A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1812 Childhood Memories

Chen Xiang and Jin'er hit it off immediately and came to the living room holding hands.

Lu Fei went to the kitchen to cook, and Chen Xiang handed two brocade boxes to Jin'er.

"Sister, this is a gift from my sister-in-law."

The first brocade box was opened, and inside was a royal purple concubine bracelet, which Jin'er liked very much.

"Sister-in-law, this is too expensive, why are you so embarrassed!"

"Sister, you're welcome."

"This is the material your brother extracted from the stone. It was made by Master Yue Qifeng. I hope my sister likes it."

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

The second brocade box is even more exaggerated, it is a necklace of dongzhu.

The pearls are plump, shiny and beautiful.

"Your brother gave this to you, do you like it?"

"I like it, I like it so much."

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

The sisters chatted while the little puppy Zhang Luo moved the dining table to the courtyard.

Chen Xiang took Jin'er to the wine cellar.

"Jin'er, all the red wine at home is here. You can drink whatever you like!"

"Sister-in-law, you don't have to be so polite. I can do anything."

"You're making me a little nervous."

Chen Xiang nodded slightly, but was very surprised.

Phoenix Villa can be regarded as the top-notch existence in Hong Kong Island and even in the entire China.

With its large area and luxurious facilities, anyone’s first reaction when coming here is surprise and envy.

Not to mention others, even Chen Xiang was very excited when she saw this place for the first time.

But Xiao Jin'er was calm.

Not only the villa, but also the royal purple bracelets and Dongzhu bracelets, as well as the top collections in the wine cellar, Jin'er was not too surprised.

Jin'er being so calm only shows that these luxuries are nothing in her eyes.

Or maybe, this kind of scene is just commonplace for others.

Coupled with the meeting gifts given to him by Lu Fei's mother, Chen Xiang had a new understanding of the strength of the Xiao family.

At the very least, the Xiao family’s strength

His strength far exceeds that of Lu Fei now.

Coming out of the wine cellar, Sichuan dishes cooked by Lu Fei were gradually brought to the table.

The last Dongpo elbow was served, and Lu Fei gathered everyone to sit around.

Lu Fei picked up the wine glass and pointed at Jin'er and said to everyone.

"She is my honored guest tonight."

"Some of you here know me, and some of you don't."

"Let me introduce you solemnly, she is my sister Xiao Jin'er."

"From now on, if we meet each other outside, please take care of me!"


After taking a sip, Jin'er stood up.

"Thank you brother and sister-in-law for your warm hospitality. I hope you will take good care of me."

"Jin'er proposes a toast to everyone."

Put down the wine glasses and everyone chatted while eating.

Zhang Jianguo leaned into the little puppy's ear and whispered.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"When did the boss get such a sister again?"

"I've admitted it a long time ago, fuck sister."

"Fuck sister?"

"She seems more affectionate than my own sister."

"The landlady keeps me company, and the boss cooks the food himself. This is the first time I've seen this style!"

"You're right, but I find it strange too."

"Old Zhang, why don't you ask what's going on?"


"You can pull him down!"

"That's the boss's business, I have nothing to do with it."

After an hour and a half of dinner, Jin'er was full of praise for Lu Fei's cooking.

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang invited Jin'er into the study.

Chen Xiang made tea, and Lu Fei squeezed a glass of orange juice and handed it to Jin'er.

"Brother, how do you know I like drinking orange juice?" Jin'er asked happily.

"You drank two glasses of orange juice last time we went to Hollywood. I guess you liked it."


"Orange juice is my favorite."

"These are oranges produced in our villa, and they taste much better than those from outside."

"Drink slowly. There will still be some left after you finish drinking."

"Thank you bro!"

"Jin'er, there's something I still don't understand."

"We don't meet often, why do you trust me so much?"

"Aren't you afraid that I am a bad person?" Lu Fei asked.

"Of course I'm not afraid!"

"During the treasure fight in Hong Kong, Uncle Long and I watched the live broadcast from the sidelines."

"Every move, word and deed you make is full of a sense of justice. You can never fake that kind of temperament."

"As for why I trust you, I can't tell you."

"I just feel like you are really good to me, and you will never harm me."

"Sister-in-law knows that women's feelings are very accurate," Jin'er said.


"You have such a big heart when you blindly trust someone based on your feelings."

"Jin'er, last time I asked you about your impressions of childhood, you gave a more general description."

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Speaking of this topic, Jin'er sighed slightly.

"When I was young, I almost always studied in my room and rarely went out."


"Everyone in the family is very serious. My grandpa has a straight face every day, which is very scary."

"And my mother, she has a frown on her face every day, and I rarely see her smile."

"Except for Uncle Long, I don't have any friends, so I just rely on reading to pass the time." Jin'er said.

"that's it?"


"Very boring."

Lu Fei thought for a moment, put out his cigarette butt and said.


Jin'er, I'm going to show you something, please wait a moment. "

Lu Fei said as he took out a USB flash drive from his bag and inserted it into his computer, turned on the monitor, and a video appeared on the screen.

The video shows an old, low-rise bungalow.

Red brick walls, asbestos tiles, and many half bricks on the linoleum roof.

Narrow dirt roads and dilapidated stone dams.

Advancing along the dirt road is an old factory.

A piece of solid wood hangs vertically on the left side of the door.

Written in black letters on a white background is Jincheng No. 1 Food Factory.

On the courtyard walls on both sides of the gate are slogans written in large red lacquer characters.

The one on the left is coming to work happily, and the one on the right is returning home peacefully.

Seeing these scenes, Xiao Jin'er frowned slightly and couldn't help but sit up straight.

The camera slowly moves back along the dirt road.

Finally, it was settled on a small square of more than 200 square meters.

There are four thick willow trees on the edge of the square, and there is a huge magpie nest on each tree.

Seeing this, Jin'er looked solemn and clenched her fingers into fists.

Then, the camera angle slowly changes.

An old-fashioned wooden door appeared in front of him.

There is a blackboard made of cement on the wall next to the door.

The blackboard is less than fifty centimeters from the ground, and what is drawn on it is a simple house.

There are a few trees in front of the door, a small river and two extremely abstract little ducks.

Seeing this, Xiao Jin'er's eyes were moist, and she couldn't help but stand up, and slowly walked to the monitor step by step.

At this time, the camera entered the courtyard, swept around the courtyard, and then entered the living room.

The furnishings in the living room are all old solid wood furniture.

There is a picture frame hanging on the yellow wall, and in the picture frame are a dozen old photos.

The camera panned over the photos and finally settled on a family portrait.

Seeing this, Xiao Jin'er covered her mouth and was shocked on the spot.

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