A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1813 Brother and sister recognize each other

Seeing the video played by Lu Fei, Xiao Jiner was shocked on the spot.

"Brother, where was this video taken?"

"Have you seen it?" Lu Fei asked.

Jin'er shook his head slightly and said.

"I have no idea!"

"I probably haven't seen it."

"But the scenes in the video are something I often dream about."

"Especially the graffiti on the blackboard is exactly the same as in my dream."

"Brother, sister-in-law, tell me, am I dreaming now?"

"And that family photo, the woman on it turned out to be my mother."

"What the hell is going on!"

Hearing what Jin'er said, Lu Fei burst into tears.

"Brother, why are you crying?"

"Jin'er, let me tell you, you are not dreaming."

"You have dreamed about these before, because these scenes themselves are engraved in your mind."

"And these scenes are indeed real."

"The graffiti on the blackboard are impressive to you, that's because you drew them yourself!"


"Did I draw it?"

"How can this be?"

"Brother, are you lying to me?"

Jin'er was so frightened that she unconsciously took two steps back.


"I did not lie to you."

"These were indeed painted by you yourself."

"You painted it with your own hands in the autumn seventeen years ago."

"Over the past seventeen years, these patterns have been washed away countless times by rain."

"I have personally helped you recover countless times."

“To this day, those graffiti are still well preserved.”

"Jin'er, you are right to call me brother."

"But I'm not your godbrother, I'm your biological brother!"

"Your real name is not Xiao Jin'er, your father's name is Lu Tianlin, and your real name is Lu Yao."

"The woman in the family photo is indeed your mother Xiao Tingfang."

"Next to me is Lu Tianlin."

"The boy in front is me, and the little girl in the flowered gown and pigtails is you!"


After hearing what Lu Fei said, Xiao Jin'er was completely shocked.

Jin'er stared and retreated to Chen Xiang, grabbed Chen Xiang's hand and asked tremblingly.

"Sister-in-law, what did my brother say?"

"Did he drink too much?"

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

"what is going on!"

"Jin'er, everything your brother said is true."

"Lu Fei is indeed your brother."

"The picture in the video is your home."

"Everything there remains the same as it was when you left, without any change."

"Your brother has been looking for you for seventeen years, and the family has maintained a relationship for seventeen years. He is just worried that you will pass by the house one day and not recognize him!" Chen Xiang said.

"Sister-in-law, you are a good person, you will not lie to me."

"Is everything you said true?"

Chen Xiang nodded, and Jin'er looked at Lu Fei again.

"Jin'er, look at this again."

Lu Fei said, connecting via video to his mother Xiao Tingfang.

"Xiao Fei, why are you crying?"

"Mom, look who I'm with?"

Seeing this, Xiao Jin'er finally believed it.

Ignoring my mother's call, she cried loudly and threw herself into Lu Fei's arms.

"elder brother!"


"I have a brother, I still have a brother!"


"Great, I have a brother."

"Jin'er doesn't cry, don't cry."

"Don't worry, my brother will never be separated from you again."

"Brother will take care of you all your life."

After the excitement, Lu Fei chatted with his mother for a few words and turned off the video.

"Brother, what on earth is going on?"

"Tell me quickly!"


"Brother told you everything."

Lu Fei started smuggling to China from his mother's island country when he was in trouble, and told Jin'er what happened.

Except for the Seven-Star Sword, there is nothing hidden.

Jin'er lay in Lu Fei's arms and listened carefully.

Jin'er laughed out loud when her brother told her about her naughty childhood.

Speaking of the separation of brother and sister, the two brothers held each other's hands and cried.

After chatting for more than an hour, the excitement calmed down.

Pushing Lu Fei away, Jin'er pouted and waved her pink fists to act coquettishly with Lu Fei.

"Brother, you have known that I am your sister for a long time, why did you just tell me today?"

"And mom, you guys are all hiding this from me, it's so annoying!"

"Jin'er is not angry, I just want to give you a surprise."


"You are just bullying me."

"Brother, I want to go back to Jincheng and see my father."

"no problem."

"I'll take you back after brother finishes things here."

"Brother, I still keep the quilt you peed on. I'll keep it as a souvenir for you when the time comes!"


"You're so annoying!"


"Brother, arrange a room for me, I will live here."

"I'm going to be with you these days, don't even think about leaving me alone."

"Of course it's no problem. I wish you all the best."

"This is your home from now on."

"Everything here is yours."

"Whatever you say will be done."

"Now, this is what you said, don't go back on it!"

"No regrets!"

"Okay, I'm going to sleep with my sister-in-law tonight."


"Still so naughty."

"Are you going to agree or not?"

"Promise, I promise you."


"That's pretty much it!"

Lu Fei looked at his watch and said with a smile.

"Your sister-in-law usually takes a break at ten o'clock."

"If you want to sleep with her, you should take a shower now!"

"So early?"

"All right!"

"Then I'm going to take a shower. You can't sneak away!"

"If I don't see you tomorrow morning, I'll never talk to you again."

After chatting for a while, Jin'er reluctantly followed Chen Xiang back to the room.

The door closed, Lu Fei lit a cigarette and leaned on the chair, sobbing silently.

Seventeen years.

My little sister was still a little girl when she was lost.

We recognized each other again, but she was already a grown-up girl.

There are too many regrets in these seventeen years of separation.

But now that we are reunited, all the regrets are no longer regrets for me.

It's a pity that Lao Lu can't see all this.


Suddenly, the intercom rang.

"what's up?"

"Boss, do you have a guest who wants to see you?"


"She said he was a reporter for the British Daily Globe, and his name was Evelyn Rolla."


Lu Fei was surprised when he heard this name.

Lu Fei knows this person.

On the first night of the auction at Tengfei Auction Company, the final auction item was a seven-piece set of Zhengyang Manlu jewelry, with the final transaction price reaching 225 million U.S. dollars.

The owner of this set of sky-high-priced jewelry is Evelyn Lola.

However, in the end, the name engraved on this set of jewelry was Caroline Jotti.

According to the little dog, this Caroline Jyoti is the youngest daughter of the British Earl of West, known as the most beautiful woman in the world.

Although Lu Fei didn't know this woman, the two eldest young men and Bai Zirui flocked to her.

There is definitely something special about the woman who can make these top young men fascinated.

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