A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1804 Add fire

Dong Jianye expressed his congratulations, but he met a real person, which made Boss Dong quite embarrassed.

"My old Dong is no better than you. I don't have anything valuable in my body."

"What are you planning to achieve?" Dong Jianye asked.


"I don't need anything, and we don't need money. Don't think we are so vulgar."

"If I want something practical from you, of course it must be something you can do and it must be something special."

"What do you think."

"As long as I can do it, it's absolutely fine."

Lu Fei chuckled and whispered something in Dong Jianye's ear.

Dong Jianye suddenly changed his color after hearing this.


"Gun license?"

"Lu Fei, you kid are crazy!"

"What are you shouting for? What are you shouting for?"

"What's all the fuss about?"

"Xiang'er comes from a military family, and I am the chief instructor of the Five Dragons Brigade."

"She is my wife, what's wrong with getting a gun license?" Lu Fei said.

"Hey, are you stupid here?"

“Can a gun license be obtained casually?”

"Besides, the eldest lady doesn't know how to shoot!"

"Let's stop joking, okay?" Dong Jianye said with a grimace.

"Old Dong, I really am not kidding you."

Lu Fei said as he took out his phone, clicked on a video and pushed it over.

"Look at this, this is a video of Xiang'er shooting target."

"The hit rate of a pistol is as good as that of a police officer."

"Semi-automatic, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, etc., Xiang'er can use them all."

"This level is definitely good."

"Besides, Xiang'er has a stable and reserved personality. Do you think she will cause trouble with a gun?"

"Old Dong, I really don't want to make things difficult for you."

"Get a gun license for Xiang'er just for self-defense."

"You know the situation in Changshanyu Reservoir best."

"With so many of us trying our best to rescue, Wang Xinyi almost died.


"To be honest, I'm really scared."

"Wang Xinyi used to be your subordinate. She is not a weak woman. It is not easy for ordinary robbers to kidnap her."

"That's it. Wang Xinyi almost had an accident, let alone Xiang'er."

"I am traveling all year round and have so many enemies."

"I really don't want what happened to Wang Xinyi to happen to Xiang'er again."

"Get her a gun license just for self-defense. I guarantee she won't mess around."

"If an accident occurs, I, Lu Fei, will bear the responsibility."

"Do you think it's okay?"

Chen Xiang, who was preparing a fruit plate in the restaurant, couldn't help but get wet when she heard Lu Fei's words.

"Old Dong, we have known each other for such a long time, and I have never said anything to you so seriously."

"This time, I am begging you as a buddy, can you help me?"

"Any department can record Xiang'er's file, as long as you help me get this certificate." Lu Fei said.

Dong Jianye thought for a while and nodded slightly.


"For the safety of the eldest lady, I did this."

"Give me a week and I will send you the documents then."



"Just wait, I'll cook the food myself, and let's have a drink."


"You're just a snobbery kid. You usually treat me coldly and coldly."

"Ask me to do something, and immediately change your face."

"It's really shameless of you to do this, let me tell you."

Chen Xiang was asked to drink tea and chat with Dong Jianye, while Lu Fei cooked some game meat himself.

After the delicacies were placed on the table, Lu Fei took out the Ge family's aged wine.

"Old Dong, this is the 500-year-old wine of the Ge family. The old man is reluctant to drink it."

"Brother, that's enough for today."


"You're not going to put drugs in your wine, are you?" ??

"I'm really not used to being so attentive to me all of a sudden!"

"Old Dong, do you know what you feel like this?"


"I'm telling you, you are a bitch and you can't stand others being nice to you."

"Your uncle."

The three of them chatted while eating.

After Chen Xiang had eaten her fill, she said goodbye and returned to the room.

Lu Fei was the only two people left in the restaurant. Dong Jianye handed Lu Fei a cigarette and said with a smile.

"Do you know why I'm looking for you?"


"It's not hard to guess. It must be a meteorite?"


"Hey, what are your plans?" Dong Jianye asked.

"You don't know what I planned?"

"But forget it if you know it, but don't tear down my platform!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for falling out."

"Beat sex!"

"You were begging me to do something just now, but now you have changed your face. You are like a chameleon." Dong Jianye said.

"Hey, do you think these two fires are useful?" Lu Fei asked.

Dong Jianye shook his head and said.

"I don't think the heat is enough."

"If you can add more fire, I guess everything will be safe."


"I see."

"Here, let me toast you."

After drinking this glass of wine, Dong Jianye's mission for this trip will be over.

Although the two spoke in general terms, they had already reached a tacit understanding in their hearts.

"Old Director, have you heard of the British Ruixin Group that recently competed with us?"

"Of course I have."

"This company has already set up an office in Tiandu, and the head office will be established soon."

"Dude, let me remind you, this company has quite a few connections at the top."

"As far as I know, they have reached cooperation intentions with dozens of hospitals in first- and second-tier cities."

"Once the company is established, it will definitely be your biggest competitor." Dong Jianye said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"That doesn't matter. Only with competition can we develop."

"We are serious businessmen, and I will never use underhanded tactics to deliberately cause trouble."

"It's just that I always feel like there's something wrong with their Asia CEO Eiffel Nina."

"As for what's wrong, I can't tell."

Lu Fei said, opened his phone, found Nina's photo and handed it over.

"Take a look, have you seen this woman?"

Dong Jianye chuckled.

"You are just psychologically sensitive."

"Such a large group is preparing to enter the Chinese market. We have already investigated all aspects of their business."

"I also checked this Nina, and she is indeed American-Chinese."

"The admission files and graduation thesis are all true."

"Besides, I promise I have never seen this woman."

Lu Fei smiled.

"To be honest, I haven't seen it either."

"But I just feel like something is wrong."

"Forget it, drink!"


"You just think she's too beautiful, and you're a little distracted."

"I'm warning you, buddy, you're just telling me this."

"If the eldest lady hears it, it will be very painful for you."

"Depend on!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Am I, Lu Fei, that kind of person?"


"It is difficult to draw bones when painting a cat or a tiger. You know the person but not the heart!"

"You kid is surrounded by pretty girls, so it's not impossible for someone who is close to black people to be black!"

"Get out!"

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