A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1811 You will find out tonight

"elder brother!"

"Have you come to see me?"

Hearing Jin'er's voice, Lu Fei felt like a spring breeze.


"I saw you in a meeting, so I didn't bother you."

"elder brother!"

"Why are you like this!" ??

"I miss you so much, can't you wait for me for a while?" Jin'er said resentfully.

"Brother misses you too, but he doesn't want to disturb your work."

"Jin'er, do you have any entertainment tonight?"

"If you have time, I'll treat you to dinner."

"By the way, let me introduce you to your sister-in-law." Lu Fei said.

"My sister-in-law is here too?"



"I have time in the evening. Send me the location and I will definitely be there."


"At six o'clock in the evening, come to my house and I will cook myself."

"Very good."

"I will definitely go, but don't let me go!"


"I keep my word."

"I'll cook you some authentic Sichuan food."

"Thank you bro!"

Back at the villa, Lu Fei was as excited as if he had been given a shot of blood, with a smile on his face all the time.

He took out a pen and paper and wrote down a list of ingredients and gave them to the little milk dog.

"Buy it for me according to the instructions above."

“All materials need to be the best.”

"Brother, do you want to treat me?"

"Stop talking nonsense and just do as you're told!"


"Xiao Lei!"

"Here you are, Brother Fei."

"I asked my family to fly in douban, chili and Sichuan peppercorns. You can pick them up at the airport."

"No, Brother Fei, this thing is transported by air and can be purchased in supermarkets!" Wang Xinlei said.

"Everything in the supermarket is garbage, but the ones from my hometown are the most authentic."

"The plane arrives at three o'clock, don't delay!"

"All right!"

"I'll listen to you."

The two young men looked at each other with confused expressions on their faces.

"Hey, who is my brother going to invite?"


As for whether you take it seriously? "

"How do I know? It's not an ordinary person anyway."

"Look at this posture, it's obvious that he is going to cook himself."

“Even my elder sister can’t enjoy this kind of treatment!”


"Does Brother Fei have a new love?"

"What are you two mumbling about?"

"Why don't you go quickly?"

"Go, go right now."

"Well, brother, just tell us, who are you going to invite?"


"As commanded."

The two young men left in despair, and Chen Xiang walked in.

"Seeing that you are so happy, you must have gone to see Jin'er, right?"


"My wife is smarter."

"I made an appointment with Jin'er to come over for dinner tonight and formally introduce you to her."


"I'm afraid introducing me is not the main purpose, right?"


"All important, all important."

"Okay, you work on your ingredients, and I'll prepare a gift for Jin'er."

"Hey, don't go, stay with me for a while."

"No, all you can think about now is Jin'er. I have no sense of presence here. I went to the shooting range."

"I go!"

"Honey, are you jealous?"

"She is"


"A woman's heart is as deep as the bottom of the sea!"

Two hours later, the puppy was bought back.

As a result, the fresh bamboo shoots, fungus, and pork could not meet Lu Fei's requirements, so he had to make another trip.

This time, the little milk dog was smart and called the chef at home to go with him, and finally met Lu Fei's request.

Wang Xinlei sent back the ingredients flown by air, and Lu Fei dove into the kitchen.

Visits are declined, please prepare carefully.

Lu Fei was so attentive, and the two young men were even more curious.


Sister-in-law, tell us, who is my brother going to invite to dinner? "

"You'll find out tonight."

"do not!"

"I'm so angry, sister-in-law, can you tell us now?"

"Otherwise we will all suffocate to death."

"Really want to know?"


"You'll find out tonight."


"Sister-in-law, you are a bad learner. You were not like this before!" ??


Chen Xiang refused to say anything, and the two young men became even more curious.

For a whole afternoon, they suffered so much that they simply went to the gate to wait.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, a Mercedes-Benz car slowly drove to the door.

The two young men rushed out without asking at the gate.

Lowering the window, Jin'er smiled sweetly.

"Mr. Di, hello Mr. Wang."

"My brother asked me to come over for dinner, can I come in?"

"Okay, okay, of course!"

"My brother is waiting for Mr. Xiao inside!"

"Who is that? Open the door and let him go."

The door opened and Jin'er waved and walked in.

"I'll go ahead and invite Xiao Jin'er after a long time of work?"

"Isn't it so grand?"


"Xiao Yao, do you think there is something going on between my brother and Xiao Jin'er?"

Wang Xinlei nodded solemnly.


"The only person who could enjoy Brother Fei's treatment before was Mr. Chen."

"Now that we are making such a big scene for Mr. Xiao, something is wrong with Jubi!"

"Holy shit!"

"My sister-in-law is still here!"

"How dare my brother be so blatant?"

"This is too much!"

"It's more than excessive, it's simply not human."


"Severe contempt!"

"that's right."

\u003e "Xiao Yao, I feel really sad for your sister!"

"Stop talking, let's go in quickly and see what's going on."


The two young men jumped into the car and followed Jin'er's car back to the villa.

At the gate, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang were already waiting.

The car stopped, and Xiao Jin'er got out of the car and threw herself into Lu Fei's arms.

"Brother, I miss you so much."

After a hug, Jin'er quickly jumped out.

He looked at Chen Xiang with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"This must be my sister-in-law!"

"Hello sister-in-law, don't get me wrong!"

"Lu Fei is my godbrother. I just haven't seen him for a long time and I'm a little excited."

"I really don't mean anything else!"

Chen Xiang smiled and held Jin'er's hand.

"It's okay, I won't mind."

"Hello, sister Jin'er, I'm Chen Xiang."

"Hello, sister-in-law."

"I heard from my brother that my sister-in-law is very beautiful. Today I saw her in real life. She is much more beautiful than I imagined!"

"Sister-in-law, your skin is so good!"

Hearing Jin'er's compliment, Chen Xiang smiled from ear to ear.

"How can I be as good as my sister said!"

"Sister-in-law, I'm not exaggerating at all. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

"My brother is really discerning."

"Okay, you two don't be polite."

"Hurry inside and drink tea, I'll go cook." Lu Fei said.

"Wait a minute, the gift I brought for my sister-in-law is in the car. I'll go get it!"

Back in the car, Jin'er picked up a few handbags.

"Sister-in-law, this is the bag I selected for you. I hope you like it."

"This bag is a silk scarf."

"and this."

"This is the rose essential oil I brought from home."

"This is a pure natural essential oil made by my Rose Manor. It has no added ingredients and is very effective."

"I brought two bottles this time. If my sister-in-law likes it, I will ask my family to send it to me."

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