK."

"It took two years to become the strongest in Europe. It has many brand series, but the most famous one is the cardiovascular series."

"Their company has been very popular in the past two years, and its current market value exceeds 50 billion euros."

"The strength really cannot be underestimated." Jean said.

"So, their strength is far inferior to yours."

"But why do you allow them to develop to this point?"

"You know, they are huge competitors to your family!" Lu Fei asked.


"You know, Mayfair is just one of our family businesses."

"We didn't pay much attention to Ruixin before, but when we realized that the target was wrong, they had already become the climate."

"However, in the U.S. and South American markets, their company cannot yet compare with ours."

"Gene, I don't care about your competition."

"What I'm worried about is how much impact they will have on me when they enter China." Lu Fei asked.

"Fei, I can't promise you this."

"But there's one thing I'm curious about."

"In the past two years, countless pharmaceutical companies in China have negotiated with Ruixin and planned to become the general agent in China."

"But due to China's policies and many restrictions on medicine, Ruixin never agreed."

"I didn't expect that they would suddenly enter the Chinese market independently. I was very surprised when I heard the news."

"I was still thinking just now. I guess they must have seen that your agent for our brand has received a particularly good response in China, so they decided to give it a try."

"In the final analysis, you are still too arrogant." Gene said.

After hearing what he said, Lu Fei also nodded.

What Jean said was a bit harsh, but it was probably the truth.

Since I became the agent of Mayfair Pharmaceuticals, I have made a lot of money and almost formed a monopoly in this series.

These are not secrets, and Ruixin Company can certainly see them.

Their products are not inferior to Mayfair in terms of quality or reputation. If they enter the Chinese market, their prospects are still very optimistic.

Since you have this plan, there is no need to recruit a general agent. You can make more money by sending someone to operate independently.

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