A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1814 The goddess visits

Lu Fei was somewhat surprised when Evelin suddenly visited at 10:30 in the night.

Ask Brother Menggang to cut the video at the door, and Evelin's capable figure immediately appears on the monitor.

"Hi, Mr. Lu."

"Still remember me?"

"Of course, respected Ms. Evelin." Lu Fei said.

Evelin smiled slightly.

“Evelin is honored that Mr. Lu can remember me.”

"A friend of mine wants to talk to Mr. Lu about something. Can we meet?"

"No problem, Xiao Song, send Ms. Evelin and her friends in."

"Ms. Evelin, I'll see you later."

"Thank you Mr. Lu."

Turning off the video, Lu Fei went downstairs.

In the courtyard, the two young men and Zhang Jianguo were having supper.

On the grill, the grouper was sizzling and oily, and the three of them drank cold beer from the bottle, which was very comfortable.

"Brother, come and sit down!"

"You eat and don't worry about me."

"Old Zhang, please explain to your brothers."

"From today on, this is Jin'er's home."

"She lived here when she came to Hong Kong Island."

"When I'm not around, she's the owner here."


Hearing what Lu Fei said, the three of them were stunned at the same time.

"Brother, are you kidding me?"

"Is this appropriate?"

"Sister-in-law might get jealous if she finds out."

"Jin'er is my sister."

"I know."

"We all know that Mr. Xiao is your sister, but you can't go too far!"

"We understand, but my sister-in-law may not understand."

"My dear brother, let me tell you, women are always very sensitive to this aspect."

"Jin'er is my biological sister."

"Not even my biological sister!"




"Sister?" The three of them were shocked and asked in unison.

Lu Fei nodded.

"That's right!"

"She is my biological sister who has been separated for seventeen years."

"I already knew before that the main purpose of coming to Hong Kong Island this time is to get to know each other as brothers and sisters."

"Your sister-in-law also knows."


"This matter is kept secret for the time being and is not allowed to be spread."

"Oh my god!"

"Mr. Xiao is actually your biological sister. This, this is incredible!"

"My brother, this is even more bloody than the TV series!"

"No no no!"

"Brother, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean it that way."

"I mean, congratulations on your brother and sister reunion."

"Come, let's toast my brother."

Just as he was talking, two beams of car lights came over.

"You drink slowly, I have a friend to entertain."

"Remember, Jin'er's affairs must not be spread to outsiders."


Phoenix Villa is a forbidden area, and few people usually come here.

Being able to come here late at night, and having Lu Fei personally come downstairs to receive him, who could this be?

The two young men were wondering when the BMW 7 Series sedan had already arrived in front of the door.

Menggang Xiao Song got down from the driver's seat, opened the rear door, and two women got out.

The first person to come down was Evelyn Lola, who was wearing business attire.

On the first night of filming, the two young men also met Evelin.

When he saw her getting out of the car, he was stunned.

Behind Evelin, another girl came down.

This man is about 1.7 meters tall.

Under the white top hat is a head of golden curly hair.

She has skin as clear as jade, big eyes, a high bridge of nose, and impeccable facial features.

Paired with a pure white dress, under the moonlight, she looks as pure and beautiful as an angel.

Seeing this woman, the two young men suddenly felt bad.

The little milk dog is working hard

He swallowed and twisted his arm hard.

Bone-piercing pain came, but the little puppy's face was full of surprise.

The next second, the little puppy dropped the beer bottle and rushed towards the girl at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

"Caroline?" .??.

"why you?"

"do you remember me?"

"We saw it at a charity auction in Ireland!"

The little milk dog read that right.

This girl is Caroline Jyoti, known as the most beautiful woman in the world.

Caroline smiled sweetly, and the little puppy almost fainted.

"Hello, dear Mr. Di."

"Nice to see you on Hong Kong Island."

"Ha ha!"

"You remember me, you really remember me."

"I'm so happy."

"Caroline, are you here to see me?"

"How did you know I was here?"

"If you need help from me, just give me a call. I won't refuse."


Caroline smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to respond.

At this time, Wang Xinlei also rushed up, pulled the little puppy and said eagerly.

"Brother Long, what do you call this beauty?"

"Hurry up and introduce me!"



"You two pay attention to your quality."

"These two are my friends."

"You continue to have midnight snacks."

"Ms. Evelin, let's go inside to talk."


Evelin nodded in greeting and pulled Caroline to follow Lu Fei into the living room.

The two young men stared at Caroline intently and followed her up quietly.

"We have something to talk about, so you don't need to come up."

"don't want!"

"Brother, please let me go up, please."

"I know Miss Caroline very well.

I can help you translate. "

"No, I know English."

"Well, I can make you tea."

"The Kung Fu tea craftsmanship I learned from Second Master has reached the point of perfection."

"I'll show it to them later so that they can see our China's profound tea culture."

"No, we need to talk about things."

"Brother, I promise not to hinder you, can I just listen on the side?"




After being glared at by Lu Fei fiercely, the little naughty dog ​​stood there unwillingly, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

Seeing the long-admired goddess following Lu Fei into the study, the little puppy almost cried.


"Inhumane guy, I hate you so much!"

"Calm down Brother Haron, you are a married man now, you should not have fantasies about any woman."

"However, you can introduce the beautiful woman to me just now, and I will try my best to help you fulfill your long-cherished wish." Wang Xinlei said with a smile.

"Get out!"

"If you dare to taint my goddess, I will kill you."

"Hey, what do you mean your woman?"

"My fair lady is a good gentleman. I am single and I have the right to pursue any woman."

"I fell in love with this woman the first time I saw her."

"I swear, I will never marry her unless I am in this life."

"As a buddy, you should do your best to help me."

"As long as you help me catch that girl, I will be grateful to you forever, little brother."

"Shut up!"

"Brother Long, I'm serious."

"You know that girl, can you tell me her information?"

"go to hell"

In the study, Lu Fei asked the two beauties to sit down.

"Ladies, would you like tea or coffee?"

"Thank you Mr. Lu, let's just have tea."

“I’m really sorry for visiting late at night!”

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