A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1807 It’s a Deed

Guan Haishan was so angry that he wanted to fight Lu Fei, but thanks to the hard persuasion of Jia Yuan and others, he gave up.

Jia Yuan smiled slightly.

"I'm surprised. There's never a time when you two meet without bickering."

"You two should find a master to see if your horoscopes are incompatible!"


"A poisonous tongue and a powder keg."

"These two have always been incompatible."

"Baolan Fei is still young and can still roar, but Mr. Guan, you are not young at all."

"It's always like this. Sooner or later, I'll be pissed off!"


Everyone laughed and the atmosphere immediately relaxed.

The veterans took their seats, Jia Yuan said.

"Lu Fei, we are all old friends. No one intentionally harmed you."

"Tell us the truth, where did those three photos come from?"

"I slapped."

"Can you tell me where it was filmed?"

"There's nothing to hide."

"Bao Bao Contest, Yoshida Ohno mortgaged all his properties."

“Among them, the Dade Museum is mortgaged to Baihua Bank.”

"After the treasure fight ended, I took over the Dade Museum from Mr. Di."

"These three objects are kept in the museum's vault."

“So now these are my personal collection.”

"My channels are transparent and the procedures are complete. Isn't this a crime?" Lu Fei asked.

"Is everything you said true?"


"Do I need to lie to you?"


"Besides these three national treasures, what else is there?" Guan Haishan asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you trying to trick me?"

"Is it none of your business?"

"Depend on!"

"Did I throw your son into a well in my last life?"

"You can't tell me properly

Words? "Guan Haishan said with a dark face.

"It's not that I don't talk to you properly, it's just that there's something wrong with your question."

"Whether there are, and how many there are, those are the core secrets of our museum, are you asking?" Lu Fei said.


"Is it okay if I don't ask?"

"Let's not talk about whether there are more, let's talk about these three objects."

"Let me tell you clearly, these three items are all national treasure-level cultural relics, and they are all first-class national treasures."

"It was lost due to various reasons during the Anti-Japanese War."

"If you found it in the Dade Museum, it was probably stolen by Yoshida Ohno and his second grandfather."

"The Western Han Dynasty paint-painted screen is a lost national treasure in the Chang'an Museum."

"The Shang Dynasty ivory cup is an object from the Zhongzhou Museum."

"This is the collection information of these two national treasures. Take a look."

Guan Haishan pushed the two documents in front of Lu Fei, but Lu Fei didn't read them at all.

"What do you mean by letting me see this thing?"

"Don't beat around the bush with me, tell me what you have to say."

"I still have to cook!"

"Hey, take a look first."

"dont see."

"Baby, I can appreciate it at any time. What's the use of reading the information?"


"If you don't want to watch, don't watch."

"I mean, both of these are lost artifacts registered by the museum."

"The treasure has been lost for so many years. Every time we see the information, everyone feels very sad."

"So we are discussing with you whether we can donate these two national treasures and return them to their original owners?" Guan Haishan asked.

"That's it?"


"That's it, do you think?"

"No donation!"



"Don't refuse in a hurry, think about it carefully."

"Not to mention the Dake Ding, these two treasures themselves are cultural relics in the museum's collection."

"Being robbed by little devils before was really a helpless move."

"Now that it's found, it should be returned to its original owner, right?"

"To a hammer!"

"Mr. Guan, you are so shameless, standing and talking without hurting your back!"

“More than hundreds of thousands of cultural relics from China’s collections have been lost overseas?”

"Not to mention the ones that are hidden, there are hundreds of thousands of them on public display abroad."

"According to you, those treasures should be returned to their original owners, but have you got any of them back?"


"You see me, Lu Fei, donating frequently, so you treat me like a weakling, right?"

"Is there anyone like you?"

"Would you like some more Bilian?" Lu Fei said.

"Hey, you can't understand this!"

"Then how do you want me to understand?"

"How much are the four animal heads worth?"

"When your upper lip touches your lower lip and you tremble, you ask me to donate it."

"Okay, I donated it."

"If you Guan Haishan loses his political achievements, what will I, Lu Fei, gain?"

"I told you what I got?"

"I, Lu Fei, lost tens of billions of Chinese coins in vain, and ended up in jail."

"Do you have an idea of ​​what ten billion Shenzhou coins are?"

"I can tell you if you don't count."

"Just you old guys, if you live ten more lifetimes, you won't be able to make so much money."

"But I donated it."

"I donated it for your sake."

"This is already interesting enough!"

"I, Lu Fei, feel that I am worthy of your archaeological community, and even more worthy of each of you."

"In the end, you didn't finish it and still asked me to donate."

"My money is blown by the wind

Are you here? "

“Why should I donate it?”

"Hey, you, Guan Laosan, are the leader in the archaeological world."

"Give me a reason, why should I donate it?"

When Lu Fei shouted, everyone fell silent.

"Tasha Fei, that's not what I said."

"Shut up and listen to me."

"Being a good person and doing things is all about courtesy and reciprocity."

"I, Lu Fei, have paid so much and I don't expect anything of equal value in return. I should at least have respect!"

"I am being ostracized and locked up here, losing my freedom."

"You came here without a word of concern and condolences. You asked me to donate this or that. Do you think it's appropriate?"

"If it were you Guan Laosan, would you feel comfortable?"

"Also, don't talk to me about meritorious service and awards. That's all just flashy."

"I told Mr. Qian a few days ago that I, Lu Fei, am already frustrated."

"What I'm thinking about right now is real benefits, don't use those false names to fool me."

"You can donate it if you want."

"If you have the ability to fish me out, let alone the equal share and the ivory cup, you can even donate the Dake Ding."

"Do you have what it takes?"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the veterans looked at each other and suddenly understood.

"Depend on!"

"We've been talking for a long time, but your boy is waiting for us here!"


"I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"If you want something, fish me out. If you don't have the ability, don't waste your saliva like me." Lu Fei said.

"Hey, if we really can get you out, will you really donate these three national treasures?" Jia Yuan asked.

"I, Lu Fei, keep my word."

"If I can go out within two months, everything will be easy."


"We have an agreement."

"You kid, don't regret it then."

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