A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1805 Everything is difficult at the beginning

In the restaurant, the two made some jokes, and Dong Jianye's face suddenly turned serious.

"Lu Fei, we have always had a good relationship as buddies."

"You ask me for help, and I always refuse."

"It's just the two of us today. I have something to ask you, buddy."

"I hope you can be honest with me."

"You ask!"

"I tell you everything I know!"

"Okay, enjoy it."

"Let me tell you, buddy, who is your mother?" Dong Jianye asked.

Lu Fei was startled when the topic suddenly changed to his mother.

"Maybe you don't believe it, and I don't know much about it."

"I only met my mother twice. All I know about her is that she has an Australian household registration and is a very powerful investment businessman."

"I don't know what the strength of their family is."

"But what is certain is that he is at least much stronger than me." Lu Fei said.

Dong Jianye nodded and said.

"I believe this."

"As far as we know, not to mention overseas, even your mother's family's assets in China are astronomical."

"Depend on!"

"Are you investigating my mother?"

"Don't make a fuss. This is our duty."

"I'm not investigating your mother, but I want to find out about their assets in China."

"However, we have no malicious intent. We are just preventing vicious incidents from happening and causing huge property losses to China."

"Don't be nervous, everything seems to be normal at the moment."

"It's okay to understand normally, but don't look for trouble!"

"After all, your boss is quite unhappy with me." Lu Fei said.

After taking a sip of wine, Dong Jianye continued.

"I have one more question."

"Depend on!"

"Where do you get so many problems!"

"Lu Fei, this question is very important, you must answer me."

"Brother, I just want to know, does the seven lives you took on the night you killed Lei Kaifu have anything to do with your mother?"


\u003e Hearing this question, Lu Fei's heart suddenly tightened, but he remained silent on the surface.

"Dong Jianye, are you still finished?"

"You doubted me at first, and now you doubt my mother."

"Are you sick?"

"Now I'm fucking doubting whether you were sent by Zhao Yuanchao to disgust me on purpose."

"Force me to confess and then punish me, right?" Lu Fei said with a serious face.

Dong Jianye kept staring into Lu Fei's eyes, and when Lu Fei finished speaking, he suddenly laughed.

"Beat sex!"

"Don't think that I'm as dirty as you."

"I just want to hear you tell the truth, yes or no!"


"of course not."

"If my mother had that kind of ability, would I still have to face the wall and think about my mistakes now?"



"Brother, I believe you."

"From now on, I promise not to mention this again."

"But please remember your answer today."

"I treat you as a friend, but you must not treat me like an idiot."

"Otherwise, I would be very sad."

The topic was brought to an end, and the two continued to drink and chat.

After the banquet was over, Dong Jianye and his two men left the base overnight.

"Boss, what did Lu Fei say?"

"Does he agree to hand over the meteorite?"


"It's not easy for Mr. Qian to show up. My face is of no use."

"Lu Fei is like the stone in the latrine, smelly and hard."

"Trying to reason with him is like playing harp to an ox," Dong Jianye said.

"Then how do we explain to Mr. Zhao?"


"Of course I'm telling the truth."

"My director

Jianye is so capable and unable to complete this task. "

"If he doesn't believe it, let him send someone else over to try."

"Let's go back to Tiandu."


After Dong Jianye left, Lu Fei leaned on the sofa and thought for a while.

At ten o'clock sharp, Lu Fei updated his Weibo again.

There are three photos posted above.

The first one is a Western Han Dynasty paint-painted screen.

The second picture is an ivory cup from the Shang Dynasty.

The three pieces on the ground are the Dak Ding of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Beyond that, there is not a single word.

After the sending was completed, Lu Fei turned off his phone directly.

I went to the room to take a look at Chen Xiang who was sleeping, and then returned to the living room to watch the ball game.

Uncle Lu is leisurely and contented, but the Internet is exploding.

"Lu Fei updated Weibo again."

"Look, the things in the photos seem to be antiques!"


"The thing Lu Fei showed off is a super baby."

Fu Yuliang, the boss of Zhongzhou Museum, was preparing to take a shower when a call came in from his employee.

"Xiao Gao, is there something wrong at this late hour?"

"Director, Lu Fei has updated his Weibo."

"You, please take a look quickly!"

"What's wrong?"

"What kind of behavior are you doing?"

"Director, you'd better hurry up and take a look!"

“You’ll understand when you see the photo.”

After hanging up the phone, Fu Yuliang clicked on Lu Fei's Weibo.

Seeing the three photos above, Lao Fu jumped up from the sofa as if he had seen a ghost.

When I took another closer look, I suddenly got goosebumps all over my body.

"What the hell!"

"Western Han Dynasty paint-painted screen, how is this possible?"


"Well, how come this ivory cup looks like the Shang Dynasty ivory cup in the Zhongzhou document!"

Fu Yuliang turned on the computer and immediately searched for information.


br\u003e Found the record of the Shang Dynasty ivory cup in the Zhongzhou Museum documents and compared it. After the comparison, Fu Yuliang was shocked.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he immediately dialed Guan Haishan's number.

"Mr. Guan, something big has happened."

Early the next morning, Lu Fei officially taught Chen Xiang how to fly a helicopter.

After sitting in the driver's seat and hesitating for a long time, Chen Xiang was nervous and sweating profusely.

"Husband, I don't dare!"

"What are you afraid of?"

"We have demonstrated it so many times before, just treat it as if you are practicing on the ground, don't be nervous!" Lu Fei said.

"But that's not the same at all!"

"It doesn't matter how you practice on flat ground."

"But if something unexpected happens after we fly, we..."


"Don't worry, I'm right next to you!"

"Believe in your own abilities and don't hesitate."

"I've told our fortunes. We are both destined to be rich and wealthy. There is absolutely no way we will die young."

"Come on, don't be nervous."

With Lu Fei's constant encouragement, Chen Xiang finally nodded and started the engine.

Following the steps practiced countless times before, the luxury helicopter finally left the ground and took off.

"Relax, don't be nervous."

"Don't be nagging. The more you do this, the more nervous I will become."

"Well, I won't tell you, my wife is the best."

All beginnings are hard.

Chen Xiang has practiced the theoretical knowledge and operational procedures countless times on the ground.

As long as you take the first step, the rest will be easy.

Ten minutes later, Chen Xiang's nervousness disappeared.

What replaced it was unprecedented excitement.


"I succeeded."

"I finally succeeded."

"Hey, pay attention to navigation and don't fly out of the base."

"Fly out, your husband and I will break out of prison!"

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