A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1808 Strike

After receiving Lu Fei's attitude, Guan Haishan and others hurriedly left the base.

"Lao Wu, you shouldn't have agreed to Bao Lan Fei."

"Someone from above is deliberately targeting him. It's not easy to get him out!"

"It's impossible for us to do it alone," Gong Xiuliang said.

"Fourth brother, you don't have to worry."

"I heard that Mr. Su and Mr. Qian are also looking for ways to get Lu Fei."

"We definitely can't do it alone, but if we join forces with everyone, we may not be without hope." ??

"It's not like you don't understand Lu Fei's temper."

"This is the only way to ask him to donate national treasures, and other methods will not work at all."

Guan Haishan nodded and said.

"Lao Wu is right!"

"It all depends on people. I'll go find Mr. Qian right after I get back."

"You bastard, this damn rag."

"I understand now that when he posted the photos, he was fishing."

"We are his bait!"

"This turtle is really a thief."

On the other side, Dong Jianye returned to Tiandu to report the situation.

Zhao Yuanchao was extremely worried when he learned that Dong Jianye's trip was in vain.

"I don't believe there is no stone-iron meteorite other than Lu Fei."

"Dong Jianye, pass the order and ask all brothers to collect meteorite information."

"If anyone can find the stone iron meteorite, I will give him credit."


At 4:30 p.m., Zhao Yuanchao was getting ready to get off work when Guan Haishan, Jia Yuan, and Zhang Yanhe found the office.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao."

"Mr. Guan, are you okay?"

"That's it, Lu Fei did it yesterday."

"In a word, the three national treasures Lu Fei holds are crucial."

"But Lu Fei just refused to donate it."

"We hope that Mr. Zhao will help go to the higher authorities to speak and see if the punishment for Lu Fei can be reduced."


br\u003e “In exchange for this condition, Lu Fei will definitely agree.”

Zhao Yuanchao chuckled.

"Mr. Guan, you have found the wrong person."

"If you suspect that Lu Fei's treasure is stolen, please make a report and we can intervene in the investigation."

"As for your offer of reduced punishment, you have to discuss this with Mr. Pan!"

"Mr. Zhao, to be honest, Mr. Pan said that he proposed to reduce Lu Fei's punishment at the meeting last time, but you did not agree."

"That's why we came to discuss this with you."

"Lu Fei did commit a serious crime, but he can redeem himself with meritorious service!"

"These three important treasures have been lost for decades, and they are all national treasure-level cultural relics."

"Especially the inscriptions on the ivory cup and the Dake Tripod are of great significance to chronological research."

"I hope Mr. Zhao will put the overall situation first and help me!"

After hearing what Guan Haishan said, Zhao Yuanchao couldn't help but grit his teeth and cursed Pan Xingzhou, an old fox, for being too smooth.

At the same time, he hated Lu Fei even more.

Before this, no one dared to lead him by the nose.

But just because of Lu Fei, the Geological Compound of the Academy of Sciences is at loggerheads with him.

Before it was settled over there, the archaeological team joined in the fun again, making themselves upset.

The current situation is all thanks to Lu Fei.

However, although there is resentment in the heart, it cannot be shown on the surface.

Zhao Yuanchao nodded and said.

"Mr. Guan, Mr. Jia, please don't get me wrong."

"I didn't target Lu Fei intentionally."

"I am directly under the jurisdiction of the Special Division and shoulder the important mission of stabilizing China. I need to be responsible to the people and leaders."

"The impact of Lu Fei's incident is extremely bad. Punishing him is not only to appease the doubts of the outside world, but also to teach Lu Fei a lesson and sharpen his temper."

. "

"If we release him now, he will be more emboldened."

"In case of a big disaster, our special department will be responsible!"


"Mr. Zhao, we also know something about Lu Fei." .??.

"We know that the island country did not pursue the case, but instead thanked Lu Fei for eliminating harm to the people."

"As for Lu Fei's character, there is no problem."

"We have been in contact with Lu Fei since our master was still alive, and we know his character very well."

"Although he has a bad temper, he can definitely tell the difference between right and wrong."

“Establishing a foundation and donating collections is the best proof.”

"If you are still worried, we can vouch for him, do you think so?" Guan Haishan said.


As soon as Zhao Yuanchao hesitated, Jia Yuan also stepped forward.

"Mr. Zhao, we can also vouch for Lu Fei."

"If Lu Fei gets into trouble again while on bail, we are willing to accept the punishment together."

The three people stood up to vouch for Lu Fei and directly blocked Zhao Yuanchao's words.

Looking at Zhao Yuanchao's face again, he suddenly didn't look good.

After taking a sip of water, Zhao Yuanchao stood up and said.

"How about this!"

"This matter is not as simple as a guarantee. I need to understand Lu Fei's current situation."

"You guys go back first and let me think about it."


"I hope Mr. Zhao will seriously consider it and let's go back first."

"Tomorrow, let's come over again to hear the news!"

Zhao Yuanchao said he would consider it, but he had no such intention at all.

Although he didn't take Lu Fei seriously, he underestimated the determination of the veterans and academicians.

from second

At the beginning of the day, Zhao Yuanchao's office was bustling with people.

The old men of the two academies and the big guys in the archaeological field were following him closely, and they wanted Zhao Yuanchao's attitude.

The more this happened, the angrier Zhao Yuanchao became, and he would not give a clear answer at all.

In this way, it will be lively.

During working hours, the old men accompanied Zhao Yuanchao in the office.

When I got home from get off work, another group of old guys blocked the door.

These are the pillars of the country. Even if Zhao Yuanchao was extremely angry, he would not dare to conflict with them, so he could only swallow his anger.

The one week specified by Qian Guomin for Zhao Yuanchao was up, but the meteorite was still not found in the special department.

As a result, the two institutes went on strike and all scientific research projects were temporarily put on hold.

This move immediately attracted great attention from the No. 3 leader.

Before the leader could understand the specific situation, the Internet became chaotic again.

The two young men appeared in Asan Kingdom and South Korea respectively today.

The name is tourism, but rumors say that Lu Fei is planning to build factories in these two countries to process parts for companies acquired by the island countries.

Although this news has not been confirmed, it has caused high reactions.

At present, Lu Fei has acquired more than 30 companies in the island country, including 21 electronic car and other companies.

The products of these companies are famous all over the world, and their sales are astonishingly large.

Lu Fei said before that building a factory in China would solve hundreds of thousands of jobs once the project starts.

And the annual tax payments are astronomical.

There are now rumors of building factories in other countries. If true, it would be a huge loss to China and even the people.

So when the news came out, people reacted violently.

The business department is even more nervous.

Several leaders went to the base to meet with Lu Fei and wanted a clear answer.

But Lu Fei was vague, and the leaders were in a hurry and there was nothing they could do.

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